LEEDS SOUTH BANK A new direction for a new kind of city LEEDS SOUTH BANK CONTENTS PART 3: DELIVERING INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT, A LIVEABLE CITY. PART 1: OUR SHARED VISION FOR LEEDS SOUTH BANK, OVERVIEW, SCALE AND AMBITION. PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES HOLBECK URBAN VILLAGE, CENTRAL SOUTH BANK, LEEDS DOCK. 2 Cover photo: Ghost Peloton at The Tetley A new direction for a new kind of city Leeds South Bank presents one of the most exciting development opportunities in any UK city. FOREWORD Leeds has a strong track record as one of the most successful cities for investment. The city centre’s South Bank presents one of the most exciting development opportunities in any UK city. It is key to delivering our commitment to be the best city in the UK by 2030. Retail, leisure, financial and professional services have been the key economic drivers in Leeds city centre; they continue to perform well and further multi-million pound investments are already programmed. In Leeds South Bank, the creative and digital industries, corporate HQs, the proposed HS2 station, leisure and cultural facilities, as well as the daily needs of residents, are the economic and social drivers that will help us to realise our shared ambition for Leeds to have the best city centre whether you are under five, over 90 or anything in between. This document outlines some of the highly rewarding development opportunities available for investors in Leeds South Bank, explains the major infrastructure investment being made in the area and outlines how, in Leeds, different sectors are working together to build a global city with a better, sustainable future. Councillor Richard Lewis, Leeds City Council Executive member for transport and the economy 3 LEEDS SOUTH BANK PART 1: THE VISION Leeds is determined to be a new kind of city, drawing on its unique assets to help shape the way global cities will be in the future. Leeds South Bank is fundamental to realising this goal by becoming an attractive, dynamic and sustainable place to invest, work, start a business, study and live – for a day, a week, a year or a lifetime. 4 PART 1: THE VISION LEEDS SOUTH BANK Leeds South Bank is one of Europe’s most exciting sustainable growth locations and will transform Leeds city centre. The area is already home to: • a range of UK headquarters including ASDA, aql, True North (the largest independent television production company in the North), Bloom Media, Flashtalking and Elmwood plus regional headquarters including Eversheds, Ernst & Young and DWF; • cultural attractions — the Royal Armouries Museum and The Tetley, a new centre for contemporary art and learning; • Leeds City College; • digital infrastructure including HUVnet and a new digital internet exchange; • a rapidly growing hub for the city’s creative, digital and tech industries; • well established city living with a growing market beyond singles and couples to middle aged empty-nesters and high net worth individuals. In the future it will be the home of: • the new HS2 station, which together with the existing station, will be one of the busiest transport interchanges in the country and an international gateway; • improved infrastructure including superfast broadband, a major data centre and Leeds New Generation Transport system which will improve connectivity within Leeds South Bank and with the rest of the city; • a new 3.5 hectare park and excellent public realm and connectivity throughout; • an education hub with Leeds College of Building and the existing Leeds City College campus, with potential for further new educational provision; • families across the generations… Leeds South Bank has well established city living and boasts a range of leisure attractions. ..and Leeds South Bank could be home to your new European HQ, your next successful housing or office or mixed use development located on some of the 300,000 sq.m. of development land available. 5 LEEDS SOUTH BANK OVERVIEW In Leeds the private, public and third sectors are working together to transform Leeds South Bank into an attractive, welcoming and safe environment offering varied and flexible working and residential spaces, leisure facilities and excellent connectivity with its surrounding areas and with the rest of the UK and beyond. HOLBECK URBAN VILLAGE The area has been transformed into a national centre for the creative and digital industries and destination for living and leisure. After over £250m of investment, the area offers significant development potential for high quality residential and mixed use developments. SOUTH BANK CENTRAL Home to ASDA’s UK headquarters, aql, The Tetley and the proposed HS2 station, this area has strong potential for a well connected, sustainable business and residential community with a new City Park at its heart. Developments are capitalising on its close proximity to the retail and financial quarters, train station, waterfront and motorway network. LEEDS DOCK Leeds Dock, home to the Royal Armouries Museum, will add a new cultural dimension to the lives of people in Leeds and Yorkshire. Creating a vibrant destination that will adapt to their leisure, work and social lives, Leeds Dock will enhance the attractions of the city’s waterfront. Its hinterland provides a range of development opportunities. 