CHAPTER -Draft Kinseyan Anthropology
What Kinsey did for the American male, Ford and Beach have
done for men and women the world over.
--Chicago Tribune, Top of the front cover of
Patterns of Sexual Behavior (1951).
My whole outlook upon life is determined by one question: how
can we recognize the shackles that tradition has laid upon us, for
when we can recognize them we are also able to break them.
--Franz Boaz, (1858-1942), the “Father of American Anthropology.”1
Tom O’Carroll, the pedophile director of the English Pedophile
Information Exchange (PIE), explained in his child molester’s handbook,
Paedophilia, The Radical Case: “erotica had a powerful influence on my own
attitudes, an influence almost as powerful and revolutionary as the impact on me
of Ford and Beach and Kinsey.”2 O’Carroll, the pioneering organizer of the
English and European academic pedophile movement, nicely links together for
us three key agents of “The Sex Industrial Complex” (SIC) discussed in
detail in Chapter 5 as relying upon three-key bodies of change agents:
The pedophile/pederasty crusaders, (heterosexual and
homosexual child molesters)
Kinsey’s disciples in sexology and allied disciplines
The pornography industry.
“The Sex Industrial Complex” is an economic and attitudinal
merger of pedophile and pederast crusaders with “sexology” and its allies
in other academic fields, along with commercial pornographers. The
pharmaceutical and abortion industries--both obviously profit from sexual
promiscuity--are satellite players in the SIC.
It was the academic pedophile/pederasty crusaders, largely employed by
the pornography industry, with whom I locked horns in Wales when I presented
my research on child pornography at the “British Psychological Association
Conference on Love and Attraction” in 1976.
Although all three agents work together, this chapter focuses on group B;
“Kinsey’s disciples in sexology” and the allied discipline of anthropology.
Kinsey Legitimizes the Sexual Revisionists
Chasing down Kinsey and his closeted sexual revisionists is one of the
most mesmerizing detective sagas in social history. For, tracking the path of
brazen clues left by liberal left “social scientists,” we can learn a great deal about
how and why our national moral philosophy was overturned.
Indiana University’s Alfred Kinsey, (1894-1956) the father of American
sexology, set up his tent right behind Barnard University’s Franz Boaz (18581942), the father of American anthropology. Boaz was maneuvering to break the
sexual “shackles that tradition has laid upon us.” To that end, Boaz sent
worshipful young undergraduate anthropology student votaries, like pixie little
23-year-old Margaret Mead--into the erotic “field” to prove that primitive people
had better sex than Americans.
Mead, like other holiday anthropologists, spent a few months in “the
field” and returned to Main Street USA claiming “uninhibited” free-sex societies
had no jealousy, no rape and great sex. As the most publicly celebrated of all
anthropologists, Mead’s uninhibited sexual paradise, reported as Coming of Age
in Samoa, took 60 years to expose as false.
No matter, the leftist academic world has largely ignored the evidence
presented by anthropologist Derek Freeman in Margaret Mead and Samoa: The
Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth (1983) and then again in The
Fateful Hoaxing of Margaret Mead, (1999). Freeman, Emeritus Professor of
Anthropology Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies The Institute of
Advanced Studies The Australian National University was not happy to find
Mead was wrong about he sexual paradise.3
Freeman retraced Mead's skimpy time in the out-of-the-way islands of
Manu'a in the mid-1920s and documented her “anthropological fieldwork" as an
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
anthropological fantasy designed to delight her mentors, Boaz and his student
and one of Mead’s later lovers, Ruth Benedict. Like most--or all—of 190 or so
of the ivy-league student anthropologists included in the Ford and Beach study,
Mead said she spoke the native language (Samoan) fluently, yet in actuality she
knew only a few phrases.
Freeman found that as Samoans customarily joke and inflate talk of
sexual behavior, in answer to Mead’s questions about their sexual lives, her
young Christian Samoan girl companions, laughingly told her they had wild,
uninhibited promiscuous childhood sex, which led to their Island paradise of free
sex with no jealousy and no rape.
As a Mead aficionado, Freeman found, after several years of field-work
in Samoa, that jealousy and rape were not uncommon and a girl’s virginity
was critical for marriage. Despite being published by Harvard Press,
Freeman was pilloried by those in the anthropological field, most of whom
still quote Mead’s bad research. The refusal to accept an icon’s exposure is
a standard academic (human) response across all academic disciplines.
With Mead’s study on his shelf, Boaz was armed with a research
myth to justify breaking those pesky sexual shackles, especially the one
that said professors shouldn’t have sex with their young students. It’s
interesting that Mead criticized Kinsey’s work, saying he didn’t mention
“love” once and that if youths heard of his “findings” this could result in
sexual anarchy. Now, that prediction has come true.
Psychobiologist, Frank Beach,
served on the Kinsey-funded
National Research Council's
Committee for the Study of
Problems of Sex, as a
prominent member of the
Rockefeller Foundation stable.
