Remote Data Transmission (Proceedings of the Vancouver Workshop, August 1987). IAHS Publ. no. 178, 1989. Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement and other parameters HEINZ G. MARTENS L. Universidad de Chile Centro de Estudios Espaciales Division NASA Arturo Prat 1171, Casilla 411-3 Santiago 6981703 NASA-Colina Chile ABSTRACT This paper contains a brief description of the snow water equivalent and hydrometeorological parameter measurement in the Chilean Andes using Landsat and GOES data collection platforms DCP's. After a short introduction of the history of the development of the DCS system in Chile, some remote stations as well as the receive sites are described. Finally, the results obtained over 5 years of operation and the main failures experienced are presented. INTRODUCTION The use of satellites to obtain hydrometeorological data in Chile began at the end of 1977. At that time the Direocion General de Aguas (a governmental organization responsible for managing all water resources in Chile), Endesa (electrical power generating enterprise) and the University of Chile's Center for Space Studies, agreed to a joint venture to determine the feasibility of collecting snow water equivalent and meteorological data in the Chilean Andes and to transmit them to a receiving station using a satellite as a relay. Landsat was used during this experimental phase to relay the data to a tracking station operated by the University of Chile for NASA, which is located h0 km north of Santiago. Landsat, a polar-orbiting satellite, is in view of the receiving antennas two times each day at 12 hour intervals for 8 to 12 minutes during each orbit, depending on its inclination. NASA permitted the University to receive and process the data on a noninterference basis to NASA projects. The system was mainly composed of NASA equipment used in DCS activities. The Data Collection Platforms (DCP's) were two loaned by the USGS, which were first installed close to meteorological stations in order to obtain data comparison. Depending upon the results, they will be relocated. This test period lasted two years. It demonstrated successfully that sensors and electronics survived snow, ice and temperature cycles experienced in the Andes. Next, the DCP's were relocated close to snow routes in order to evaluate if they could be replaced by DCP's. Two aspects were considered: Reliability of the system and accuracy of the measurements. The advantage of this method would be continuous measurement of the parameters, almost real-time data, both of prime importance during long lasting snow storms and the melting season. The present method consists in a monthly in-situ measurement of the snow route. Although all transmission were received correctly, the system did have severe limitations: 45 Heinz G. Martens L. 46 (a) Part of the equipment involved was not exclusively dedicated to receive and process data from remote sites. (b) Data could only be recovered twice a day. (c) The amount of data, (measurement interval) was limited by the time of mutual visibility of transmitting and receiving antenna, (DCPsatellite-receiving station). The principal objective of its test demonstrated that air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind velocity and snow water equivalent can be collected by remote telemetry. Experience was also gained regarding the behavior of sensors and electronics under the changing conditions prevailing in the Andes. Five data collection platforms were deployed based on the considerations indicated above and next to the existing snow routes. Two more were installed several years later for measuring meteorological data: one in the north, close to the Bolivian border at 5,600 m above sea level and one in the south, next to Lake Dickson. THE PRESENT SYSTEM The next step was the evaluation of the GOES satellite as an active repeater using a 15 ft antenna available at the receive site. Using GOES would not only increase the amount of data available but would also make the data available in almost real-time. Once it was determined that the receiving capability operated correctly, a microprocessor to decode and store the data was designed and built. The processing system is capable of converting the data to engineering units under operator control or transmitting the engineering units over a microwave link and telephone line to the user's office. A system like the one described makes a continuous measurement of hydrometeorological parameters possible. This cannot be done by conventional methods as the areas of interest are uninhabited, mainly during winter. To increase the probability of receiving the data correctly, the same set of values is transmitted 3 times (triple redundancy), thus an average of 95? of all transmissions are received during the evaluation period. Receive Site The signals are received by a 15 ft dish which has 35 db gain, amplified by low-noise preamplifiers with 28 db gain and 1.2 db NF. Downeonversion, demodulation and synchronizations of the data pulses are conventional. At this point the signal (data and clock) is fed to the microprocessor input port to be recorded on a floppy disk and is simultaneously recorded on magnetic tape as a back-up. Further processing is done once a week under operator control as both users, Endesa and DGA require the data for statistic and runoff forecasts. Reception processing and transmissions over a microwave link and telephone line is also possible. Remote Stations The 5 hydrometeorological remote stations which measure mainly snow water equivalent are all deployed in the Andes between 30 dg. SL and 36 dg. SL (figure 1). Four of them are at 3>500 m above sea level and the fifth one at 2,200 m. Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement 47 1 DCP CERRO OLIVARES DCP CERRO VEGA NEGRA Pv> LAS RAMADAS DCP ELSOLDADO DCP GLACIAR ECHAURREN PV MAITENES PV CIPRESES DCP LO AGUIRRE —36' MIT FIG. 1 Reference Map All of the stations are next or close to existing snow routes, since these areas are representative for the basin. In-situ snow measurements render the data required to evaluate the automatic measurement. One site evaluated in the study is Lo Aguirre. Its layout is shown in figure 2. At this location the normal snow accumulation during the winter season in 6 m to 8 m. Some years it is even more. There is a high probability that ice layers will "bridge" the snow pillows and thus prevent the pressure of the water in the fresh snow from being sensed. To minimize the probability of this bridging effect to occur, four snow pillows were connected in parallel as shown in figure 3- No negative effects have been detected. Heinz G. Martens L. 48 LO AGUIRRE T Y P I C A L SNOW PILLOW SCHEMATIC FIG. 2 Typical snow pillow i n s t a l l a t i o n a t Lo Aguirre All but two remote s t a t i o n s have sensors to measure: (a) snow water equivalent (b) solar radiation (c) relative humidity (d) air temperature (e) wind speed (f) wind direction Snow water equivalent is measured using 1.20 m X 1.50 m X 15 mm stainless steel snow pillow filled with a mixture of 50? alcohol and 50? water. The pillow is connected to a differential pressure transducer. Its measuring range is 0-3 or 0-6 lb/in2 depending on the amount of snow expected. In order to minimize the bridging effect, up to four pillows are connected in parallel. To insure that the pressure of the snow is evenly distributed over the whole area of the pillow, the surface on which the pillow rests was leveled and covered with sand or similar material available. The rest of the sensors, the solar panel, and the antenna are attached to a 2" pipe used as a tower. Guy wires are used at two levels to avoid collapsing of the pipe due to snow weight (figure 4 ) . The height at which all elements are mounted has to be sufficient to prevent their being covered by the snow. At 3 installations they are at 3.5 Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement 49 \ f wee S now - p i 1 t o w T -M- -wr-txf- -t<r- J pressure transducer w e a t he r p r o o f Û V . SNOW FIG. 3 PILLOW INSTALLATION enclosure /~ SIGNAL TO DCP y> SCHEMATIC Snow pillow installation schematic m. At two other sites, they were attached to a pipe mounted on top of the shelter. Interface, DCP and battery are installed in two different forms: at sites where a shelter already existed they were installed inside. Where no shelter was available, the electronics and battery were put in a waterproof container and buried (figure 5 ) . Two other DCP's were installed north of Chile at a site called Pampa Lirima, to measure rainfall. The other one was deployed in the far south to measure level fluctuation of Lake Dickson. Heinz G. Martens L. 50 4.V - -k 1 N * • * * # FIG. 4 ' Picture of Pampa Lirima DCP RESULTS OBTAINED Regular operation of the remote stations started in 1981. Although data was gathered for several parameters, only the snow water equivalent data can be evaluated as there is only data available for this one against which to compare. The snow pillows were installed next to existing snow routes in order to take snow samples next to the pillow, while taking samples along the route. Snow pillow data was also compared to accumulated precipitation measured at the same basin but at a lower altitude. The evaluation of the snow pillow behavior covers 3 DCP's during 1982, 1983, and 1984. (a) Cerro Vega Negra, installed 400 km north of Santiago at 3,600 m above sea level, (b) Glacier Echaurren next to Santiago at 3,800 m above sea level, (c) Lo Aguirre, 280 km south of Santiago, at 2,200 m above sea level. Figure 6a, b, and c, represent the snow water equivalent as measured by the pillow and in-situ measurements in 1982, 1983, and 1984 at one of the stations, Cerro Vega Negra. Their graphs are representative of the correlation between the snow pillow measurements and the in-situ measurements at the other stations. Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement FIG. 5 Picture of Yelcho (Antarctic) installation Figure 7 represents the accuracy of the snow water equivalent data. Deviation of the straight line indicated errors of the data collected by the DCP as compared to data obtained by traditional methods. Good correlation exists in all cases between pillow data and accumulated precipitation up to the point of maximum snow water equivalent. On the pillow installed at Glacier Echaurren near Santiago there is precipitation even during the melting season. This is indicated by an increase of the accumulated precipitation and a decrease of the snow water equivalent. The foregoing relation indicates further that more of the snow remains during the whole winter and that a direct relation exists between the snow water and the precipitation accumulated during the same period. It can be considered that the data obtained using a snow pillow and pressure transducer satisfies hydrological requirements. When operating data collection platforms in the Andes the following aspects have to be considered: A high probability of data recovery is only assured when data is transmitted in three consecutive transmissions (triple redundancy). Lightening rods and an adequate grounding system has to be installed to avoid failures of the electronics caused by lightening, which is very frequent in the Andes. When no shelter is available, the DCP interface and battery can be buried. Before each snow period the DCP has to be overhauled and the sensor data checked against data obtained by instruments considered as acceptable standards. A continuous record of snow data along with meteorological parameters, such as solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, wind, etc., helps to better understand how snow accumulation and melting occurs, yielding a more precise run off forecast. The results obtained so far indicate that snow-routes can be replaced by snow pillow considering that data is continuous and reliable. In several cases, the frequency of in-situ measurements was decreased, especially at Heinz G. Martens L. FIG. 6 DCP Cerro Vega Negra, snow water equivalent 1982: (a) 1982, (t>) 1983 52 Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement 53 m m 1500- (c) A f SNOW P I L L O W 0 I A 1000- 500- PREC. L A S RAMADAS 1 o SP s a m p l i n g A snpw i 0 may. /-—U ju n ,~J, 1 Jul. 1 aug 1 sep roule 1 oct. ] nov. MIT FIG. 6(c)DCP Cerro Vega Negra snow water equivalent 1984 places difficult to reach and where the probability for an accident to occur is high. Calibration of Sensors All instruments are calibrated in the laboratory. However, after installation is completed, the values obtained by the sensors are compared against readings of standard instruments. There are always small discrepancies between readings, discrepancies which are not the same over the range of measurement of the sensor. The range of measurement of all parameters that generate a voltage is from 0 to 5 volts. Since the sensors are linear, all values measured will fall on a straight line when plotted on an x/y coordinate system. X represents the values measured with the instrument considered standard (or correct value) and x_the voltage obtained by the sensors of the remote station. This line can be represented in the equation: (1) y = bx + a. The constants "a" and "b" can be calculated by the least square method after obtaining an adequate set of values. Heinz G. Martens L. 54 SP s a m p l i n g 2500' • CERRO VEGA NEGRA & GLACIAR ECHAURREN a L0 SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT FIG. 7 DC P IN SITU AGUIRRE MEASUREMENTS Snow water equivalent DCP in-situ measurements When applying this method to calibrate the snow pillow pressure transducer, the first step is to determine the linearity of the transducer. This is done at the laboratory. A transparent hose is connected to the transducer; then it is attached to a vertically mounted pole. Next, regulated voltage is applied to the transducer, the hose filled up to 1.50 m or 1.80 m with water and the output voltage of the transducer measured. (The water in the hose replaces the water in the snow.) The water is then released in 10 cm steps and the corresponding output voltage measured. Since the pressure range of the transducer used allows for over 4 m of water, which is impractical to set up in the laboratory, only a height of a 1.5 m to 1.8 m is reproduced. Once the transducer is installed in the mountains, this procedure is repeated. We have then a set of x/y values and are able to determine both coefficients of the equation y = bx + a. The snow pillows are then reconnected and the output voltage measured. Since there is no snow over the pillows, the value measured is due to the pressure of the pillow which was installed approximately 20 cm higher than the transducer. This pressure is a second constant which has to be considered. 55 Use of data collection platforms for snowwater equivalent measurement Data Collection Platforms Installed for Other Purposes (a) Automatic remote stations are being used for gathering meteorological data at the Antarctic. The stations are still in their experimental phase; one of them has not operated during the whole year. (b) The Center for Space Studies is measuring the amount of water obtained from fog condensation. The idea of obtaining water from fog is not new and several projects were carried out over the last years, but DCP's made it possible to measure the amount of water obtained from different collectors. Installing several, varying in shape and size, permits to determine the best collector. The water is measured using modified tipping bucket type, rain gages; also meteorological parameters are measured at the same time. (c) Snow