6 PART 1: THE VISION QUARE YS IT C ER TRI NIT Y Q U L VA ST AT I O : A R RI N NC H E NTR A E S O UT BR ID Tower Works Holbeck Urban Village Round Foundry T Existing bridge NGT Route and Stops Landmark buildings Proposed bridge link Pedestrian Connections Indicative development opportunities River Aire and Calder Navigation Railway line HS2 Green space Proposed City Park Brewery Wharf SO S T AT I N AR Corn Exchange T. VER IGN S E Leeds City Station O Uses & Buildings Transport and Connections S GE aql Asda House South Bank Central Bridgewater Place Marshall Mills The Tetley Royal Armouries Leeds College of Building Proposed Free School Leeds Dock Leeds Dock & Hinterland Temple Works HS2 Crown Point Shopping Park Leeds City College Discovery Centre Braime Pressings aql M621/ M1 7 LEEDS SOUTH BANK THE LEEDS ECONOMY Leeds is a major UK business centre and one of the best places in Europe to locate a business. The city has one of the most diverse economies of all the UK’s main employment centres, which has enabled it to survive and recover from economic recessions much better than many other European cities. Leeds has the highest ratio of private to public sector jobs of all major UK cities bar London. Leeds sits at the heart of a wider city region which has an economy worth over £50 billion per annum and a workforce of 1.4 million. Circa £4 billion has been invested in commercial property development in Leeds over the last ten years and projects worth a further £5.8 billion are under construction or in the pipeline. Today the Leeds economy is worth £18bn and has grown almost 40% over the last decade. Leeds is the second largest employer in the UK. Home to over 25,000 businesses, Leeds also has the highest ratio of private to public sector jobs of all major cities bar London. 400-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501-7500 7501-15000 15001-86000 City Centre Enterprise Zone Leeds has proved more resilient to the recession than other northern cities: employment has risen by 11,000 since 2011, and 2013 saw the opening of the £350 million Trinity Leeds retail and leisure development, the award winning 13,500 seat first direct Arena and the only Everyman Cinema outside London; 2014 saw the start on site of Victoria Gate, another multi-million pound retail development that will be home to John Lewis, complementing the existing Harvey Nichols, major chains and independent shops and Concentration of private sector restaurants. employment in Leeds 8 PART 1: THE VISION OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 44,600 Jobs Total employment in Leeds (2013) stands at 462,000. Over the next decade (2013 – 2023), Leeds is forecast to generate 32% of employment growth within the Yorkshire and Humber region, equating to 44,600 out of a total of 138,000 jobs. 32% About half of these will be located in Leeds city centre where the employment base is expected to grow by more than 24,000. More than half of these will be in Holbeck Urban Village, Central South Bank and Leeds Dock. The three key opportunities for employment growth into the next decade are the City Centre North, Leeds South Bank and the Leeds City Region Enterprise Zone. Leeds South Bank forms part of the Aire Valley Leeds, which is also home to the 142 hectare Enterprise Zone. This is delivering a 4m sq ft development pipeline on key employment sites adjacent to Junction 45 of the M1. Improved connectivity between Leeds South Bank and the Enterprise Zone will further strengthen the value of both these areas to investors and the city region. Fully developed, Leeds South Bank has the potential to accommodate around 35,000 jobs. Key areas of employment growth for Leeds Total development floorspace (sq m) Total projected employment (2023) Employment growth Leeds South Bank 751,800 34,780 +11,750 Holbeck Urban Village 285,600 13,250 +6,400 South Bank Central 260,400 12,080 +1,040 Leeds Dock 205,800 9,550 +4,310 City Centre – North 882,916 77,250 +12,681 639,000 12,530 +7,000 Enterprise Zone Note: Employment growth projections for Leeds South Bank assume the following mix of uses: Offices - 70%; Warehousing - 10%; Industrial - 5%; Retail and leisure: 15%. Actual employment growth will vary according to mix of uses and development density. Leeds will generate 32% of employment growth in Yorkshire and the Humber The Leeds economy is worth £18bn and has grown almost 40% over the last decade. Projected employment growth in Leeds 12,681 11,750 7,000 Enterprise Zone City Centre North Leeds South Bank 9 LEEDS SOUTH BANK PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES “South Bank is a major sustainable growth location for the Leeds City Region. It is providing