Drs. Cleland Ford and Frank Beach were, like Kinsey, Boaz,
Benedict and Mead, similarly determined to rid the world of western sexual
mores. Ford and Beach quote Kinsey’s “findings” 28 times to shore up
claims in their book Patterns of Sexual Behavior that Americans are sexually
prudish publicly but licentious privately. Reciprocating, Kinsey manages to
quote Ford and Beach over 50 times in his Female book about harmless
profligate sex4 and natural “orgasms” in young “mammals” (Kinsey, Male, 181)
to shore up his charge that the west needs to gut all sexually restrictive laws and
public policies.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Although Beach hadn’t any timed baby “mammal orgasms,” he and Ford
still claimed abundant anthropological studies to “prove” Judeo-Christian sexual
“shackles” are abnormal and early, undifferentiated sex is normal.
What are the Patterns of Sexual Behavior?
In 2003 the Kinsey Institute published Sexual Development in
Childhood, edited by then Kinsey Institute director, John Bancroft. This
important book for those concerned with child protection quotes Ford
and Beach’s famous claims that only a few societies “attempt to deny
young children any form of sexual expression” for sexual behavior
“before puberty” is “genetically determined in many primates,
including human beings.”5 The Bancroft “resource” suggests “denial”
of childhood sex leads to “negative” versus “positive” sexuality.
The latest research on children's sexual development brings
together respected researchers and clinicians to assess the
current state of knowledge about childhood sexuality….
essential resource for teachers, advocates, and social policy
professionals as well as for researchers and clinicians.6
“Respected researchers and
clinicians” here include those
representing Paidika: The
Journal of Padeophilia.
Bancroft’s experts, like Ford and Beach, confirm the Kinsey
Institute’s original “pioneering” claim that there is no such thing as “normal” or
“abnormal” or right or wrong sexual conduct. These experts dismiss physical and
emotional harms and venereal disease as scientific measures of sexual conduct
that is “normal” versus “abnormal, good versus bad, right versus wrong.
So, what is Patterns of Sexual Behavior, that it continues to be quoted as
authority over sixty years after it was published? People commonly believe
Patterns is a book on sexuality by Ford and Beach. Not so. In 1937
anthropologists at the Yale Institute of Human Relations had a go at cataloging
190 different exotic societies. The “experts” were nameless undergraduate
college kids’ theses and dissertations on “Oceania, Eurasia; Africa; North
America [largely Indians] and South America.” Who these Ivy League kids
really were--and what they were smoking, shooting, drinking or doing and with
whom while in these alien and arcane climes--is not part of the Ford and Beach
“field reports.”
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
This stack of unverified social and sexual sagas was baptized the Yale
Cross-Cultural Survey. By 1949 the Cross-Cultural Survey was christened the
Human Relations Area Files, a classier label than a “survey.” Finally, Drs. Ford
and Beach sat down and summarized the exotica. By adding and comparing
Kinsey’s USA data they created their “classic” 1951 anthropological text known
as Patterns of Sexual Behavior, released three years after Kinsey’s Male volume
was published.
Ford and Beach’s Patterns of Sexual Behavior hit the book stores of the
academic elite and has been mined as historical and ethnographic gold ever
In 1996 the American Psychological Association published a
“retrospective” of Patterns of Sexual Behavior in its journal, Contemporary
Psychology. The article by our APA intellectual mavens hailed Patterns as, “A
Classic in Every Sense of the Word”:
[Ford & Beach] accomplish the goal of comparing sexual behaviors
in widely diverging societies by drawing on data from 190 different
cultures, as well as from contemporary American society as it was
known in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The cultures reported in
this volume come from all corners of the globe, and in several
instances, data from multiple cultures within a single society are
Our knowledge of the sexual passions driving Ford or Beach cannot be
compared to what was finally confirmed about Kinsey’s sexual pathologies. We
understand that Ford took his Ph.D. from Yale in sociology in 1935, lived on the
Fiji islands off of New Guinea, for one year studying the “natives,” returning to
teach at Yale in 1936. Ford started the Cross-Cultural Survey analysis in 1937,
visited the Kwakiutl Indians of Vancouver Island in British Columbia in 1940
and by 1941 had published a book about their leader. There is no evidence that
Ford spoke Kwakiutl or any language other than English.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
We May be Illiterate--But We’re From Yale!
Frank Beach began his academic career with copulating rats and later
became a psychobiologist. In 1955 Beach joined the National Research Council's
Committee for the Study of Problems of Sex, the Rockefeller agency that also
funded Kinsey.
Nothing about Ford or Beach suggests that either of these
Caucasian savants ever learned any of the 190 languages spoken by the
people about whom they were writing as experts. Except for Ford’s one
year on the Fiji Islands and one year in Vancouver, neither is even
recorded as having lived for any period of time outside the rarified
ambiance of a well-heeled, urbane, university town.
This does not inspire confidence.
Also, it does not seem that any of their freshly minted Yale and
Harvard--type students doing those field studies” in the 1920s-1930s,
were experts in native languages. Like Margaret Mead, these alleged
experts also relied on paid and unpaid natives to translate some of the
most sensitive kinds of information.
Franz Boas, “Father of American
Anthropology” was a GermanAmerican anthropologist and
Religious missionaries had been trekking to such exotic climes for
centuries. However, but they usually stayed for some years to teach the natives
western hygiene and medicine, how to make better tools, how to raise stronger
plants, how to dig wells and how to be a Christian (as liberal leftists snidely note
along with the “missionary position”).
