History of Fashion Project: Choose a timeline of Fashion you wish to study. Your topic could be from Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome; the Medieval Period; the Elizabethan Period; 18th, 19th or 20th Century; a specific culture or ethnic group, a specific type of clothing or material. Each person’s (partner group) topic must be unique and approved by the teacher. Keywords: Use the following keywords in conjunction with the above: You must cover at LEAST 8 key points on your chosen topic. Your points can include items such as: Characteristics of Lifestyles Different Groups or Classes Men / Women Work / Dress Colours, Textures and Fabrics Styles and Direction of Fashion (Reasons For It) Embellishments / Accessories Trends Emerging Classics Represented Fads Shown Technology Other (discuss with teacher) Topic Step 1: Find keywords on your topic Keywords 1. Try to think of any synonyms or acronyms for your topic. What words come to mind for your topic immediately? 2. Do a quick Wikipedia search…look for hyperlinked words; synonyms 3. Try an encyclopedia (at the back near the computers) Grolier On-line encyclopedia http://go-ontario.grolier.com Username: hamwdsb Password: hamw7124 4. Try a Directory to generate keywords a. Open Directory Project: http://www.dmoz.org/ b. Librarian’s Index http://lii.org/ c. Internet Public Library http://www.ipl.org/ d. Academic Info http://www.academicinfo.net/ 5. Try a Clustering Metasearch engine a. Kartoo www.kartoo.com b. Clusty www.clusty.com c. Dogpile www.dogpile.com How do you find a book? Use the On-line Book Collection (IPAC): Log on to any computer Go to Desk Tools Find Ancaster On-line Catalogue on the desktop and double click Or Use the dedicated On-line Catalogue Computer (beige) Or (from home) http://hip.hwdsb.on.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=506 Book Collection (IPAC): On-Line Databases/Prepaid Sites (part of the invisible web): Virtual Library ACCESS Virtual Library http://ancasterhigh.hwdsb.on.ca/Departments/Library/ or http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/ Go to Students Tab; Look for “Virtual Library” link in the column on the right Use the following log in and password: ID: secondary Password: library Choose a specialized database Knowledge Ontario Databases http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ko_k12hs_d31 EBSCO Host: http://search.epnet.com User name: hwdsb password: ebscohome Some books have been pulled to get you started. They are on the cart. To browse for books; • books on the culture and travel (914-918) • history (900s) • fashion (391) Special Reference Materials: These are the specific encyclopedias and are located along the back wall. In each source, use the INDEX to locate your topic. The Cultural Profiles for many nations. Land and Peoples Internet General search engines: www.alltheweb.com www.google.com www.geocities.com Directories & Websites to get you started : Fashion throughout history sites: http://www.fashion-era.com/1914-1955.htm http://www.vintageblues.com/history_main.htm Costumes.org http://www.costumes.org/ The Costume Page http://www.costumepage.org/tcpinfo2.html The Costume Gallery (has a timeline with pictures for each of the years listed) http://www.costumegallery.com/ Costume History Timeline http://www.costumes.org/history/100pages/costhistpage.htm Hats off to history http://imet.csus.edu/imet2/herzj/websites/fashion/main.htm Fashion era (tons of links) http://www.fashion-era.com/ Control and Fashion http://womenshistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.findarticl es.com%2Fcf_0%2Fm2005%2F2_33%2F58675450%2Fp1%2Farticle.jhtml http://employees.oneonta.edu/farberas/arth/ARTH200/gender.html Fashion Theory – Journal http://www.fashiontheory.com/ You had to be there (a slide show of women’s fashions) http://womenshistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes. com%2Flibrary%2Fmagazine%2Fmillennium%2Fm2%2Fhayek.html Costume Gallery – has links to each decade of the 20th century and many other links http://www.costumegallery.com/yif1900.htm Fashion in India http://www.fashionindia.net/history_fashion/history_fashion.htm Fashion in 1920s http://www.rambova.com/fashion/fash4.html Theories of Fashion http://www.fashion-era.com/sociology_semiotics.htm Printing: Cut and paste into Microsoft Word before printing to reduce printing space. Printing costs 10 cents per page. Tell the librarian when you need to print. OR… e-mail work home to avoid printing at school AVOID PLAGIARISM…OR How to make a perfect Works Cited AVOID PLAGIARISM…Citing: • • • • • Remember…all good researchers cite any ideas they borrow from other sources. Use APA Style for citing in this project. Make sure you keep track of all resources you may want to cite or reference. We have blank Bibliography sheets you can use to keep track of the important information as you research. Just ask at the counter. Use a note sheet for every major resource you use. All the detail you need to complete a correct Works Cited is on the school’s website. http://ancasterhigh.hwdsb.on.ca/Departments/Library/ Try on-line Citation help software: Go to KnightCite http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php or Citation machine http://citationmachine.net/