the room to grow that Leeds now needs, following the outstanding success of exciting and dynamic developments like the city’s award winning Arena and Trinity Leeds retail and leisure centre, as well as Hammerson’s forthcoming Victoria Gate development and MEPC’s Wellington Place. It is ideally located for access to the major planned rail improvements and Leeds Station, including the proposed HS2 and HS3 routes. Leeds South Bank is a critical piece in the city’s jigsaw to consolidate the position of Leeds as one of Europe’s leading cities.” Nigel Foster, President, Leeds Chamber of Commerce 10 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES HOLBECK URBAN VILLAGE The 37.5 acre Holbeck Urban Village has seen over £250m of investment since 1999 and has been transformed into an award winning national centre for the creative and digital industries. With over 150 businesses and 2,500 people already working and living there, the vision is to extend this transformation further and create a high quality sustainable community for city living, leisure and working that is the catalyst for economic growth for Leeds South Bank and the city region. Holbeck Urban Village recently won the Academy of Urbanism ‘Great Neighbourhood’ award in recognition of the significant improvements to its economic, social and physical environment over the last ten years. THE OPPORTUNITY HUV, with its stunning mix of iconic heritage, exceptional modern design and independent leisure businesses, is a truly distinctive area. With improved connectivity with the city centre via Leeds Station Southern Entrance and further investment in infrastructure planned, the award winning transformation is set to continue. There are a further 20 acres of land now available to support the development of family homes, apartments, leisure uses and commercial space. Major development and investment opportunities are being proactively brought forward to coincide with the construction of Leeds Station Southern Entrance, including one of the best short term opportunities in the region to develop high quality city living overlooking the waterfront at Tower Works. Marshalls Mill and the Round Foundry comprise around 130,000 sq.ft. of commercial space in a variety of Grade II listed and new buildings. 11 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “Recognised as the city’s hub for the creative and digital media sectors, the Holbeck Urban Village area combines city centre convenience of public transport, road networks and parking with a village atmosphere and the real soul and character of Leeds’ heritage.” Paul Simmons, Development Director, Igloo Regeneration Limited 12 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES 1 2 Site Owner Development Opportunity Tower Works Phase II HCA and Leeds City Council 1.01ha development adjacent to the southern station entrance. Following a developer competition, development is expected to start in 2015. Planning permission for mixed use including residential and could accommodate over 200 units. Water Lane/ Globe Road West Register Current permission includes 10,000sqm residential, 20,000sqm office and over 10,000sqm leisure. Round Foundry Phase 2 Igloo 1 acre of development land with opportunites for office development and high quality leisure uses. 4 Bath Road Leeds City Council 4 acres. Earmarked as sites for residential development and potential redevelopment site. 5 Temple Works Arndale Properties Ltd A two acre, Grade 1 listed building with unique Egyptian inspired frontage and home to what was once the world’s largest room. 3 2 1 3 4 5 13 LEEDS SOUTH BANK South Bank Central will be home to the new HS2 station, which will be an iconic centerpiece of an integrated transport network bringing new levels of national and international connectivity to Leeds and the city region and stimulating further regeneration of Leeds South Bank, enhancing the area’s competitiveness, prosperity and opportunities for our citizens and businesses. 14 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES SOUTH BANK CENTRAL HOME TO HIGH SPEED RAIL 2 Leeds South Bank has genuine potential for distinctive, well connected sustainable business and residential communities with a new 3.5 hectare city centre park at its heart. Image: Priestman Goode Private and public sector partners are working together on HS2 to: • promote building HS2 from the North; • finalise the location of the new HS2 station in Leeds: • investing early to reduce costs, uncertainty and risk; • address any concerns about the route; • review compensation arrangements; • deliver HS2 ahead of schedule and on budget; • maximize growth in the Leeds City Region through HS2; • maximise its potential as a catalyst for city development; • ensure effective connectivity with other networks and the future HS2 network. 