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
In fact, there had to be some rational reasons that the eye-to-eye, lip-tolip, body-to-body “missionary position” was often adopted by native cultures,
along with long-handled hoes, fertilizers and soap. Although one can always find
missionaries who were exploitive, the record shows most really were there to
secure converts for their God by serving as models of devotion and aid—often
living with their own families in the villages.
In contrast, anthropologist neophytes arrived alone or with a
friend, to fulfill their school assignments and satisfy their curiosity.
Most would stay in the “field” for a few months—at best up to a year-fly back to Massachusetts or Palo Alto, sleep it off in their cozy, warm
beds and then inform the world about “real” sex in uninhibited
As noted, the most famous of these, what I call
“Anthropological Tourists,” was Margaret Mead, whose bias ("I think
the nuclear family is an abomination”)7 typified the genre of
Anthropological Tourists. Mead fulfilled the sexual fantasies of her
off-and-on lover, Ruth Benedict and their honored teacher Franz Boaz,
who, allegedly, also broke those pesky sexual shackles to roll in the hay
with his naïve young students.
With a Samoan woman, 1925-6
(Mead Archives, Library of
Kinsey’s “sexology” claims were
clearly welcomed by his left-liberal academic buddies
who were also sexually “guiding” and molding future
generations of Anthropological Tourists.
Poverty-Ridden Preliterate Sexperts
Once back home from their tour of preliterate
abodes, our giddy young graduates wrote books and
articles and lectured in universities about the need to
free ourselves from western sexual inhibitions, just
like their leaders, Drs. Boaz, Ford, Mead, Dickinson,
A few of the 190 unique sexual cultures
Ford & Beach claimed were “studied” in
Benedict, Kinsey et al, said we should.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Having spent a few months, or sometimes a
year in bush and field, our switched on, urbane grads enthused about the
happiness among primitive folks. Native penury and privation, living a hand-tomouth existence--relieved largely by indigenous drugs and sex was not seen as
relevant in the anthropologist reports. Instead, our middle class reporters found
native lives often to be one great bi/homosexual, hetero/transvestite orgy,
enlivened by sadism, adult sexual “play” with children, including incest, genital
mutilation, ablation and so on.
College grads in general show little awareness that, as international
financial analyst Joan Veon points out, “What has made us different from the
other countries of the world is that we have a middle class. In other words, there
is a Middle America that separates the poor from the aristocratic rich.”8
But, college students are largely only aware of what their professors
themselves believe and understand. If liberalism or even dogmatic conservatism
dominates the educational enterprise as an ideology, contrary information just
does not exist—by edict or by ignorance. At this time, trust me on this until you
read the data, the conservatism that built this land has no voice in education.
Standing in the midst of dire poverty, early infant mortality, and wholly
restricted life options, these anthropologists disregard the “way of life” -religious, moral and thus sexual -- that has given us “this land” as the Woody
Guthrie song goes, “from California to the New York Island.”
The graduates’ racist mindset is seen in their apparent acceptance of the
fact that these dark exotic “natives” would have no use for comfortable
mattresses off the ground, hot and cold running water and bathtubs, much less
cars, toasters, swimming pools, freedom and better health. Instead, our college
graduates were imbedded with the “positive” sexuality Kinsey wanted for
America. These middle-class and wealthy anthropologists confirmed Kinsey’s
ideology: that even infants in an “uninhibited” (poverty-ridden), culture can have
The students’ message was a chorus. Get rid of these uptight, inhibited
Judeo Christian prudes. If we dump their sexual taboos and follow Kinsey and
his assorted Anthropological Tourists we’ll all be living in a sexual paradise.
Patterns would help us do that.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
And here we are.
It is obvious that there can there be no in-depth understanding of these
cultures based on fleeting “visits” by nameless college novices who spoke
pidgin-native. Yet, social “scientists” globally accepted and educated their
students with the sex tales told by elitist holiday youths. Their anthropological
sagas were then “analyzed” by Ford & Beach, who immediately metamorphosed
into international sexperts.
As an aside, it turns out that renowned “grown up” anthropologists were
often as naïve as their students. Bronislaw Malinowski was 30 years old when he
began his six years of research in Australia, New Guinea and right off its coast,
the Trobriand Islands. Malinowski’s ignorance of what he describes as
“Katuyauski parties” is especially enlightening. Groups of girls, stoned on betel
nut, stumble out to a “party” in the next village, arranged in a circle, and they
must have sex with any male who chooses them. Should they stray from the
group’s sexual expectations, these girls can be expected to be gang raped.
Malinowski calls that uninhibited fun.9
Malinowski then, like Ford and Beach saw eye to eye with Kinsey-- the
“uninhibited” and “positive” sexuality of non-westerners was healthier and made
for a safer, saner society, than the “inhibited” and “negative” sexuality traditions
of westerners.
Dickinson, Kinsey, Ford & Beach & Dickinson, Ernst, Loth & King
Before jumping off to pour over Ford and Beach’s chitchat about
institutionalized child sexual abuse in “uninhibited” societies, note this twist of
fate. The forward to Ford & Beach’s Patterns is written by none other than Dr.
Robert Latou Dickinson, who penned the Ernst and Loth call to gut the 52 sex
crime penalties that had sexually “repressed” us, prior to Kinsey.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
And here is another “happenstance.” Dr. Dickinson, as it
turns out, trained Rex King--Kinsey’s serial pedophile--to be
Kinsey’s “trained observer.” For years Dickinson taught King how
to “scientifically” rape his little victims (documented elsewhere in
this book).
