MGMT 451/IT 495
REVISED 9/1/2015
New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT495 (Crosslist)
Fall 2015
Assistant Professor Jim Wolfe
Tel. 703-‐‑220-‐‑9231
Purpose: This fundamental entrepreneurship course is designed as an introduction to new venture creation and the entrepreneurial process. Topics will include screening the opportunity, creating new ventures, evaluating the entrepreneurial team, product launch, financing, and exit strategies. The centerpiece of this course is developing a feasibility study for a new venture that you would consider actually starting.
Learning Objectives: This course is for anyone who plans to participate in the creation, management, financing, or sale of a new venture. Emphasis will be placed on the start-‐‑up business, but we will also examine corporate and nonprofit ventures. Upon completion students should comprehend the language of entrepreneurship; be familiar with the new venture process; understand the distinctions between managerial and entrepreneurial behaviors; and be qualified to join an entrepreneurial team pursuing a new venture.
Desirable Prerequisites: Basic courses in management, marketing and finance. A business law course would also be helpful.
Format: The course will culminate in the preparation of a business plan by students working in teams. You are expected to read the text assignment each week before class as preparation.
We will not discuss each topic in class – you will be expected to know the material, use it in
your business plan, and use it to complete the exams. The professor should be viewed as a facilitator to discussion, and not as an oracle.
Rules of the Road: Students in this class are considered to be adults completing the final year of their undergraduate education; they will be treated as such. The course is a transitional program engaging all your previous Mason education to solve typical business process challenges. Class participation is a significant part of the grade; it is difficult to engage if you
are not present. If you must miss a class, you do not need to let the professor know, but do inform your team in advance. Use your name placard in each class .
Here are some things to keep in mind:
Assignments . All assignments are to be submitted before class. We would prefer that assignments be delivered at least one hour before class begins.
Questions . All questions should be asked and resolved in class, especially those concerning class assignments. Those involving personal matters should be addressed in private by phone or email or through a personal meeting.
New Venture Creation, MGMT 451 Assistant Professor Wolfe
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
Dress . This class has several corporate visitors throughout the term. Standard dress is business casual although for presentations you may want to be more formal for your presentations. You represent your team, the class and Mason when you interact with outside personnel.
Make sure that everything you write, say and do makes a positive, business-‐‑like impression.
Team Work . Our project work is done in teams. Your participation in the team’s work is among the most critical factors of your class grade and your team’s success. Conflicts should be resolved quickly through team leadership and the professor’s help, if necessary. If for some reason you cannot show up to join your team on those project days, please make sure to inform your team members in advance. The review by your peers will help determine your grade.
Computers in Class . Laptops and smartphones may not be used in the classroom. Take your notes by hand (research shows this improves learning) and summarize into
electronic form later. Bring your laptop or a memory stick on days you present in class.
Academic Honesty: Students are expected to know and follow the GMU honor code
). Scholastic dishonesty, including cheating in exams or plagiarism, will be treated as a violation of university’s regulations.
As such, appropriate sanctions will be pursued vigorously. This ethical rule does not prevent the discussion of business ideas with classmates outside the classroom.
Obtaining business ideas or getting notes on quizzes from previous years are not considered honest behavior, as they hinder the normal discovery and learning process, and overstate your preparation.
You will complete original work for this class. Research is important, but you must cite all your sources for all papers and presentations in this course. You may not paraphrase or quote without proper reference. You may use materials you prepared for other courses. You may not use material prepared by other students in the same or other sections of this course, past or present. In order to insure equity, electronic means will be used to check originality of work.
Students Needing Accommodations: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center
(DRC) at 993-‐‑2474. All academic accommodations will be arranged through the DRC.
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
Required Text:
Entrepreneurship, 3/E
Assistant Professor Wolfe
By William D. Bygrave / Andrew Zacharakis
ISBN 978-‐‑1-‐‑118-‐‑58289-‐‑3
Publisher: Wiley
I highly recommend that you purchase a used copy online. It is much less expensive!
Wall Street Journal Students are also required to purchase the Wall Street Journal. Sign up in class. We will use discussion of current events from the WSJ to kick off each class session.
Optional Texts:
The best work on business plans I have found is Writing a Convincing Business Plan
(Paperback) by Dethomas, Arthur R. and Lin Grensing. Barron'ʹs Educational Series; 2nd edition (January 1, 2001). ISBN: 0764113992.
Class Schedule: Tuesdays, 7:20 pm – 10:00 pm. Location: Fairfax, Innovation Hall 206.
Office hours: Tuesdays before class, or by appointment, Enterprise 45. The best way to reach
the professor is email; please use your GMU account to avoid spam filters .
Homework: There are several homework assignments listed in the syllabus that you will be responsible for during the semester. The homework is not graded but must be turned in on time to receive credit as a part of your class participation grade. Homework assignments that
are due in written form are to be submitted via email prior to the beginning of class.
Entrepreneurial Profile: Each team will be required to profile an entrepreneur and give a brief presentation to the class about this person according to a pre-‐‑assigned questionnaire/topic list.
This assignment will focus on the extent to which the entrepreneur reflects the behaviors we covered in class and lessons the team learns as they develop their business plan. Each team will write a 2 page single-‐‑spaced summary of their entrepreneur and give a maximum 5-‐‑10 minute slide presentation to the class with a 5 minute question and answer session to follow. Details of this assignment and grading criteria will be discussed in class and distributed via email and posted on the course website during the first part of the semester.
Grading: The centerpiece of this course is a written Feasibility Study, which is also presented in-‐‑person to the class. Your work on the Feasibility Study as a team will count for 50% of your grade; your individual assignments count for 50%. The Feasibility Study is written by teams of up to 4 persons (please get permission if you need a larger team, or would like to work alone).