15 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “The Leeds headquarters of aql houses the best connected datacentre north of Slough. aql hosts every national carrier and regional ISP, along with the internet exchange for the north of England. It is one of the three UK mutual internet exchanges and the only one outside of London. This allows aql to provide access to unprecedented connectivity for the region and also offer unsurpassed resilience. This places Leeds as the ideal mirror site for critical London services, fortifying the digital infrastructure of UK plc.” Dr Adam Beaumont, CEO and founder, aql 16 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES “HS2 is an enormous undertaking, but it is not an end in itself. If we do it right, it can be a catalyst for fundamental change at both a local and national level, up and down the country. It is ambitious because it needs to be, to meet the demands not just of the here and now, but of the future.” Sir David Higgins, HS2 HS2 Station Destinations that could be served by the existing HS2-compatible rail network Core high speed network (Phase One and Two) HS2 connection to existing rail network Existing HS2-compatible service network HS2 will provide Leeds with new rail capacity, better connectivity and quicker journeys. HS2 will connect half the core cities of England into a single coherent economic corridor reducing the journey time to Birmingham to 44 minutes. It will extend high speed lines north-east from Birmingham to Leeds, with intermediate stations in the East Midlands and Sheffield and a good interchange to ensure it also serves the wider city region. In Leeds, it will provide excellent development opportunities adjacent to the station. HS2 will free up capacity on existing rail lines for more commuter, rural and freight train services, and mean fewer cars and lorries on our roads, cutting congestion and carbon emissions, and provide you with an increased connectivity to employees, clients and suppliers. Detailed maps and descriptions of the proposed route are available on the Department for Transport website. The new proposed HS3 route, connecting cites across the North, will reduce journey times between Leeds and Manchester by 40% and significantly increase the frequency of services. The potential for high speed trains to run on the existing rail network to provide services and connections beyond Leeds is currently being explored. 17 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “Sometimes that quick trip out of the office isn’t for anything essential. It’s a chance to grab a quick breath of fresh air, let your subconscious mull over a problem, come back refreshed with a new idea. Such a trip is infinitely better in good surroundings. From our sites you can take a walk along the waterfront, watch the swans, or stroll the street and say ‘Hi’ at the local coffee shop.” Peter Connolly, Owner, Yorkshire Design Group 18 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES A SOUTHERN GATEWAY TO THE CITY The area surrounding the site for the HS2 station presents a mixture of development opportunities and uses, including residential, offices, food and drink and retail. The framework for South Bank Central is set out in the Leeds South Bank planning statement. The conversion of the Grade II listed Alf Cooke Printworks as a campus for Leeds City College was completed in summer 2013 and Leeds College of Building campus is being built this year, creating an education hub. The Tetley, a new centre for contemporary art and learning, recently opened in Leeds South Bank; it is also a neutral space to facilitate multi-agency meetings and workshops on major developments and projects in the city. THE OPPORTUNITY Our aspiration is for a high quality city park that redefines the southern gateway to the city centre. We want to create a new place which enhances the waterfront, promotes sustainable, high technology employment and homes. Leeds is one of the country’s most important regional internet centres. A new data centre planned for the area has the potential to attract many of the larger internet service providers, helping the city to deliver its ambitious digital plans. A new pedestrian and cycle bridge is planned from Leeds South Bank to the new green space on Sovereign Street to improve connectivity further with the city centre north of the river. Our aspiration is for a high quality city park that redefines the southern gateway to the city centre. 19 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “The revitalisation of the city’s South Bank over the last decade is nothing short of remarkable. It is fantastic to see the area developing into a strong community which blends living, commerce, education and leisure so successfully. Rushbond has continued to invest in the area, most recently through our partnership with Leeds City College to redevelop the former Alf Cooke Printworks into a major vocational educational campus – the potential of Leeds South Bank for further economic investment and activity as part of a growing city is clearly evident.” Jonathan Maud, Managing Director, Rushbond Plc. 20 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES Name Owner Comments 1a 1b Carlsberg land east of Crown Point Road Carlsberg Tetley No planning application proposals. 