Dickinson Trained King, Ford & Beach
As if these weren’t enough twists of fate, Dickinson brought
Rex King to Kinsey to prove that screaming children enjoyed being
sodomized. Now, only a coalition of pedophile sadomasochists
could pull that one off.
Clarence Tripp, (Kinsey’s pet child pornography
photographer turned psychologist) explained that Dickinson trained
King in proper pedophile experimentation so that King shouldn’t
“just get his jollies, but do something useful for science.”10 This was
zilch science and colossal crime. Not surprisingly, Dickinson’s
foreword to Ford and Beach’s Patterns of Sexual Behavior begins
with praise for Kinsey, assuring the educated readers that Ford, Beach
and Dickinson were as objective and scientific as Kinsey.
Dickinson trains Rex King to rape
children scientifically, guides
Kinsey to King and “Introduces”
the Kinseyan books by Ernst &
Loth and Ford & Beach.
Dickinson’s “Sympathetic Understanding”
By citing and quoting each other, Ford, Beach, Dickinson, Kinsey, and
associates fashioned a contemporary body of "sacred writings," a psychosexual
fraud located in their own disordered erotic fantasies. As is the case with all
sacred writings, soon other students, teachers, lawgivers and such, cite the bogus
"anthropological" foundations that support Kinsey’s bogus American studies-and vice versa. Dickinson writes in the Ford and Beach forward:
No contribution on the sex aspects of human life, save that of
Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin appears as timely and important as
this type of approach. It is a masterly assembly of data from the
outer borders and from a large part of the antecedents of our own
It was indeed masterly that Dickinson trained and protected King from the
authorities to allow the serial child molester to rape at will. Now he would lend
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
a similar hand to “programs in sex education and marriage.”
The combination of sympathetic understanding and understatement with scientific detachment is noteworthy….This is a
time of wide demand for wise programs in sex education and
marriage counseling, built upon basic studies, in the attempt to
forestall the mounting breakup of homes.”
To save our homes, Kinsey’s pedophile collaborator wants Americans to
consider “a wide variety of sex behavior.” We now do.
Only in this way may we claim open-mindedness in an evaluation
of the sex prohibitions and restrictions which characterize our
own society….[and] reorientation in several of our mores….birth
control…elimination of venereal disease through….fearlessly
frank sex education….[and a] radical change in sex conditioning.
We Needed A Radical Change In Sex Conditioning?
Chapter one in Patterns begins with:
The volume prepared by Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin furnishes a
partial solution to this problem of sexual conduct based on
“religion, income, and educational level.”
From here forward, when I write about Ford & Beach, I will use the
acronym, FBD. For, Dickinson, a major contributor to Patterns, worked in such
close ideological collaboration with Ford and Beach that they acted as one.
CAUTION: Some readers may wish to pass over this section.
FBD casually define the institutionalization of child abuse, such as the
following description of violent anal sodomy as simply the Chewa form of adult
“initiation.” FBD strongly suggest that sodomizing youngsters in a colored
culture is never for the sadistic sexual satisfaction of native males.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
That night begins a period of nearly a year during which the boys
play a passive role in sodomy with older men. During this time
they may not even be seen by women but are constantly at the
service of older men, who may be fellow villagers or visitors
wishing to have anal intercourse with the initiates….When
[initiation] arrives the boys are led blindfolded to a secluded spot
where the cult figures are made and kept. Of the boy's treatment
there Steytler writes:
Here the boy is kept for about a week and he is cruelly
treated. He is swung over a slow burning fire, drawn prostrate
over the hard ground, beaten with rods, rolled in ants and
itching beans, pulled about with a string tied to his private
parts, made to eat excrement and drink urine, etc. The test is
very severe and if the boy in pre-puberty days happened to be
disobedient he is more severely treated still.12
The allegedly neutral position toward child torture by FBD is a not so
subtle hint that our self-conscious society might do well to try out similar
fashions in “sex education” for our children. FBD offer no condemnation, no
censure, nor acknowledgment of this cultural cruelty. It is important to keep
these culturally approved, ritualistic child tortures in mind as we move to a
closer look at our own western cultural brutalities later on in this chapter.
Gilbert Herdt: Pederasty OK at San Francisco State College
Pederasts are homosexual males seeking sex with young boys.
Pedophilia usually refers to opposite sex child abusers. Gilbert Herdt of San
Francisco State College is cited extensively as a childhood sexpert in the
Bancroft collection on childhood. Hert also cites ritual sodomizing of boys by
Papua New Guinea tribes as not sexually abusive. He says men who sodomize
boys are normal and that “everyone lived happily ever after.”13
In his pedophile advocacy interview in the pedophile magazine, The
Journal of Paedophilia14 Herdt says he learned about sex originally from Kinsey
and Freud. He learned that children can be erotically active at “about six or
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
seven years old” in their desire for homosexual sex; that the idea of “childhood”
is “irrational” and that our concerns about child sexual abuse are as wrongheaded
as were our past negative views about masturbation.15 He urges an “important
step towards normalization” of pedophilia is to be playful. Jokingly ask people,
“What is a perfect pedophile?” so as to challenge “some of the prejudices” this
This is a sense of humor?
The description of Chewa boy attacks as “initiation” to the corps of men
is not wholly atypical, according to Montegu. However, before leaving the male
attacks on boys in nonwestern environs to move on to female genital
mutilation—gracefully euphemized by academicians as female “circumcision”—
just note that there are often violent practices associated with male circumcision
in much of the non-western world.
Western male circumcision, whatever one may think of the practice, is a
modern surgical procedure allegedly carried out for sanitary purposes.16 In this
sense, western circumcision does not carry an underlying aura of sadistic
retribution against the boy child, where the phallus, its sensitivity or its function
is purposefully injured. In other parts of the world, male circumcision can range
from, like in the west, a clean removal of the foreskin to, as Montagu describes,
an aggressive cutting and carving of the phallus or even removal of a testicle.17
“Deflowered” is OK if to Women of Color by Tribal Men?
Let us return to the little girls now. FBD represent the pain and shame
experienced by preliterate children of color as harmless, and indeed helpful
toward maturity. These racist Yale anthropological gurus insinuate that children
given such adult "lessons" are somehow enriched. In the following description of
Ponapean “initiations” FBD would have us believe that dark skinned little
"preliterate" girls suffer no hurt when they are viciously "deflowered" by adult
men of color.
To get a handle on the author's "sympathetic understanding" of many
Third World women and children, FBD describe the ant ceremonies of what
FBD call "tolerant" Ponapeans.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
CAUTION: Some readers may wish to pass over the following.
[Ponapeans] are given careful instruction in sexual intercourse
from the 4th or the 5th year….men also stimulate the labia with
their tongue or their teeth….Before puberty, girls on Ponape
undergo treatment designed to lengthen the labia minora and to
enlarge the clitoris. Old impotent men pull, beat, and suck the labia
to lengthen them. Black ants are put in the vulva; their stinging
causes the labia and clitoris to swell….repeated until the desired
results are obtained.18 [Emphasis added]
Based upon deliberate fraud and FBDs racist, heterophobic fantasies
about Third World libidos, FBD urge westerners to reevaluate, to reconsider our
western habits of "intolerant" sexuality. That is, the white, male Yale authors tell
us to accept much of this preliterate dark skinned
U.S. Agents Smash Global Internet Child Porn Ring
sexual violence, the stinging ants and suchlike, due
to its so-called "naturalness."
Prosecutors announced dozens of indictments of people
“Desired Results” For Whom?
So Chewan and Ponapean sex educators of
boys and girls advocate similar views of sexual
“tolerance” promoted by western school sex
educators (see Chapter -- on Kinsey and Sex
involved with a Belarus-based business called Regpay and
Connections USA, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida credit card
billing service offering paid memberships to 50 Web sites.
Last July, the government announced "Operation
Predator" to protect children from pornographers, Internet
predators and human traffickers and about 1,600 people
have been arrested.
Among 15 people taken into custody in New Jersey on
Thursday were previously convicted sex offenders, a
pediatrician, a minister, a teacher and a 85-year-old retired
engineer, officials said.
One of its Web sites,, pitched itself with
descriptions like "Until They Grow Up ... Get Closer to
Innocent Passion," according to court papers. Reuters, By
Grant McCool, January 15, 2004
The lust for children, to do them sexual
harm, certainly crosses all time barriers, all races,
godly and ungodly believers and socioeconomic
groups. Why human beings can be so easily
debased and barbaric is not for this book’s
discussion. However, to recognize these
historically and cross culturally documented base capacities is the first step
toward protecting future generations from continuing the legacy of brutality.
What reasonable person would trust Gilbert Herdt or any of the other
“experts” we have met so far with children? What reasonable person would trust
those who trust such men for guidance on child development? We should know
the sexual proclivities of all who seek to sexually educate us, especially those
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
who would sexually educate our children. What are they trying to teach children
and why? Who is helped by early, unmarried sexual activity? Do stinging ants
and sodomy with nasty old men help boys and girls in their marital lovemaking?
No, absolutely not. Rather, at some time, a group of aberrant, enraged male
Ponapeans (like Kinsey & Co., and FBD) institutionalized their own abnormal
sexual lusts as “sex education” in these “exotic” locations.
“Deflowering” By Academicians
Such victimized boys and girls dare not dissent. And once desecrated,
they commonly purvey their pain unto the generations. There is neither
"naturalness" nor sexual joy for any children in sadistic violations. FBD’s refusal
to "moralize" on that issue is moralizing indeed.
The synergistic ties between left liberal anthropologists, pedophile
sexologists and commercial pornographers is evidenced in the publication of
Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia with a list of Editors that reads like “Who’s
Who in Sexology.” The casual view of children’s rapes reported by Ford and
Beach and Dickinson have been widely promoted by academic pedophiles such
as Larry Constantine in his paper, The Sexual Rights Of Children presented at the
International Conference on Love and Attraction, University College, Swansea,
Wales, September 1977.
