Individual Balance Sheet PEN Thousand Assets Cash and due from banks Cash Deposits in Peruvian Central Bank Mar-13 Dic-12 15,077,823 12,567,655 1,663,990 1,670,898 12,826,925 10,336,588 Deposits in banks and other local financial institutions 110,357 197,053 Deposits in banks and other foreign financial institutions 271,530 248,457 Clearing accounts 170,147 109,378 Other deposits 34,874 5,281 Interbank funds 284,647 32,408 Investments at fair value through profit and loss 117,017 121,587 Shares Debt instruments Commodities Investments available for sale Shares Debt instruments Investments held to maturity Loans Performing loans Reestructured loans Refinanced loans Past due loans Loans in legal collection Allowances for loan losses 2,455 369 114,562 121,218 2,481,131 2,268,504 50,043 45,133 2,431,088 2,223,371 435,508 436,829 32,197,313 31,770,570 32,814,338 32,427,126 2,456 2,631 420,450 411,837 91,042 80,475 410,738 313,070 -1,541,711 -1,464,569 Derivatives 498,235 493,532 Hedging transactions 128,990 158,878 Accounts receivable 91,730 82,738 Accounts receivable from sale of goods and services and trust (net) 74,004 72,908 Other accounst receivable (net) 17,726 9,830 5,573 5,558 Assets seized 3,948 3,706 Assets recovered through legal actions 1,625 1,852 101,721 96,382 98,991 93,922 2,730 2,460 Assets seized, recovered through legal actions and unused Participations Subsidiaries Associated companies and joint ventures Others - - Property, furniture and equipment (net) 713,857 684,997 Current tax 352,583 159,737 Deferred tax 380,129 376,448 Non - current asset held for sale 281 175 Other assets 204,631 458,139 Total assets 53,071,169 49,714,137 Liabilities Obligations to the public 33,138,502 32,054,519 Demand deposits 9,516,221 9,237,770 Saving deposits 8,913,230 8,005,310 14,651,223 14,652,278 57,828 159,161 65,049 234,964 Term deposits Other obligations Interbank funds Deposits from financial institutions and international financial organizations Demand deposits Saving deposits Term deposits Due to banks and correspondents Peruvian Central Bank Debt obligations with local organizations and financial institutions Debt obligations with foreign financial institutions and international financial organizations Other local and foreign debt and obligations Securities, bonds and outstanding obligations Derivatives Hedging transactions Accounts payable Provisions 957,536 826,428 791,543 617,389 36,895 59,257 129,098 149,782 12,870,287 10,956,815 - - 529,082 504,113 8,787,596 7,634,246 - - 3,553,609 2,818,456 308,882 375,293 6,104 - 1,164,031 426,412 458,168 463,393 Provisions for contingents operations 71,630 70,371 Provisions for litigation and claims 13,723 11,506 372,815 381,516 Others Current tax - Deferred tax 4,389 - Other liabilities 188,781 148,228 Total liabilities 49,161,729 45,486,052 2,724,770 2,226,473 Equity Capital stock Aditional capital - - Treasury shares - - Reservs Retained earnings Net income Equity adjustments Total equity Total liabilities and equity 846,813 302,738 35,119 722,352 33,743 1,245,517 - 3,909,440 4,228,085 53,071,169 49,714,137 Note: According to Resolution 7036-2012 Art. 4th, 2nd. Temporary and Numeral 4) For quarterly financial statements for 2013 (march, june and september) will not be required comparative presentation. The comparative amounts presented are the best approximation of comparable financial statements for 2012. Source: Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores Individual Statemen of Income From January 01 to March 31, PEN Thousand 2013 Interest income Cash and due from banks 2012 897,806 795,073 45,682 16,739 Interbank funds 364 321 Investments at fair value through profit and loss 768 1,228 23,193 32,961 Investments available for sale Investments held to maturity 4,923 3,235 779,592 718,670 Hedging transactions 41,578 18,284 Accounts receivable - - 1,706 3,635 -270,721 -213,934 -152,177 -120,880 Interbank funds -1,697 -2,200 Deposits from financial institutions and international financial organizations -5,020 -2,015 -111,626 -85,742 Loans Other financial income Interest expense Obligations to the public Due to banks and correspondents Peruvian Central Bank Debt obligations with local organizations and financial institutions Debt obligations with foreign financial institutions and international financial organizations Other local and foreign debt and obligations Fees and other charges for debts abd financial obligations Securities, bonds and outstanding obligations - - -7,692 -5,755 -62,218 -57,078 - - -1,298 -1,663 -40,418 -21,246 Accounts payable - Hedging transactions - - -201 -3,097 627,085 581,139 Other financial expenses Gross financial margin (-) Provisions for loan losses - 119,589 79,674 Net financial margin 507,496 501,465 Income from financial services 170,211 177,881 44,081 41,356 Income from contingent operations Income from trusts and administrations 614 655 Income from various financial services 125,516 135,870 -29,317 -28,229 Expense from financial services Expense from contingent operations Expense from trust and trust services -2 - - - Insurance deposit premiums fund -10,350 -9,203 Expense from various financial services -18,965 -19,026 648,390 651,117 92,365 62,132 Net financial margin net from income and expense from financial services Result from financial operations (Non interest income) Investments at fair value through profit and loss Investments at fair value through profit and loss Investments in commodities Investments available for sale -218 - -218 - - - 7,278 768 Derivatives 70,460 5,851 Results for hedging transactions -7,118 2,315 Gain (loss) in participations 7,463 6,551 Income - loss in foreign exchange 9,796 41,125 Others 4,704 5,522 740,755 713,249 Operational margin Administrative expenses -298,135 -256,312 Personnel and director's expenses -144,986 -132,974 Expense for third parties services -143,519 -113,142 Taxes and contributions -9,630 -10,196 Depreciation and amortization -18,995 -16,489 Net operational margin 423,625 440,448 Assets valuation and provisions Provisions for contingent operations Provisions for accounts receivable 4,504 38,336 -2,842 24,172 3,733 12,578 Provisions for foreclosed and recovered assets 716 674 Provisions for non - current assets held for sale - - Impairment of investments - - Depreciation of properties, furniture and equipment - - Impairment of intangible assets - - Provisions for litigation and claims - - Other provisiones 2,897 912 Results of operations 419,121 402,112 Other income and expenses -4,412 -1,754 414,709 400,358 -111,971 -100,644 302,738 299,714 Basic earning (loss) per share 0.110 0.130 Diluted earning (loss) per share 0.110 0.130 Income before income tax Income tax Net income Note: According to Resolution 7036-2012 Art. 4th, 2nd. Temporary and Numeral 4) For quarterly financial statements for 2013 (march, june and september) will not be required comparative presentation. The comparative amounts presented are the best approximation of comparable financial statements for 2012. Source: Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores