WM. GERARD (GERRY) SANDERS Office: 351 McNair Jones Graduate School of Business Rice University Houston, TX 77005 Phone: Mobile: Email: 713-348-6307 713-306-4024 gerry.sanders@rice.edu ACADEMIC POSITIONS Professor of Strategic Management, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, July 2008-present. Area Leader, Strategy and Environment area, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, 2009-present. Professor, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, May 2008-July 2008. Department Chair, Organizational Leadership and Strategy, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University 2005-2008. Associate Professor, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, 2002-2008. J. Earl Garrett Fellow in Management. Visiting Associate Professor of Management, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, Spring semester, 2004. Assistant Professor, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, 1996-2002. EDUCATION Ph.D., Strategic Management, The University of Texas at Austin. August 1996. B.S., Business Administration (Finance), Brigham Young University, December 1980. PUBLICATIONS Sanders, W.G., & Devers, C.E. forthcoming. CEO Compensation: A Review and Research Agenda. In Teece, D. & Augier, M. (Eds) Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Sanders, W.G., Tushcke, A. C. 2010. Corporate elite career experiences and strategic preferences: the case of the Chinese corporate governance reform. In Carpenter, M.A. (Ed) The Handbook of Research on Top Management Teams, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.: Northampton, MA Fredrickson, J.W., Davis-Blake, A., & Sanders, W.G. 2010. Sharing the wealth: Social comparisons and pay dispersion in the CEO’s top team. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 1031-1053. Sanders, W.G. & Hambrick, D.C. 2007. Swinging for the fences: The effects of CEO stock options on company risk-taking and performance. Academy of Management Journal, Oct2007, 50: 1055-1078. Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. 2007. The adoption of institutionally contested organizational practices: The emergence of stock option pay in Germany. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 33-56. Sanders, W.G. & Boivie, S. 2004. Sorting things out: Valuation of new firms in uncertain markets. Strategic Management Journal, 25: 167-186. Carpenter M. and Sanders, W.G., 2004. The effects of top management team pay and firm internationalization on MNC performance. Journal of Management, 30:509-528 Carpenter, M.A., Geletkanycz, M. A., and Sanders, W.G. 2004. The upper echelons revisited: Antecedents, elements, and consequences of top management team composition. Journal of Management, 30: 749-778.* *Awarded Best Paper prize in 2009 based on five year citation counts. Tuschke, A.C. & Sanders, W.G. 2003. Antecedents and consequences of corporate governance reform: The case of Germany. Strategic Management Journal, 24: 631-650. Sanders, W.G. and Carpenter, M.A. 2003. Strategic satisficing? A behavioral-agency perspective on stock repurchase program announcements. Academy of Management Journal, 46: 160-178. Carpenter, M. and Sanders, W.G. 2002. Top management team compensation: The missing link between CEO pay and firm performance? Strategic Management Journal, 23: 367-375. Sanders, W.G. 2001. Behavioral responses of CEOs to stock ownership and stock option pay. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 477-492. Sanders, W.G. 2001. Incentive alignment, CEO pay level, and firm performance: A case of “Heads I win, tails you lose? Human Resource Management, 40: 159-170. Carpenter, M., Sanders, W.G., and Gregersen, H.B. 2001. Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 493-512. Carpenter, M., Sanders, W. G., and Gregersen, H. B. 2000. CEO International Assignment Experience: A Model and Evidence of Financial Benefits to Firms and CEOs. Human Resource Management 39: 277-285. Sanders, W.G. 1999. Incentive structure of CEO stock option pay and stock ownership: The moderating effects of firm risk. Managerial Finance, 25: 61-75. Carter, S. and Sanders, W.G. 1999. Does sticking to the knitting unravel your corporate reputation? In Dynamic Strategic Resources: Development, Diffusion and Integration, Hitt, M., Clifford P., Nixon, R. and Coyne K. (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons (pp. 165-190). Sanders, W.G. and Carpenter, M. 1998. Internationalization and firm governance: The roles of CEO compensation, top team composition, and board structure. Academy of Management Journal, 41: 158-178. A synopsis of this research was published in the May-June 1999 issue of Academy of Management Executive entitled “Two heads are better than one if your company spans the globe” by Marc Mentzer. PEER REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Tuschke, A.C. & Sanders, W.G. 2003. The adoption of illegitimate organizational innovations: The emergence of stock option pay in Germany. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 2003. Sanders, W.G. and Carpenter, M. 1999. A behavioral perspective of strategic initiative adoption: The case of stock repurchase programs. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 1999. Sanders, W.G. and Carpenter, M. 1996. Internationalization and firm governance: The roles of CEO compensation, top team composition, and board structure. Academy of Management Special Proceedings, 1996. Sanders, W.G. 1995. Executive contingent compensation: Risk premiums and wealth windfalls. Academy of Management Special Proceedings, 1996. Sanders, W.G., Davis-Blake, A., and Fredrickson, J.W. 1995. Prizes with strings attached: Determinants of the structure of CEO compensation. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings: 266-270. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Whose Experience Matters in the Boardroom? The Effects of Experiential and Vicarious Learning on Emerging Market Entry. Under review at Strategic Management Journal. Hernandez, E., Sanders, W.G., & Tuschke, A.C. What I Know or What My Partner Knows: The Evolution of Social Capital in German Corporate Boards. Under review at Management Science. Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. When Iron Turns to Dust: The Influence of Role Models on Emerging Market Entry under Varying Degrees of Risk. Under review at Academy of Management Journal Ren, C., Sanders, W.G., Hu, Y. Switching Enemies: Strategic Similarity, Exit of Rivals and Product Variety Competition. Under Review at Academy of Management Journal WORKING PAPERS AND WORK IN PROGRESS Boivie, S. & Sanders, W.G., Graffin, S. Accumulated pay: A longitudinal examination of the effects of over and underpayment. Target Journal: Academy of Management Journal. Sanders, W.G., Tuschke, A.C., & Hernandez, E. CEO Hubris and Corporate Fraud. (Status: data collection 75% complete. Target journal Academy of Management Journal or Strategic Management Journal). Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. Effects of Corporate Elite Experiences on Governance Choices: Appointment of Independent Directors in Chinese Listed Companies Sanders, W.G. Governance and strategy in an emerging market: The evolution of China’s largest firms. Work in progress. Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. The Effects of Fund Manager Experience and Education on Perceptions and Preferences for Governance Configuration. Work in progress. Sanders, W.G., Gregersen, H.B., Carpenter, M.A, & Marx, E. The evolution of boards and top management teams in response to governance turmoil: The case of UK FTSE 100. (Status: data collection 75% complete; target journal: Journal of International Business Studies). RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. When Iron Turns to Dust: The Influence of Role Models on Emerging Market Entry under Varying Degrees of Risk. Univeresit of Illinois, October, 2011. Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Whose experience matters and when? The effects of interlock heterogeneity and firm experience on strategic choice. University of Wisconsin, September, 2011. Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. When Iron Turns to Dust: The Influence of Role Models on Emerging Market Entry under Varying Degrees of Risk. TCU, May, 2011. Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. Entry Patterns into Foreign Markets: The Influence of Risk and Experience on Mimetic Behavior. Presentation at the Strategic Management Society annual meetings in Rome, Italy. September, 2010. Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Whose experience matters and when? The effects of interlock heterogeneity and firm experience on strategic choice. University of Texas, January, 2011. Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Whose experience matters and when? The effects of interlock heterogeneity and firm experience on strategic choice. University of Minnesota, October, 2010. Tuschke, A.C. & Sanders, W.G. Entry Patterns into Foreign Markets: The Influence of Risk and Experience on Mimetic Behavior. Presentation at the Strategic Management Society annual meetings in Rome, Italy. September, 2010. Hernandez, E., Sanders, W.G., & Tuschke, A.C. Strategic Experience Accumulation and the Evolution of Network Structure in German Board Interlocks. Klein Distinguished Presenter Series, Carroll School of Management, Boston College. November 2009, Hernandez, E., Sanders, W.G., & Tuschke, A.C. Strategic Experience Accumulation and the Evolution of Network Structure in German Board Interlocks. Academy of Management Chicago, IL. August, 2009. Sanders W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. Effects of Corporate Elite Experiences on Governance Choices: Appointment of Independent Directors in Chinese Listed Companies. Strategic Management Society, October 2009, Washington D.C. Tuschke, A.C. & Sanders, W.G. Strategy Process Routines and their Content Outcomes. Strategic Management Society, October 2008 Cologne Germany. (both presenters) Sanders, W.G. & Tuschke, A.C. Experiential Effects on Strategic Preferences: The Case of the Chinese Corporate Upper Echelons, International Association for Chinese Management Research, June 2008, Guangzhou, China (Sanders presenter) Ethics in Publishing. August 2008. Academy of Management Meetings in Anaheim, CA (multiple presenters) Tuschke, A.C. & Sanders, W.G. Entry Patterns into Foreign Markets: The Influence of Risk and Experience on Mimetic Behavior. August 2008. Academy of Management Meetings in Anaheim, CA (Tuschke presenter) Sanders, W.G. Stock Options as Incentive Mechanisms in the US: Opportunities and Warning Signs for Developing Economies. November 2007. 4th International Symposium of Corporate Governance. Nankai Univeresity, Tianjin, China. (Sanders presenter) Sanders, W.G. Compensation as an Executive Motivational Tool: Agency and Stewardship Perspectives. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Philadelphia, PA, August 2007. Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Are All Board Interlocks Created Equal? The Differential Impact of Sent, Received, and Neutral Ties. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Philadelphia, PA, August 2007. Tuschke, A.C., Sanders, W.G., & Hernandez, E. Are All Board Interlocks Created Equal? The Differential Impact of Sent, Received, and Neutral Ties. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Meetings in Vienna, October 2006. Fredrickson, J.W., Davis-Blake, A., Sanders, W.G. Inequality at the top: Determinants of pay dispersion within the top management team. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Meetings in Orlando, FL, November 2005. Sanders, W.G. and Hambrick, D.C. Swinging for the Fences: The Effects of Stock Option Pay on Firm Investments and Performance. Paper presented that the Academy of Management Meetings in Honolulu, HI., August 2005. Sanders, W.G., Marx. E. Director International Experience: The Case of the UK FTSE 100. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Honolulu, HI, August 2005. Sanders, W.G. and Hambrick, D.C. Swinging for the Fences: The Effects of Stock Option Pay on Firm Investments and Performance. Paper presented that the Texas Conference on Corporate Governance, University of Texas at Austin, February 2004. Conversations on Corporate Leadership and Governance (with Marta Geletkanycz). Coorganizer of a BPS/OMT workshop at the Academy of Management Meetings in Seattle, WA, August 2003. The Adoption of Illegitimate Organizational Innovations: The Emergence of Stock Option Pay in Germany. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Seattle, WA, August 2003. Too much of a good thing? The performance effects of executive compensation structure. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Denver, CO, August 2002. Surviving the Internet Bubble: Examining the Links between Modes of Growth and Commercial Success (with S. Boivie). Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Denver, CO, August 2002. Surviving the Internet Gold rush: What types of growth lead to success? (with S. Boivie) Presented at the 2001 Strategic Management Society Meetings in San Francisco, CA October 2001. Finalist for best paper prize. The Emergence of a shareholder value system in Germany and its effects on firm performance: Theory and evidence. (with A. Tuschke) To be presented at the 2001 Strategic Management Society Meetings in San Francisco. Virtual lemons: Quality uncertainty, market signalling, and the valuation of new economy firms. (with S. Boivie) Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Washington D.C., August 2001. Effects of Corporate Governance Reform: Evidence from Germany. (with A. Tuschke) Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Washington D.C. August 2001. Do firm resources drive acquisition activity: Theory and evidence. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in Washington D.C., August 2001. Corporate Governance.com: Do old mechanisms fit new business models? (with S. Boivie) Presented at the Strategic Management Society for the 2000 meetings. Nominated for best paper prize. Top management team compensation and the performance of U.S. multinationals. (with M. Carpenter) BYU/UU Winter Strategy Conference 2000. Top management team compensation in multinational firms: An information-processing framework. (with M. Carpenter) Presented at the Association of International Business 1999 annual meetings, Charleston, S.C. Top management team compensation and the performance of U.S. multinationals. (with M. Carpenter) Strategic Management Society meetings in Berlin, Germany 1999. Best Paper finalist. A behavioral perspective of strategic initiative adoption: The case of stock repurchase programs. (with M. Carpenter) Paper presented at the 1999 Academy of Management meetings in Chicago, IL. Building human capital with organizational context: The impact of international experience on CEO pay and multinational firm performance. (with M. Carpenter and H.B. Gregersen). Paper presented at the 1998 Academy of Management meetings, San Diego, California. Does Sticking to the Knitting Unravel Your Corporate Reputation? (with S. Carter) Paper presented at the 1998 Strategic Management Society meetings, Orlando, Florida. CEO financial incentives, firm investment activity, and subsequent firm performance. Paper presented at the 1997 Strategic Management Society annual meeting in Barcelona, Spain. Symbolic churning: The effects of CEO incentives on acquisition and divestiture activity. Paper presented at the OMT division of the 1997 Academy of Management meetings, Boston, Massachusetts. When it rains it pours: CEO long-term contingent compensation, risk premiums, and wealth windfalls. Paper presented at the BPS division at the 1997 Academy of Management meetings, Boston, Massachusetts. Executive contingent compensation: Risk premiums and wealth windfalls. Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Management meetings, Cincinnati, Ohio. Internationalization and firm governance: The roles of CEO compensation, top team composition, and board structure. (with Carpenter, M.) Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Management meetings, Cincinnati, Ohio. TMT compensation and corporate reputation: Enhancing intangible assets. (with S. Carter) Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Management meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prizes with strings attached: Determinants of the structure of CEO compensation. (with A. Davis-Blake, J.W. Fredrickson) Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Management meetings, Vancouver, B.C. Determinants of compensation dispersion among top management team members. (with A. Davis-Blake & J.W. Frerickson) Paper presented at the 1995 Academy of Management meetings, Vancouver, B.C. TEACHING PUBLICATIONS Stewart, G.L., Sanders, W.G., & Brown, K.G. 2012. Management: Linking Knowledge and Skills. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Carpenter, M.A. & Sanders, W.G. 2007. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Released for adoption in March 2006). Second edition published January 2009. Third edition in preparation for publication in 2012. − Six Flags: A Strategic Roller Coaster? 2011 − The Theme Park Industry, 2011 − Porsche Red Line Strategy (B) (with Anja Tuschke), 2011 − Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note. − Pacific Cycle, 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note. − Neurocare, 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note. − SNOCAP, 2007. Video and teaching note. − SAB Miller-Coors Alliance, 2009. Written case and teaching note. − Two-buck Chuck, 2007. Written case and teaching note. − Citi’s governance challenge, 2008 (Written case) − GE’s New Vision, 2008 (Written case) − Redline Strategy: Porsche/VW, 2009 (Written case) − RedBull, 2009 (Written case) − Chery Motors, 2008 (Written case) − Chipotle, 2009 (Written case) − Bob Nardelli’s Challenge: Fixing Chrysler’s, 2009 (Written case) JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARDS AND REVIEWER EXPERIENCE Associate Editor Academy of Management Journal, July, 2007-2010 Editorial Board Member Academy of Management Journal 2004 - Present Academy of Management Review 2006 - 2008 Ad Hoc Reviewer Administrative Science Quarterly Organization Science Strategic Management Journal Journal of Management Journal of Applied Psychology Reviewer AOM, BPS & OMT divisions 1994-Present GRANTS AND RESEARCH FUNDING Mentored Research Grant, Brigham Young University, 2007. ($20,000 grant to conduct research on governance in China) Young Scholar Award, Brigham Young University 2003. Outstanding Research Award, Marriott School of Management 2003. J. Earl Garrett Fellowship in Management, 2002-2008. Grant from the Global Management Center (2003), Brigham Young University, to study the effects of corporate governance and strategy in cross-board acquisitions and mergers. Dean’s office research grant (2001) for the study of the evolution of corporate governance in new (e.g., Internet) and transitioning (countries with a traditional stakeholder orientation) economies. Grant from the Rollins Center for e-Business (2000) for the study of the association between strategy, corporate governance, and firm performance among Internet IPOs. Grant from the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) for the study of executive pay practices and their effects on performance in multi-national firms. Dean’s office research grant (summer 1998) for the study of the role of firm and executive level international experiences as a predictor of foreign acquisitions in the European Community. Marriott School of Management special research grant, 1996-1997 academic year. Eugene and Dora Bonham Memorial Fund, 1995. College-wide competitive research grant for doctoral student research. Dean’s Award, 1995. Scholarship awarded to selected Ph.D. students in the college of business. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Academy of Management Strategic Management Society Internatioal Association for Chinese Management Research PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Twelve-year career in institutional investment management with Equitec Financial Group, The Koll Company, and Bechtel Investments. Vice President in charge of negotiating large property acquisitions, financings, and divestitures. Managed offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, and Chicago. Also organized and managed firm’s entry into the Savings Bank industry (commercial mortgage origination). SELECTED OTHER ACTIVITIES Program Chair, Corporate Governance and Strategy interest group, Strategic Management Society, 2010-2011. Newman Award Committee Chair (best paper based on a dissertation), Academy of Management 2011. Dean’s Advisory Council, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice Univeristy. 2008-present. Organization and Management Theory Best Paper Award committee, Academy of Management 2010. Newman Award selection committee (best paper based on a dissertation), Academy of Management 2010. Associate Program Chair, Corporate Governance and Strategy interest group, Strategic Management Society, 2009-2010. Strategic Management Society Code of Conduct Task Force, 2008. Judge for the finals of the 2006 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition. Pittsburgh, PA. Member of the Marriott School Executive Council, 2005-2008 Strategic Management Society Code of Conduct Task Force, 2008. Judge for the SMS Best Paper Award, 2004-2007. Panelist for the New Faculty Consortium of the Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management, 2006. Atlanta, GA. Rank and Status committee member, Marriott School, Brigham Young University, 2003-2004 New faculty consortium panel member. BPS division of the Academy of Management, August 2004. Research Committee member, Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management, 2003-2004. Invited participant in the 1999 New Faculty Consortium for the Business Policy and Strategy division at the Academy of Management meetings in Chicago, IL. Invited participant in the 1997 New Faculty Consortium for the Organization Management and Theory division at the Academy of Management meetings in Boston, MA. Invited participant in the 1995 Doctoral Consortium for Strategic Management at the Academy of Management meetings in Vancouver B.C. Completed twleve marathons since 1997. Completed an Ironman event in 2007.