Constantine cites Kinsey as well as Ford and Beach to argue that children
may work in pornography “under monitorable conditions.” A Tufts University
social worker, Constantine defends his claim that “not even prolonged incest is
necessarily harmful”19 by citations to Kinsey and Ford and Beach:
Where cultural values are compatible, children freely engage in a
variety of sexual practices, beginning coitus as young as 6 to 8 in
some societies; in others few virgins over the age of 10 or 11 are
found…[T]e underlying drive toward [sex is a key] feature of the
heredity of the human species (Ford and Beach, 1951).20
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Professor Constantine (a contributor to the pornographic publication,
Penthouse Forum (that promotes sexual sadism, incest and pedophilia) says
sex with adults does “not seem to impair the personality development or adult
functioning of children.” Constantine would return us to the “White Slave
Trade” days before the passage of The Mann Act in 1912.
He claims “free and early erotic expression by children” is a plus.
Why? Allegedly “cross-cultural studies” like those done by Ford and Beach
showed “sexual permissiveness” and physical affection reduces violence. He
adds that a “child prior to puberty is capable of engaging
in the same range of physiological sexual activities as the
adult."21 This sounds like a pedophile or pederast talking.
Pedophile-left-liberal “scientists” define
"naturalness" as it suits them, ignoring the very unnatural
practices of, for example, clitoridectomy that was and is
endemic among non-Western peoples. With this in mind,
FBD reveal their contempt for women while exposing
their own disordered psychosexuality. How so? FBD
cover up mutilation of young girls when they are
“deflowered with a special tool made of horn,” by
equating this sadism with Western “coming out
parties!”22 FBD seem to enjoy describing the
deflowering (not the “coming out”) ritual. They say:
She may be “deflowered” and subjected to genital
mutilation. Her ears may be pieced, her skin
tattooed or scarified, her hair cut off and her teeth
filed or blackened. 23
One of the books exposing the “White
Slave Trade” that was finally outlawed in
1912 by the Mann Act.
Mutilation is poetically redefined as “deflowering.” How genteel. FBD
slide by genital mutilation two times, with no citation in the Index. They then
equate ear piecing with genital mutilation--female castration via broken glass,
performed on an open field, or on a wooden slab, with the screaming girl held
down, commonly by adult women, on all sides. Oh, yes, without anesthetic.
This violence, which can cause death but always destroys women’s
sexual/emotional feeling, is liken to "piercing ears, cutting hair or the blackening
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
or filing of teeth"24 by FBD
Many elegant American department stores pierce ears for a small fee and
we all cut our hair in salons or in our own bathrooms. While filing people’s teeth
down would certainly be painful, it hardly compares to genital mutilation.
Clitoridectomy is not about flowers. It is an act of unmitigated robbery and
The 190 Cultures Extolled by FBD Are Generally Savage to Women and
Since FBD found it too uncomfortable—or too trivial--to discuss, we
will take a moment to address the stark reality of clitoridectomy, also known as
female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced across
Muslim Africa between Senegal and Somalia, as well as in the United Arab
Emirates, Oman, Yemen, and among Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia. In
1995 an Egyptian government report estimated that 97 percent of married or
formerly married women in Egypt have been circumcised …..Uncircumcised
women in these countries are considered ‘unclean’ and often have difficulty
finding marriage partners.25
The black feminist author and Pulitzer Prize
winning poet, Alice Walker teamed up with Kenyan born
Indian filmmaker, Pratibha Parmar, to interview and
document the brutal practice of female genital mutilation
still practiced in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Warrior Marks gives voice to the lives of genitally
mutilated African women, almost wholly ignored
by the middle and upper class anthropologists who
had taught the western world about non-western life
(as has been other similar practices like Indian
female infanticide, bride-burning, widow-burning
[Sati], wife-burning and jauhar.26 [jauhar is female
suicide in the face of invaders]
FGM has a disastrous impact on the health of women and drastically
undermines any sexual pleasure in marital relationships. The tie between FGM
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
and indigenous drug use is direct, and this activity further impedes relationships
as well as national development. FBD ignore wife battery as well, although they
do seem to drool over the acceptance of loaning out ones wife in exchange for
another. They also casually remark that 85% of their 190 studies describe
cultures that are polygamous, that allow men to take other wives. “Rarely,” they
comment, “do the several wives share equal social status”27 (with their husbands
nor with one another). Really? And from this these anthropological frauds say:
The societies that severely restrict adolescent and preadolescent
sex play, those that enjoin girls to be modest, retiring, and
submissive appear to produce adult women that are incapable or
at least unwilling to be sexually aggressive.28
Such powerless women are repackaged by racist authors as “sexually
aggressive,” with no evidence of how or why defenseless, dependent and
disenfranchised women would be “sexually aggressive.” Do the authors mean
that unless these helpless women market themselves sexually--as do prostitutes-they had no chance of marriage? The “expert” anthropologists did not seem to
notice, or to care. FBD report on another admirable “permissive” culture, the
Lepcha, aboriginal natives part of India since 1975. FBD genially gloat;
[O]lder men…occasionally copulate with girls as young as eight
years of age. Instead of being regarded as a criminal offense, such
behavior is considered amusing by the Lepcha.29
And we westerners want to put men in jail for such frolics. I doubt this is
so “amusing” to the 8 year old victims.
Academic Hidden Agendas
FBD thought we westerners “severely restrictive” about sex. Since
they said we have a “pressing need” for their preliterate lessons we may fairly
assume FBD are also “amused” (and almost certainly aroused) by the idea of old
men raping and sodomizing little girls and boys. In case we failed to take note,
FBD say, sexual play before “fertility is achieved, sheds new light upon the
behavior of youngsters in our own and other societies that restrict the sexual
activities of children.”