2 Carlsberg Carlsberg Tetley Total size of Carlsberg land holdings is 8.5 ha. All sites would suit a variety of uses; some land will be allocated for the new city centre park. 3 Asda Merchandising Centre of Excellence (MCE) Carlsberg Tetley Temporary permission granted for 5 years from 2013 (ref. 13/00737/FU – occupied). 4 West of Black Bull Street Yorkshire Design Services No current planning application proposals but would suit variety of uses. McLeer & Rushe 3.1 hectares HS2 terminal and associated development. (Apart from HS2, no planning application proposals). 5 6 New Lane Bridge End/Meadow Lane Various 6 2 3 HS2 5 1a 4 1b Leeds College of Building Gateway area in need of enhancement containing four Grade II listed buildings. 21 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “Leeds Dock will deliver an original, powerful cultural dimension to the lives of people in Leeds and Yorkshire, creating a vibrant, self-sustaining destination that will adapt to their leisure, work and social needs. Leeds Dock will energise Leeds South Bank and give the city back the waterfront it deserves.” Michael Ingall, Allied London, Leeds Dock 22 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES LEEDS DOCK AND HINTERLAND (FORMERLY KNOWN AS CLARENCE DOCK) Allied London acquired the commercial units around Leeds Dock in 2012. Its strategy for Leeds Dock is to revitalise the area as a major commercial, tourist and visitor attraction, in a manner which will complement the city’s aspirations for the city centre park on Leeds South Bank. Leeds Dock is a destination for start-up digital and creative businesses, a place to live, and a place for leisure for residents, workers and visitors alike. Leeds Dock is a destination for start-up digital and creative businesses, a place to live, and a place for leisure for residents, workers and visitors alike. THE OPPORTUNITY The opportunity at Leeds Dock is the promise of an outstanding location that mixes shopping, high quality, family friendly dining with a workspace hub for today’s emerging and enlarging industries, as well as space for concerts, comedy, theatre and art, in an attractive public realm environment. Home to the Royal Armouries museum and a conference centre, Leeds Dock contains over 1,100 luxury one and two bedroom apartments spread over six stunning buildings, located around moorings with views across the River Aire. 23 LEEDS SOUTH BANK The opportunity at Leeds Dock is the promise of an outstanding location that mixes shopping, high quality, family friendly dining with a workspace hub for today’s emerging and enlarging industries. 24 PART 2: THE OPPORTUNITIES 1 Name Owner Comments Leeds Dock Allied London Various planning permissions granted for office workspace, convenience retail, food, drink and event space uses to complement existing residential uses, restaurants and the Royal Armouries. 2a 2b Former Hydro Aluminium site, Clarence Road Hydro Aluminium and Hydro Motorcast Leeds (Property) Ltd Sites cleared in readiness for potential development. There are plans for a new bridge link to the East Bank. 3 Carlisle Road land Various including LCC Currently no planning applications or proposals. 4 LCC sites Carlisle Road/Sayner Lane/ Clarence Road LCC Currently no planning applications submitted. Has potential for a mix of uses. 5 East of Black Bull Street Yorkshire Design Services Ltd No current planning application. Previous approvals for residential and offices; may also suit educational uses. 1 5 3 2b 4 2a 25 LEEDS SOUTH BANK PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS 26 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS CONNECTIVITY 26 mins to City Centre (NGT) Holt Park Bodington Park & Ride 120 NEW GENERATION TRANSPORT 19 mins to City Centre (NGT) (850) A6 r ute s O ad o ed Le g R Rin New Generation Transport (NGT) represents a major investment in the city, providing a high quality transport system that will help support the Leeds economy and improve the local environment by helping to address congestion. West Park 12 mins to City Centre (NGT) Headingley Centre Hyde Park Corner NGT Stop Arena NGT Route City Centre Leeds Rail Station New Dock Sept 2013 Submision of Transport and Works Act Order Spring 2014 Public inquiry commenced 2015 Secretary of State for Transport decision expected A64 Penny Hill (Hunslet) Aire Valle y Leed s Arena M621 Civic Belle Isle 14 mins to City Centre (NGT) Leeds Rail Station Stourton Park & Ride M1 (1500) y May 2013 Consultation and design review completed A64M A58 City Square July 2012 Initial Department for Transport approval granted St James Hospital A58M NGT Proposed Extension NGT will mean modern, accessible vehicles providing reliable, comfortable and frequent journeys into the city centre from park & ride sites located on the outskirts of Leeds. It will help to reduce congestion and carbon emissions whilst improving connectivity. There is also scope for future extensions to the east, south east and west of the city. For further up-to-date information and the full Leeds route, visit: www.ngtmetro.com A new water taxi and shuttle bus services from the train station, two new bridges and improvements to cycle and pedestrian networks both within Leeds South Bank and to surrounding communities will help create a more pleasant, sustainable environment and give local people better access to places of employment and leisure facilities. 