For individual work, students will complete two exams (a mid-‐‑term and a short final) and actively participate in class. Students should note that class participation is not a trivial part of the grade. Homework will not be graded separately; it is part of class participation. See the
Grading Rubric for more details.
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
Your grading will be weighted 50% team and 50% individual as follows:
Team Feasibility Study Project Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Feasibility Study Written Report
Assistant Professor Wolfe
Peer Evaluation
85 -‐‑ 89.99 B+
Below 65 F
Class Participation (Note that all homework is included in participation!)
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam (take home)
Total Grade
Grade Structure
95 – 100 A 90 -‐‑ 94.99 A-‐‑
70 -‐‑ 74.99 B-‐‑ 65 -‐‑ 69.99 C
75 -‐‑ 84.99 B
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
Assistant Professor Wolfe
Using Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition, By William D. Bygrave / Andrew Zacharakis, Published by Wiley.
Note: This schedule is subject to change.
September 1
Course Description and expectations
Syllabus Review
The Power of Entrepreneurship
Chapter 1
September 8
September 15
September 22
The Power of Entrepreneurship
Information on Entrepreneurial Profile
The Entrepreneurial Process
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Opportunity Recognition, Shaping and
Team Brainstorming Competition
Details on requirements for Team
Delivery of elevator pitches,
networking session & team formation
Chapter 3
Understanding Your Business Model and Developing Your Strategy
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
HW Due: Write down a list of your top 3-‐‑5 passions and the top 3-‐‑5 businesses or industries that these might include.
Survey family and friends and summarize results in up to a 1 page paper.
HW Due: Elevator
Pitch -‐‑-‐‑Max. 1 min. description of yourself, interests, background, skills, work experience, etc., or a prospective business idea.
HW Due: Company name and
biographies of all team members.
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
September 29
Team Entrepreneurial Profile presentations
October 6
October 13
October 20
October 27
November 3
November 10
Building the Founding Team
The Business Planning Process
No Class – Columbus Day Week
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Midterm Exam – Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7
You must take the Exams at the time scheduled
Sales 101 – The Basic Principles of
Building Your Pro-‐‑Forma Financial
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Financial Entrepreneurial Ventures
Raising Money for Starting and
Growing Businesses
Debt and Other Forms of Financing
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Legal and Tax Issues, Including
Intellectual Property
Chapter 12
Assistant Professor Wolfe
HW Due:
2 – 2.5 page
Profile Paper sent via email by the beginning of class. 5-‐‑
10 minute team EP presentation given during class.*
HW Due: 1-‐‑ page
summary of product or service idea to be researched as a team project over the semester.
Bring a green
Scantron card and a pencil.*
HW Due: One page written report from each group re: primary and secondary market research performed for the team project.
HW Due: Cash flow exercise – create a list of applicable receipts and disbursements for your venture.
HW Due: 1-‐‑page summary of company’s marketing and ad plan.
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
November 17
Entrepreneurial Growth
Assistant Professor Wolfe
Chapter 13
HW Due: Create a summary of your financial projections for your venture.
November 24
December 1
December 8
December 15
Social Entrepreneurship
Final Team Presentations
Final Team Presentations
The Final Exam will be a take-‐‑home assignment.
Chapter 14
Graded Team
(hard copy) due beginning of class.
Team presentations given during class.*
Graded Team
Team presentations given during class.*
Final Exam must be submitted by email or Blackboard by
Tuesday, Dec 15 at
HONOR CODE: any cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty by another will result in confiscation of the subject work or exam, and a grade of zero on that work. It is your responsibility to know and to follow George Mason University’s policy on intellectual integrity. Please see:
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New Venture Creation, MGMT 451
Turning Ideas into Companies, IT 495
Fall 2015
Feasibility Study Project
Assistant Professor Wolfe
Our final project in Entrepreneurship is a feasibility study for a specific intellectual property, technology, or business concept. A feasibility study is not a full business plan. Rather, it is a first look comparing the product or service and the marketplace in order to determine whether there is market demand, and a
chance for a fundable business idea. Simply put, is there a business here, or just an interesting idea?
In the first weeks of the course we will take up some of these issues: finding the idea; conducting market research; understanding the business model. As we will cover in some detail, this is similar to marketing or marketing research, but with an important distinction. Most marketing strategy is about selling the product or service; this is about determining whether there is a product or service worth selling – at any
price, and at whatever cost of production.
The central question is whether we should pursue the given business idea with even more resources required to write a full plan, and to use up those precious contacts with prospective investors. A number
of preliminary questions need to be addressed:
What exactly is the product or service? How will it be used? Who is the target customer?
What is the appropriate business model, given the type of customers anticipated?
Is there an alternative use for the technology that the owner or inventors have not yet thought about? Could that be a more profitable approach?
Is the addressable market sufficiently large to support financial returns to outside investors
(whether angels, VCs or corporate partners)? What types of returns might be anticipated?
What are the potential pitfalls in the technology, IP, product or design?
What additional research and study will need to be completed as part of the final, complete business planning process?
In contrast, a full business plan would go on to fully describe the management team, funding required, funding approach, competition, competitive landscape, and exit strategy. A complete business plan also includes financial projections and complete pro forma financial statements; here we only need some preliminary projections of markets, revenues, and profits. The business plan is the subject for a later,
more advanced course in entrepreneurship.
Finally, it is important to remember that our concerns are about the business ; we assume the gadget works as promised by the inventors or engineers. (And when has a mad inventor ever been wrong, anyway?)
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