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
The pressing need is particularly obvious in a society such as our own
which...has refused to deal with sexuality in objective terms...If one wishes to
learn the effects of socially approved pre-marital sexual freedom upon marital
fidelity he ... can compare [cultures] objectively. 30
FBD warn us that our restrictive society produces maladjusted people, as
judged against "permissive societies." FBD say “early sex play” yields
“complete and satisfactory orgasm (in their women).” Well, Kinsey says so and
FBD say so we know its so—women have these great orgasms the more they are
brutalized! It is significantly more reliable and reasonable to listen to the women
themselves about how satisfactory their sex lives are after having served as child
sex toys, rather than to accept third hand reports from researchers who could not
even speak the languages of the cultures on which they are “experts.”
It has long been fashionable among the western intelligentsia to insist
that all Third World cruelty is caused by Western colonization and Imperialism.
Now, if anthropologists define clitoridectomy and burning widows as tradition
and therefore not cruelty, Kinseyan anthropological lies about women and
children in "natural" nations go forth unchallenged. FBD, who specialize in
New Guinea, never let slip the truth that in fact, women and children in the
studied nations were and are being tortured in the name of tradition.
Female Castration In FBDs “Guinea”
The legendary anthropologist and social biologist, Ashley Montagu
ruffled academic groupthink by exposing subincision in Australia, Oceania.31
These violations by the same populations studied by FBDs Anthropological
Tourists, were merrily and totally disregarded. Montagu describes the act of
clitoridectomy, a process of female enslavement common to Australian Oceania
CAUTION: Some readers may wish to pass over this section.
During this operation the clitoris and both labia are cut away, at
which time, in some Australian groups, all the initiated men
proceed to have intercourse with the girl. Such an operation is
performed in the thousands at the present time in the territories of
Egypt and far up along both sides of the Nile. Furthermore, in the
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
North African regions where this operation is performed the vulva
is sewn up on such a manner as to leave only a small orifice for
the exudation of the menstrual and urinary fluids...Here the
jealousy of the male has gone so far as to limit virtually
completely the female's capacity for pregnancy and childbirth.
When the girl reaches marriageable age, the orifice may be
enlarged to admit her husband's penis and it will be opened up, by
incision shortly before childbirth, and after childbirth sewn up
Montagu had been writing on clitoridectomy and infibulation among
preliterate societies since 1937. One would have thought that Ford & Beach
would have noted Montagu’s findings, since he reported on the geographic areas
within the scope of their 190 cultures studied. (And FBD do cite to a 1946 report
on pregnancy by Montagu).
A Guinean Woman Speaks Out: “In my country, Guinea”
Moreover, since Montagu’s report, much more data has come to light.
The he following account was given by a Guinea women testifying at “The 1976
International Crimes Against Women Tribunal,” in France. This was the first,
and as far as I know the last time women of the Third World called publicly for a
global investigation of the lives of torture that they endure in their own literate
and preliterate cultures.
CAUTION: Some readers may wish to pass over this section.
In my country, Guinea, 85% of the women are TODAY excised, and
my country is said to be progressive. Clitoridectomy is practiced in
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, the
Ivory Coast, among the Dogons of the Niger, the Mandingo's of Mali,
the Toucouleur in the North of Sengal , and the Peuls, and among
many other African tribes.
The operation was done without any anesthetic, with no regard for
hygiene...with the broken neck of a bottle...cutting into the upper part
of my friend's genitals so as to make as wide a cut as possible...the
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
exciseuse had to do it several more times. The blood gushed, by
friend cried out, and the prayers intoned could not drown her
screams. When the clitoris had been ripped out, the women howled
with joy and forced my friend to get up despite a streaming
hemorrhage, to parade her through the town. Dressed in a white loincloth, her breasts bare, although prior to excision women never
appear naked in man marries a women who
International Travel Tours to
has not been excised and who is not a virgin...My
Violate Brazilian Children
friend screamed every time she urinated….Among
ROME (AP) -- Italian authorities
some of my friends a "nevrome" formed at the point
arrested four people in a crackdown
where the nerve had been cut. This sets off flashing
on travel agents who organized child
sex tourist trips to Brazil….organized
pains similar to those felt with amputated limbs.
by a travel agency ….which sent
clients to local bars, discos or hotels
where child prostitution was
practiced….Police estimated that
around 1,000 Italian tourists made the
trips each year. In October, Brazilian
police busted a German-based [child]
sex-tourism organization that catered
to European tourists….AP
WorldStreamTuesday, December 14,
I would like to add that in some other countries this
savage mutilation is not enough; it is also necessary to
sew the woman up in order to really dispossess her of
her body. After having cut part of the large lips, they
are brought together by piercing them with pins. This
way they grow together, except for a space for the
passage of blood and urine. The young wife must,
before her wedding night, have it reopened with a
razor. Her husband can, moreover, always insist on having his wife
sewn up again if he is thinking of leaving her for some time.33
Now, the above was testimony, not by a western alpha male from Yale, not
by some “observing” Anthropological Tourist, but by a brave and fearless
woman who lived to tell the truth. What has happened to this bold and righteous
woman since she spoke out is unknown.