5 mins to City Centre (NGT) Leeds University it Trin M621 Junc7 Brewery Wharf 2016 Select preferred bidders for construction 2017 Begin construction 2019 Testing and commissioning Feb 2020 Start of operation 27 LEEDS SOUTH BANK Leeds railway station is one of the busiest stations in the country. The on-going development of Leeds South Bank has created demand for a new southern entrance allowing more direct access to its expanding development areas. 28 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS LEEDS STATION’S NEW SOUTHERN ENTRANCE Leeds railway station is the busiest station in the North of England: it hosts over 36 million passengers per annum (or 100,000 per day). The on-going regeneration of Leeds South Bank has created demand for a new southern entrance allowing more direct access to its expanding development areas. DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE There can be few areas of modern life which are not touched somehow by broadband connectivity – whether it’s supporting how we work, how we learn, how we communicate with friends and family, or how we entertain ourselves. Leeds and the wider city region has a critical mass of systems, infrastructure, software capability and entrepreneurial activity related to digital industries that has the potential to drive growth and position the region globally as the UK’s northern digital and information hub. Recognising the importance of digital connectivity, Leeds is embarking on ambitious plans to roll out high speed broadband to become the best digital city outside London. This will provide improved download and upload speeds, as well as a more reliable service. It will enable your workforce to work remotely which can lead to increased productivity, greater employee satisfaction, reduced travel and reduced costs. There can be few areas of modern life which are not touched somehow by broadband connectivity. Local company aql is investing in a new data centre on Leeds South Bank which will act as a catalyst for internet growth and help the city to deliver its ambitious digital plans. High speed broadband is crucial for increasing economic growth, supporting innovation, improving productivity and unleashing investment opportunities. 29 LEEDS SOUTH BANK The commitment to the new park echoes the historical development of green space in the city, bringing leisure space in a high quality environment and making a huge contribution to the transformation of the whole of Leeds South Bank. 30 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS A LIVEABLE CITY LEEDS NEW CITY PARK The council and landowners in Leeds South Bank have agreed to the creation of a new city centre park as an integral part of the expansion of the city centre business district. It is anticipated that the park will be designed in a number of separate phases to create a park of approximately 3.5 hectares. 31 LEEDS SOUTH BANK “I moved to Leeds from London for a lifestyle change, Leeds has a good design and creative community but doesn’t have the congestion, pollution, high prices and stress that come with a daily commute to London. I enjoy the vibrant cosmopolitan qualities that Leeds centre has to offer… my quality of life has already improved greatly.” The Creative and Digital Industries Survey 32 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS Leeds has one of the safest city centres in the UK. A strong multi-agency partnership and regular engagement with young people has ensured that this extends to the whole of the waterfront area. WALKING & WAY-FINDING Leeds has the only solar powered way-finding system in the UK, providing on-street maps and signposts. The first phase of the system has already been installed in part of the city centre to widespread praise. The feasibility of extending the way-finding system to the whole of Leeds South Bank is being explored. Footway improvements and two new bridges will make Leeds South Bank even more pedestrian friendly and accessible. WATERFRONT FESTIVAL The annual Waterfront Festival includes a fantastic range of events, stretching all along the Leeds Waterfront from Thwaite Mills, via Leeds Dock and Brewery Wharf to Granary Wharf in Holbeck Urban Village. The strong partnership that enables the waterfront festival to be so successful was recognised when we won the Canal & River Trust’s Waterways Renaissance Award in 2012. In future years it is intended to extend the festival to a three day event from Friday to Sunday, involving more local businesses and residents. THE ‘HUNSLET STRAY’ Leeds Sustainable Development Group, in partnership with Sustrans, is working with a group of landowners to create the Hunslet Stray, a cycle and pedestrian route that will provide an early contribution to the creation of a City Centre Park, a key part of the city’s vision for Leeds South Bank. The Stray will also help to better connect adjacent communities to Leeds South Bank. 33 LEEDS SOUTH BANK The Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme has been created to protect Leeds city centre and critical infrastructure from flooding along 3.5km of the River Aire. A proposed weir at Crown Point Bridge will be lowered when the river is in danger of flooding. 