9/21/2011 Kuliah Pendahuluan Pendekatan Ilmu Sosial dan Perilaku dalam Kesehatan Masyarakat 2011 Disampaikan oleh: Yayi Suryo Prabandari PROGRAM STUDI S2 ILMU KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 1 Tujuan Umum ` Pada ada a akhir mata ata kuliah u a karyasiswa a yas s a diharapkan dapat memahami tentang teoriteori sosiologi, antropologi dan perilaku, serta pendekatan sosiologis, antropologis dan perilaku terhadap problem sosial dunia kesehatan. 2 1 9/21/2011 Tujuan Khusus : ` Memahami pendekatan sosiologis-antropologis-psikologis terhadap problem sosial kesehatan (fungsi, (fungsi konflik dan interaksi), pencegahan dan pengobatan pasien, (pemberian pelayanan kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan, dan pengambilan keputusan manajemen dan kebijakan kesehatan. ` Memahami sebab-sebab sosial penyakit dan budaya yang berkaitan dengan keadaan kesehatan suatu masyarakat ` Meningkatkan pengetahuan karyasiswa terhadap peran petugas g kesehatan lainnya y dalam fungsinya g y dokter dan p sebagai kontrol sosial orang sakit ` Menjelaskan alasan-alasan penduduk untuk mengikuti atau menolak berperilaku sehat dilihat dari konteks (1) individual, (2) keluarga, (3) struktur sosial, dan (4) sosial-budaya. 3 4 2 9/21/2011 ` The determinants of health include the social, physical and economic environments, as well as individual characteristics and behaviors. ` The context of people’s lives determines their health, not less than their genetic inheritance and their personal choices and way of life thus, health is inappropriate 5 These determinants include factors such as: ` Income and social status – higher income and social status are linked to better health. The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health; ` education ‐ low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self confidence; dl lf fd ` physical environment ‐ safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health; ` employment and working conditions ‐ people in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working conditions; ` social support networks ‐ greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health; 6 3 9/21/2011 These determinants include factors such as: ` culture ‐ customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect health; ` genetics ‐ inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan healthiness and the likelihood of developing lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses; ` personal behavior and coping skills ‐ balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking and how we deal with life's stresses and challenges all affect health; ` health services ‐ health services ‐ access and use of services that prevent access and use of services that prevent and treat disease influence ` gender ‐ men and women suffer from different types of diseases at different ages 7 9 9 9 improve the conditions of daily life ‐ the circumstances in which people are born grow live work and age which people are born, grow, live work and age tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources ‐ the structural drivers of those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally and locally; measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce , that is trained in the social determinants of health and raise public awareness social determinants of health, and raise public awareness about the social determinants of health. 8 4 9/21/2011 In may 2009 the sixty-second World Health Assembly, after having considered the report of the WHO Commission, recommended to all Member States: ` ` to tackle the health inequities within and across countries through political commitment on the main principles of 'closing the gap in a generation’ as a national concern, as is appropriate, and to coordinate and manage intersectoral action for health in order to mainstream health equity in all policies, where appropriate, by using health and health equity impact assessment tools; assessment tools; to develop and implement goals and strategies to improve public health with a focus on health inequities; 9 More recently, In may 2009 the sixty-second World Health Assembly, after having considered the report of the WHO Commission, recommended to all Member States: ` ` to take into account health equity in all national policies that to take into account health equity in all national policies that address social determinants of health, and to consider developing and strengthening universal comprehensive social protection policies, including health promotion, disease prevention and health care, and promoting availability of and access to goods and services essential to health and well‐ being; g; to ensure dialogue and cooperation among relevant sectors with the aim of integrating consideration