IT 495 Integrated Technology Assessment Grading Rubric: Learning

IT 495 Integrated Technology Assessment
Grading Rubric: Learning Statement
Program Outcome 1: Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics for problem solving in the field of Information Technology.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
Describe use of
appropriate mathematical
techniques to aid in the
needs analysis, and the
selection, evaluation, and
administration of
computer based systems
Demonstrate the ability to
identify and analyze
technical needs of the
Demonstrate the ability to
apply mathematics in
application development
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Writing Mechanics
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Final score for learning statement 1 = total points divided by 5.
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Program Outcome 2: Demonstrate the ability to identify and analyze user needs to define and create appropriate computing requirements
and solutions.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Provide sufficient
number of
Identify specific
involvement and
knowledge to identify
and analyze user needs
Demonstrate the ability
to select, create,
evaluate, and
administrate computer
based systems
Describe use of
appropriate tools to aid
in the needs analysis,
and the selection of
evaluation, and
administration of
computer based
Writing Mechanics
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 2 = total points divided by 5
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Program Outcome 3: Demonstrate the ability to effectively select, evaluate, and integrate information technology based solutions in a user
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
Describe previous and
current educational or
work experiences where
analysis and development
of good logical design
was required
Document experiences
with applications that
satisfied end user
Provide examples of
educational or
professional activities that
document the ability to
implement solutions into
a user environment
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
Writing Mechanics
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 3 = total points divided by 5
Program Outcome 4: Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in groups or team projects.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Describe involvement in
group projects or
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Interact effectively with
colleagues who have
critical involvement with
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Discuss how cultural,
diversity, and
interpersonal issues
related to groups in
professional, ethical, and
social life
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 4 = total points divided by 5
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Program Outcome 5: Demonstrate an ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities, including the impacts of
culture, diversity, and interpersonal relations.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or
in other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or
in other life experiences.
Identify circumstances
where professional,
ethical and social
responsibilities were dealt
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Document methods used
to deal with professional,
ethical, and social
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Discuss when and where
cultural, diversity, and
interpersonal relations
affect professional,
ethical, and social
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Always used correct
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 5 = total points divided by 5
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Program Outcome 6: Demonstrate proficiency in communicating technical information in formal reports, documentation and
presentation to users and Information Technology professionals.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) FOR
ONE OF THE areas
listed below of applications
in course work, on the job,
or in other life experiences
(ALL the areas need to be
Formal Report
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) FOR ONE OF
THE areas listed below of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
experiences (ALL the areas
need to be checked):
Formal Report
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job, or
in other life experiences
(ALL the areas need to be
Formal Report
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples in the
following areas(NOT all
the areas are included):
Formal Report
Demonstrate the ability to
organize and be concise
in written communication
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Use effective grammar
and language appropriate
to the audience
Demonstrate the ability to
effectively communicate
grasp of technical
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Always used correct
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 6 = total points divided by 5
Program Outcome 7: Demonstrate the ability to identify and analyze the impacts of Information Technologies and computing on public,
organizations, and individuals.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or
in other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or
in other life experiences.
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Discuss practical
identification and analysis
experiences relating to
public, organizational,
and individual use of
information technologies
Document use of tools
and techniques to protect
organization assets
Identify instances or
experiences where
ethically responsible
issues were encountered
while dealing with the
impact of information
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Always used correct
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 7 = total points divided by 4
Program Outcome 8: Demonstrate the ability to identify and apply current and emerging technologies and tools for Information
Technology solutions.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or
in other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job or
in other life experiences.
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Document previous and
current educational and
professional experiences
with emerging
technologies and tools
within the realm of
information technology
Discuss your knowledge
and experience with new
information technologies
such as documenting
their use within an
Identify specific
experiences where the
role of new data
communications and
networking technologies
plays a large role in an
educational or workplace
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not responsive to the
addressed criterion
Always used correct
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 8 = total points divided by 5
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Program Outcome 9: Demonstrate expertise in the core information technologies such as data base management, information
management and security, object oriented programming, computer architecture, systems architecture, operating systems, and networking.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) FOR
ONE OF THE areas listed
below of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences (ALL
the areas need to be checked):
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
areas listed below of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
experiences (ALL the areas
need to be checked):
Provided one appropriate
example of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences (ALL
the areas need to be checked):
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples in the
following areas(NOT all the
areas are included):
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Data Base
Management &
Object Oriented
Operating systems
Document experiences
with applications of listed
information technologies
to satisfy end user
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
Data Base
Management &
Object Oriented
Operating systems
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
Data Base
Management &
Object Oriented
Operating systems
Data Base
Management &
Object Oriented
Operating systems
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Provided documented
evidence to each of the
listed core requirements
Discuss how modern
practices in each of the
listed core requirements
are used to accomplish
common tasks
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 9 = total points divided by 5
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Program Outcome 10: Demonstrate the ability to analyze computing and information security requirements and risks, and apply the
appropriate tools and techniques to protect organizational data assets in an ethically responsible manner.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of application in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
Discuss practical analysis
experiences in relation to
computer information
Document use of tools
and techniques to protect
organizational data assets
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Identify instances or
experiences where
ethically responsible
issues were encountered
Writing Mechanics
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 10 = total points divided by 5
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Program Outcome 11: Demonstrate the ability to apply best practice and standards for Information Technology applications.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Identify specific
experiences where the
role of data
communications and
networking plays a large
Elaborate on the specific
details in relation to the
function or operation of
user interfacing, program
Describe experiences with
common carriers,
regulatory bodies and
relevant standards
Writing Mechanics
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of application in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 11 = total points divided by 5
Program Outcome 12: Demonstrate an ability to assist in the creation of an effective project plan.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Describe experiences with
project life cycle issues
Discuss the importance of
management planning
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of application in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Elaborate on issues
relating to risk analysis,
task scheduling, and
resource scheduling
Writing Mechanics
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 12 = total points divided by 5
Program Outcome 13: Demonstrate a commitment and ability to continue to engage in lifelong learning.
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Must Revise & Resubmit
Provide sufficient number
of examples/evidences
Describe prior lifelong
learning activities
Describe current lifelong
learning activities
Describe plans for future
lifelong learning activities
Writing Mechanics
Provided many detailed
examples (3 or more) of
applications in course work,
on the job, or in other life
Provided multiple
appropriate examples (2 or
more) of applications in
course work, on the job, or in
other life experiences.
Provided one appropriate
example of application in
course work, on the job or in
other life experiences.
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
The examples provided are
highly responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
responsive to the addressed
The examples provided are
minimally responsive to the
addressed criterion
The examples provided are
not relevant to the addressed
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Final score for learning statement 13 = total points divided by 5
Provided minimal or no
relevant examples.
Resume Grading Rubric
Highly Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
Minimally Responsive to
the Addressed Criterion
Not Acceptable
Not Responsive to the
Addressed Criterion
(Must Revise & Resubmit)
Structure and
Fully followed structure
outlined based on the
template/model AND use
of APA formatting
Generally followed structure
outlined by the template; use
of APA formatting
Partially followed structure
outlined by the template; had
minimal errors in structure
and formatting
Did not follow the structure
outlined by the template
Always used correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had minimal errors in
spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc.
Had a few errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Had many errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
Provided extensive and clear
information in all of the
required fields
Provided detailed and clear
information in most of the
required fields
Provided clear information
in some of the required fields
Did NOT provide clear
information in the required
Final grade= total points/3