avalanche is a hazard which causes loss of life and interruption of mining activity. The problem is of prime importance having as much as 150 avalanche routes on a 10 km long road. Unfortunately not all the parameters which cause a snow avalanche can be measured. Nevertheless one mining company is testing the system by measuring wind speed and direction at the top of the avalanche road. The data obtained is transmitted every hour to the avalanche control office of the mine in the mountains. (d) A flood early-warning system was developed. During snow melting season in 1982/1983 a DCP and water level gage was installed at two rivers next to Santiago. Collected data were transmitted almost real time over a microwave link and telephone line to flood control office. The results were excellent. Evaluation of the System An average of 78.75? of all possible transmissions was received. This figure includes stations deployed in the mountains during 5 years of operation (Jan. 1982-1986), one station deployed near Lake Dickson (50 dg. 50* SL; Vi dg 50' WL) for 2 years and shows the efficiency of the system for the indicated period. The results are acceptable but the system is not sufficiently reliable. The low efficiency of Limari and Lirima in 1982; Elqui in 1983 and 1985; Choapa, Echaurren, Limari and Dickson in 1986, (about 60$) are due to extended outages, caused by several reasons. A principal reason is that it is impossible to reach the remote site during winter time. Helicopter flight is expensive (US $465.00/hour). It should be noted that these figures also include instrument failures. Data was also lost during eclipse periods of the satellite. Table 1 lists the percentage of data recovered from the remote stations during 1982-86. As said at the beginning, the first DCP was installed during 1978. Sensors, interfaces, solar panels, DCP etc. are still operating. They have failed many times, were repaired and continued measuring and transmitting. Many failures can be attributed to the fact that the DCP's were the first or almost the first to be on the market; other troubles to an inadequate installation. Following is a list of the main failures experienced: - Transmission on a different time slot, caused by lightning or by low battery voltage. - Drift of the transmission time, causing interference with the DCP transmitting on the next time slot. Heinz G. Martens L. 56 TABLE 1 Data recovered SITE YEARS 1982 1983 198U 1985 1986 ECHAURREH 93. 31* 98.25 98.25 16.9k 27.2 78.8? ELQUI 88.50 6U.ll 97.56 6k.kl 81+.3 79-78? CHOAPA 78. lk 9^-77 98.25 90.27 50.1+ 82.1+9? LIMARI 63 A l 90.59 97-56 73.56 k.9 66.0? MAULE 8U.32 82.23 95. Vf 9^.3 91.1+2 89.69? LIRIMA 62.81 97-1 90.28 92.51 93.1 87.16? *75-93 **58.69 67.31? 81.2k 58.57 78.75? DICKSON SYSTEM EFFICIENCY 67.30 75.29 82. U8 AVERAGE NOTES : * Started transmitting Jan.25, 1985 ** Battery failure in MayFigures include: DCP failures, Instrument failures, Receive site failures and Satellite eclipse. - Solar panel: Failure of the zener diode, which caused the voltage to increase and the fuse on the DCP to blow. - The installed DCP's use at the sensor input circuit an analog to digital converter (CD 4051 AE) which is sensitive to negative voltage inputs. A negative voltage at the input of one channel affects data at all the other channels, making it useless. The negative voltage can be generated due to a failure of a component of the interface, or when the instrument is not calibrated correctly, or due to loss of calibration. - The snow pillows have failed twice due to' mechanical problems. - Anemometer and vane failed several times, a couple of weeks after installation, also due to mechanical problems. - Calibration of the humidity sensor changed during operation after a couple of weeks of installation. - A problem which is common to all installed DCP's is the continuous radio frequency drift. Unfortunately, while the frequency increases on several DCP's, it decreases on others. The drift does not follow any pattern and 57 Use of data collection platforms for snow water equivalent measurement appears not to depend on temperature. The behavior of a DCP is similar whether it is installed in the Antarctic or in the mountains, buried or located in a shelter. The erratic behavior may cause that the frequency distribution of all DCP's will sometimes exceed the bandwidth permitted by the satellite and earth stations. To avoid the loss of data, the transmissions frequency of all DCP's is periodically monitored and one of the local oscillators (a HP 5100 A Synthesizer) retuned so that all DCP's or at least as many as possible fall within the demodulators bandwidth. It has to be noted that our receive site is "home made," built using existing equipment, designing or modifying other pieces and buying only the demodulator. The Hewlett Packard frequency synthesizer model 5105 A and 5100 A generate the appropriate frequencies for signal downconversion. Reliability of the system will increase when replacing DCP1s which are in the field for almost 8 years by new equipment, which uses up-to-date technology. The main difficulty in expanding the network is its installation cost as compared with the traditional data collecting methods.