of health into relevant public policies and enhancing inter‐sectoral action; 10 5 9/21/2011 ` ` ` to increase awareness among public and private health providers on how to take account of social determinants when delivering care to their patients; to contribute to the improvement of the daily living conditions contributing to health and social well‐being across the lifespan by involving all relevant partners, including civil society and the private sector; , to contribute to he empowerment of individuals and groups, especially those who are marginalized, and take steps to improve the societal conditions that affect their health; 11 ` ` to generate new, or make use of existing, methods and evidence, tailored to national contexts in order to address th the social determinants and social gradients of health and i ld t i t d i l di t f h lth d health inequities; to develop, make use of, and if necessary, improve health information systems and research capacity in order to monitor and measure the health of national populations, with disaggregated data such as age, gender, ethnicity, race, caste, occupation, education, income and employment where national law and context permits so that health inequities can be detected and the impact of policies on health equity measured 12 6 9/21/2011 13 Negara berkembang Negara Maju Berat badan kurang Penyakit yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan tembakau HIV/AIDS Penyakit jantung iskemik Infeksi saluran pernafasan bawah Depresi unipolar dan penyakit serebrovaskular Kondisi perinatal dan penyakit diare Gangguan akibat konsumsi alcohol Malaria Kehilangan pendengaran – onset dewasa Kondisi maternal PPOK Depresi unipolar Kecelakaan lalu lintas Penyakit jantung iskemik Kanker paru/tracheal dan bronchial Campak Alzheimer dan demensia lainnya TBC Cidera yang disebabkan diri sendiri 14 7 9/21/2011 ` ` Evolusi Budaya: perubahan adaptif budaya untuk menghadapi tekanan lingkungan Gaya Hidup: perilaku seseorang, cara hidup seseorang Adanya evolusi budaya menyebabkan perubahan gaya hidup 15 ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Demografi dan tekanan sosial Kondisi ekologi Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi Kesenjangan kemiskinan Social fabric Perkembangan teknologi Perkembangan, konflik dan perdamaian Beban ganda penyakit Pekerjaan Kecenderungan sistem kesehatan yg spesifik 16 8 9/21/2011 ` ` Pendidikan rendah Sosial Sos a e ekonomi o o rendah e da Banyak penyakit Miskin 17 THE HEALTH HIRARCHY 18 9 9/21/2011 HIRARKI KESEHATAN 19 HIRARKI KESEHATAN DAN SAKIT PADA MANUSIA 20 10 9/21/2011 HIRARKI KESEHATAN SERTA DISIPLIN DAN TEORI DALAM KESEHATAN 21 HIRARKI SISTEM ALAMIAH 22 11 9/21/2011 KAITAN ILMU SOSIAL DAN MASALAH KESEHATAN SEBUAH CONTOH: PENYEBAB KEMATIAN ANAK 23 24 12 9/21/2011 PENJELASAN TENTANG GAMBARAN ILMU SOSIAL YANG BERKONTRIBUSI UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT 25 ` ` is a sub-branch of cultural anthropology that is concerned with the application of anthropological h l i l and d social i l science i theories h i and methods to questions about health, illness and healing. Some medical anthropologists are trained primarily in anthropology as their main discipline, while others have studied anthropology h l after f training i i and d working ki iin health or related professions such as medicine, nursing or psychology. 26 13 9/21/2011 ` ` ` ` Interpretasi dan pengalaman sakit Budaya udaya mempengaruhi e pe ga u pe pengalaman ga a a sa sakitt Budaya : konteks yang dirujuk pada etnik dan ras Disease and illness “as a form of communication – the language of the organs – through which nature, society and culture speack simultaneoursly” (Scheper-Hughes & Lock, 1987, cit. Lupton, 2003) 27 ` ` ` ` ` Development of systems of medical knowledge and health care Patient-practitioner relationships Integrating alternative medical systems in culturally diverse environments The interactions between biological, environmental and social factors influencing health and illness at both individual and community levels The impacts of biomedicine and biomedical technologies in non-Western settings 28 14 9/21/2011 ` Adanya kepercayaan bahwa: ◦ Ibu hamil tidak boleh makan ikan ◦ Anak yang diare merupakan tanda “anak tersebut tumbuh besar” ◦ Remaja putri di Jawa Tengah tidak diperbolehkan makan “rempela, brutu, usus” serta pisang dan nanas ◦ Partus lama Æ ibunya banyak dosa 29 Etic: Emic: ` Outsider view of the ` Insider view of the world world ` Community view ` Researcher view ` Individual view ` Health care worker view 30 15 9/21/2011 Disease/Penyakit: ` Deskripsi profesional sebuah b h penyakit kit ` Perspektif biomedis ` Fokus pada kontrol dan pengobatan Illness/Sakit: ` Menunjuk pengalaman rasa sakit/distress ` Menggambarkan efek pada