34 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS FLOOD ALLEVIATION Flood risk is increasing throughout the UK and Leeds is no exception. To protect businesses, homes, buildings, the transportation network and the city economy in the future, we are putting flood defences in place. Over £50m is being invested in flood defences for Leeds to protect homes and businesses and maintain investor confidence. The Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme has been created to protect Leeds city centre and critical infrastructure from flooding along 3.5 kilometres of the River Aire. It includes the installation of two innovative moveable weirs. The scheme has been designed to be sensitive to the heritage waterfront setting and to maintain accessibility to waterfront areas. Construction works are programmed to be completed by March 2016. Visualisation of the proposed new moveable weir at Crown Point Bridge, which will be lowered when the river is in danger of flooding, enabling the height of the water to reduce and lower flood risk. 35 LEEDS SOUTH BANK INVESTING IN WORKFORCE AND SKILLS Leeds is home to four internationally acclaimed universities with over 60,000 degree students, Leeds City College and the Leeds College of Building. Not surprising then that over 35% of the working population are qualified to at least degree level. In 2012 the Council and Leeds City College established the Apprenticeship Training Agency to offer businesses an affordable and low risk route to recruiting apprentices. Learning and training providers work collaboratively to offer sector support and to engage with students in high schools across the city. Leeds is determined to be a new kind of city, drawing on its unique assets to help shape the way global cities will be in the future. Leeds South Bank is home to one of Leeds City College’s campuses, will soon be home to Leeds College of Building and could be the home of other educational establishments in the near future. As an employer, you will have access to Leeds Enterprise Exchange, a free networking forum which brings together local employers, high schools and others who wish to see enterprise and employability flourish in the city. It is also close to communities with active workforces and potential supplies of committed employees. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Leeds is determined to be a new kind of city, drawing on its unique assets to help shape the way global cities will be in the future. Stakeholders share this ambition and are committed to working together to achieve it for the benefit of all. Many of the businesses already located in Leeds South Bank have placed sustainability at the heart of their operations and the area is destined to a beacon of high quality design and low impact living. For example, Leeds City College has recently refurbished the Alf Cooke Printworks to high environmental standards in line with their aim to reduce carbon emissions by 35%. Major transport improvements are due to take place with the arrival of NGT and the cycle superhighway and canal towpath upgrade. The planned city centre park will turn derelict land into valuable green space for residents and businesses alike to enjoy. The development sites in the area provide a great opportunity to think even more ambitiously about all aspects of sustainable development. These can look to the Council’s Building for Tomorrow Today Supplementary Planning Guide for practical advice and inspiration. 36 PART 3: INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND ASSETS THE DIVERSITY OF LEEDS IS ONE OF ITS MAJOR STRENGTHS WITH SPECIALISMS IN KEY SECTORS Financial and business services Leeds is the largest financial and business services hub outside London. The visitor economy As the home of Opera North, the Northern Ballet, the Royal Armouries museum, the Henry Moore Museum, the first direct Arena, four theatres, an international concert venue and the host of world class events like the renowned 2014 Tour de France Grand Depart, Leeds is an exciting tourist destination and a great place to live. Health and innovation Building on its cluster of highly innovative companies, nationally significant public sector institutions and world-leading research by our universities, Leeds is becoming the UK’s leading