DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE Introduction to Music Literature MUS110 (12.27.12) CREDIT 3 Units-SC COURSE Music 110 (Section 2409) Course may be taken for credit/no credit or a letter grade. You must decide before the sixth week of the term. Withdrawal: It is the student's responsibility to notify the records office of a formal withdrawal from the course. CLASS MEETING LOCATION OFFICE E-MAIL T/Th 9:30-10:45 M101 M105 bpeppo@dvc.edu INSTRUCTOR OFFICE PHONE OFFICE HOURS Bret Peppo 925.685.1230 ext. 2713 M 3:30-5, T 12:30-1:30 W 9:30-10:30a, Th 10-11 The Enjoyment of Music: Essential Listening Edition, MATERIALS Forney and Machlis w/CD bundle COURSE WEBSITE www.wwnorton.com/enjoy All students must use email and send papers through the DVC WEBCT Assignment announcements and discuss will take place here throughout the semester as well as copies of all assignments, syllabus, various MP3 files and YOUTUBE.COM links. EMAIL Every student is required to have an email address and have access to WEBCT. All reports and written assignments must be sent through WEBCT in Microsoft Word format. No hard copies should be submitted. Course Details DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the experience of listening to music intelligently, with an awareness of rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre and form, as well as with historical perspective. Audio recordings, audiovideo evolution of Western classical styles and genres such as opera, symphony, concerto, chamber music, as well as jazz and rock. Some comparison of Western musical traditions with those of other cultures will be included. CSU, UC. OUTCOMES An introduction to the experience of listening to music intelligently, with special emphasis on the subjective, objective and historical elements of music. Audio and video recordings, as well as live performances will be used to study the literature and the development of such genres as opera, symphony, concerto, chamber music, sacred music, folk music, jazz and rock. Western music will be compared with that of other cultures. The outcomes of the course will have been met if, upon completion, the student is able to: A. Utilize a basic vocabulary for the appreciation of music. B. Aurally identify performance media and musical genres. C. Aurally identify Western classical music styles and major works from each stylistic period. D. Discuss the contributions of major composers to Western classical music literature. E. Relate a historical/social perspective to the development and evolution of Western classical music styles. F. Relate Western classical music styles to stylistic movements in art and literature. G. Compare and contrast Western classical music styles to Western popular music styles and various non-Western musical traditions. Method of Evaluation 40% 10% 10% 10% 20% 4 Quizzes 120 points Notebook and journal 30 points Individual project 30 points 2 Concert Reports (Concert attendance required) 30 points Final Examination (open notebook) 60 points Score for assignments, quizzes and test: A Excellent (90/100) B Good (80/100) C D Lacking (60/100) F Failing (60/100 or less) Average (70/100) At the close of the semester, the scores for each student will be totaled and a letter grade assigned. Late Assignments There will be a 10% grade penalty on all late assignments. Resubmitting an assignment counts as a late assignment. Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Required texts only supplement class meetings, thus, attendance to all class meetings is essential to the successful completion of the course. Poor attendance has always resulted in a poor grade, while excellent attendance has always been prerequisite to an excellent grade. Students who miss more than two weeks of class may be dropped without notice. Students who need to take a leave of absence during the term should ask a counselor for a petition and then receive written approval from the instructor and the Dean of Students. Leaves of absence are limited to ten instructional days. If a student must drop, it is the student's responsibility to officially drop the class before published deadlines. - Excellent Attendance Extra Credit: only 2 absences adds 1 percentage point to student's course score at the end of the semester, only 1 absences adds 2 percentage points to student's course score at the end of the semester, no absences adds 3 percentage points to student's course score at the end of the semester. Academic Dishonesty Students found cheating or plagiarizing will receive grade of "0" for that assignment, quiz, or exam, and be subject to the provisions set forth by the Student Code of and Student Conduct Disciplinary and Due Process Procedures. WRITTEN 6/10/08 Revised: 5/22/09, 5/15/10, 7/18/11, 12/19/11