yg menderita dan bgmn hal tsb mempengaruhi yg lain ` Fokus pada: Apa yg penyebabnya & siapa yang terpengaruh Apa yg dilakukan setelah itu Apa yg terjadi pada saat Anda menderita karena sakit 31 ` ` ` rural villages urban u ba hospitals osp ta s clinics 32 16 9/21/2011 Medical Sociology 33 ` ` The sociological study of illness and medicine Strauss (1957, cit. Conrad & Kern, 1986): ◦ Sociology “of” medicine x Focuses on the study of medicine to illuminate some sociological concern (e.g. patient-practitioner relationships, the role of professions in society) ◦ Sociology “in” medicine x Focuses primarily on medical problems (e.g. the sociological causes of disease and illness illness, reasons for delay in seeking medical aid, patient compliance or non compliance with medical regimens) 34 17 9/21/2011 ` Functionalism: ◦ Views social relations in the health care setting as products d off a consesualist li society, i iin which hi h social i l order and harmony are preserved by people acting in certain defined roles and performing certain functions ` The political economy perspective ◦ Developed as a critical response to functionalism in the context of larger changes in social thought occuring in the 1970s – the capitalist economic system 35 ` Social Soc a constructionism co st uct o s ◦ An approach which questions claims to the existence of essential truths. What is asserted to be truth should be considered the product of power relations, and as such is never neutral but always acting in the interests of someone 36 18 9/21/2011 ` Bila ingin sehat, jangan menjadi orang miskin, miskin betulkah? 37 PSYCHOLOGY: A STUDY OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR 38 19 9/21/2011 ` The scientific study of behavior and mental processes and dh how they are affected by an organism’s physical state, mental state and external environment ` 39 ` ` The manner in which one behave b h Psychology – the action or reaction of person or things in response to external or internal stimuli ◦ Synonym: behavior, conduct, department 40 20 9/21/2011 ` A scientific discipline; e.g. psychology, in which the actions and reaction of human beings and animals studied through observational and experimental methods 41 ` ` Devoted to understanding psychological influence on how p people p stay y healthy, y, why y they become ill, and how to respond why do they do get ill Health psychologist both study such issues and promote interventions to help people to stay well or get over illness 42 21 9/21/2011 ` ` ` ` ` Sistem tubuh manusia Perilaku e a u kesehatan ese ata da dan p prevensi e e s p primer e Stress dan coping The patient in the treatment setting Management of chronic and terminal ill 43 ` Pengembangan P b ilmu il perilaku il k (psikologi), baik pengetahuan maupun tekniknya yang relevan untuk memahami kesehatan dan penyakit serta aplikasinya untuk prevensi, g , treatment dan rehabilitasi diagnosis, 44 22 9/21/2011 ` Bidang iinterdisipliner Bid t di i li yang mempunyaii perhatian dan kepedulian terhadap pengembangan serta integrasi teknik dan pengetahuan ilmu perilaku dan biomedis yang relevan dengan sehat dan sakit dan aplikasi pengetahuan p ng tahuan sserta rta teknisnya t n snya untuk untu prevensi, pr ns , diagnosis, treatment dan rehabilitasi 45 ` ` ` Tingginya angka kematian ibu Mengapa e gapa ju jumlah a pe perokok o o d di Indonesia do es a beg begitu tu tinggi? Mengapa seseorang yang telah mengetahui manfaat olah raga tidak melakukan olah raga secara teratur dan terukur? 46 23 9/21/2011 EPIDEMIOLOGI SOSIAL 47 ` The study of the distribution and determinants of states health in populations p p (Susser, 1973, cited in Berkman & Kawachi, 2000) 48 24 9/21/2011 ` ` ` Penelitian tentang respon fisik dan stress pengalaman g y yang g sangat g menekan akibat p Kemajuan progresif di dalam pembedaan “sakit psikosomatis” dan “penyakit yang lain) Pengertian tentang populasi yang berisiko 49 ` The branch of epidemiology as the branch of epidemiology p gy that studies the social distribution and social determinants of states of health 50 25 9/21/2011 ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Sosioekonomi Ketidaksetaraan penghasilan dan kesehatan Kondisi kerja dan kesehatan Dampak pengangguran dan pensiun Integrasi sosial, jaraingan sosial dan dukungan sosial Depresi dan sakit medis Perilaku kesehatan 51 ` ` ` ` ` Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D (Koordinator) – psikolog (klinis & kesehatan), promotor kesehatan k h dr. Mubasysyir Hasanbasri, MA – dokter (medical sociologist) Dr. Sumarni DW, M.Kes (Sosiolog – medical sociologist) Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati,, MA ((antropolog p g– medical anthropologist) Dra. Atik Triratnawati, MA (antropolog – medical anthropologist) 52 26 9/21/2011 53 27