city in this sector. Advanced manufacturing As the third largest manufacturing centre in the UK, Leeds is home to around 1700 manufacturing companies employing over 30,000 people. Digital and information Our critical mass of companies, a major internet exchange and data centre, the evolving superfast and ultrafast broadband and excellent research facilities are making our digital infrastructure the envy of other cities. Housing construction and infrastructure A third of the wider city region’s employment in this sector is concentrated in the city. 37 LEEDS SOUTH BANK PARTNERS AND DELIVERY Development progress in Leeds South Bank is now becoming a reality: landowners, developers, Leeds City Council and other key stakeholders are working together to bring together positive proposals for improvements such as a new Leeds Station Southern Entrance, new campuses for both Leeds City College and Leeds College of Building, a national data centre and new digital and creative media start-up opportunities in Holbeck Urban Village and at Leeds Dock. Allied London is a property development and investment company with a combined total of more than 180 years experience in UK commercial and residential property markets. Asda. The Leeds headquarters of Asda really is the heart of Asda, with 3,000 people working here. aql is a Regulated Telecommunications Operator and has the heart of its operations in Leeds. The company’s main datacentre is also the main data hub for the city and the company is the largest wholesale IP telephony provider in the UK, with over 80 million numbers on its network. Carlsberg Tetley. The Carlsberg Group is the fourth largest brewer in the world. It owns one of the largest sites in Leeds South Bank, formerly the Tetley brewery and HQ where beer has been brewed since 1822. Creative Space Management is a leading national property management company that was founded in Leeds and now operates 0.5 million square feet of commercial space across the UK. It is the largest property manager and agent operating in Holbeck Urban Village. Homes & Communities Agency. Working with our local partners, the HCA creates new affordable homes and thriving places to meet the needs of local communities. Igloo invests in UK mixed-use real estate through sustainable place-making, in partnership with the public sector and local communities, and has been investing in Holbeck Urban Village for more than a decade. Leeds City College is the UK’s third largest FE establishment, offering a diverse curriculum to more than 40,000 students. Leeds College Of Building delivers a comprehensive range of courses related to building, construction and engineering, across Leeds and nationally. 38 Leeds Chamber of Commerce is a membership organisation providing business support and international services. It provides information, events, training, and signposting to relevant services for business enabling members to develop and prosper and to provide a collective voice taking its members views and concerns to policy and decision makers. Leeds City Council is both a land owner and developer. We facilitate development on many levels: through the coordination of the physical and green infrastructure investment, to supplying a skilled workforce and enhancing cultural facilities. Leeds and Partners is the strategic agency responsible for attracting inward investment, promoting tourism, and raising the profile of the city. It works in partnership to drive sustainable economic and jobs growth. Leeds Sustainable Development Group is a network of individuals who share a commitment to their city and want to work together to make it better. Their objective is to create a selfsustaining, open and inclusive forum. A new direction for a new kind of city Network Rail owns, operates and maintains Britain’s rail infrastructure, including spaces underneath bridges, and viaducts. They are a key partner, particularly in Holbeck Urban Village. The Tetley - Project Space Leeds. A new centre for contemporary art and learning located in the historic setting of the former Tetley brewery headquarters. For further information contact: Martin Farrington, Director of City Development, Leeds City Council Tel: +44 (0)113 247 4456 Leeds and Partners Tel: +44 (0)113 378 1555 Email: enquiries@leedsandpartners.com Rushbond plc delivers high quality and imaginative developments. Their philosophy is to create distinctive buildings and places such the BBC Headquarters in Leeds and, within the South Bank, the new Leeds City College at The Printworks and Brewery Wharf, a vibrant mix of shops, hotel, restaurants, apartments and businesses. Yorkshire Design Group headquarters are located at 46 The Calls. These award winning premises, refurbished from a former warehouse by YDG, kick-started the regeneration of the Leeds waterfront in the 1990s. Published November 2014 Design by inspiredby:creative solutions. Photography by Ollievision and Carl McCreddin. Ghost Peloton photograpy courtesy of Sharpshutter Photography. 39