This type of torment is widespread. Kathleen Barry documented genital
mutilation in her book, Female Sexual Slavery. “[A]t least 20 million women in
30 countries are subjected to it…in Central Africa...the Sudan, South
Yemen...Black African countries south of the Sahra..." 34
Daughters of Sin: The Sexual Tragedy of Arab Women,
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Cairo’s magazine, Al Tahrir, declared on August 20, 1957: If you want to
fight narcotics, forbid excision" [FGM]. 35 Writing in Daughters of Sin: The
Sexual Tragedy of Arab Women, “Occidental public opinion” says Youssef EI
Masry is quite different than that presented by FBD. El Masry describes the
typical sexual life in Arabic nations, where little girls are “savagely mutilated
and deprived forever” of sexual satisfaction. Virginity is “sold to the highest
bidder” for roughly $100 and, as a bride “she is raped on her wedding night in
full view of her own and her husband’s relatives.”
These allegedly happy non western women produce ten or twelve
children--and boys had best be included—until she gets a tad older. That is when
she can be legally cast out on the street should her husband mutter a few words,
as he adds four, five or more wives to his harem. In his book on the tragedy of
Arab women, Masry duly documents the connection between widespread FGM
and widespread drug use, rarely discussed in the anthropological literature on
drug use.
[T]he Arab does not like an educated woman
as his sexual partner ...It is disastrous for him
to have a wife who, although sexually
crippled, knows the existence of a state of
ecstasy called orgasm...He cannot give her
satisfaction and...does not want a woman
who will question the "innate superiority" of
the male ...To rid himself of his inferiority
complex….he will naturally resort to
Allah said to the Faithful, in the Koran
“Marry the women who please you, by twos, by
threes, by fours,”37 still illegal in the backward USA.
Impotence Makes Dictators
Tahia Carioca, then a famous Oriental
dancer, spoke bluntly about the Arab man.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Brazil Breaks Teenage Sex Ring Amid U.N. Concern
Reuters Canada October 26, 2004
By Andrew Hay
BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - Police have broken
up a German-based sex trafficking ring which offered
European tourists sex with teenagers in Brazil's poor northeast
and shipped women to Europe for prostitution….European
tourists to go to its Web site and select the age, height, weight
and color of Brazilian women in 2,000-3,000 euro ($2,540$3,810) sex package tours, police said on Tuesday.
….Teenage girls of 16 and 17 were offered for prostitution….
Police found pornographic photos of girls as young
as four provided by mothers who worked for the ring. Police
are trying to establish whether children were offered for
Links between judges and politicians and
businessmen explained the high levels of impunity for
criminals….In July a year-long congressional probe accused
leading Brazilian politicians, judges and priests of involvement
in widespread child and teenage prostitution. As many as
500,000 Brazilian children could be victims of child
prostitution in the nation of 180 million….in a trade the U.N.
estimates to be worth $9 billion a year.
I accuse him of not understanding his wife's feelings and not
respecting her. His selfishness makes him try to satisfy only his
own desires, ignoring hers. He imposes his dictatorship and
spreads terror in his home. At table he reserves the best pieces of
meat for himself. He deceives his wife as often as he can, with
anyone at all, including the maid, while on the other hand his
jealousy makes him deny his wife the slightest bit of freedom.38
El Masry had, interestingly, confirmed the observations of the feral
homosexual libertarian, Magnus Hirschfeld:
It is common knowledge in Egypt that nearly everyone uses
marijuana... not a national drug as it is in the Far
East...Arabs seek "hasheesh-marijuana, kif, ganja...for its special
characteristics...The effects of (excision) are countered to a small
degree by marijuana.39
At another time it will be important to examine widespread third world
indigenous drug use; widespread dissatisfaction in psychosexual relations
between third world women and men; and the widespread castration of third
world women and girls. It is helpful here perhaps to stop for a moment to briefly
look at the alleged prohibition against incest that anthropologists--including
Bancroft’s Kinsey Institute book, Sexual Development in Childhood--claim
dominates the world’s people.
While such a prohibition has a nice sound, it does not hold up to
reasonable examination. Alice Miller, a psychiatrist and long time child
advocate, notes the work of Lloyd deMause, “probably the first scholar who has
made a thorough study of the history of childhood without glossing over the
facts..." 40
Worldwide Incest, Ritual and Child Sexual Abuse
Lloyd deMause addresses the sharp problem of liberal blindness in the
western reporters known as anthropologists and sociologists. Having
documented widespread FGM and enslavement of women and children, having
recognized the wholly dependent and oppresses status of women and children,
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
why would it be reasonable to expect happy sexual lives among people so
Wholly unreasonable indeed. The practice of children sleeping in the
same room and bed with copulating parents, of children seeing and or hearing,
smelling and feeling the especial sounds of coitus, must be understood as
frightening, confusing and therefore “arousing” (as in to stir up; excite: arouse
our curiosity; provoke) for a child. And, the proximity of the child must be
understood as contributing to the parental and sibling experience of the child as
mixed up in their sexual acts.
This means that the notion of incest as “infectious” is a dangerous reality.
So the culture of civility seems to hang by a thin thread indeed. In particular, the
tie between child sex abuse, child prostitution and even ritual human sacrifice in
preliterate nations may be obvious but it needs to be recognized that western
societies will engage in ritualistic child sexual abuse and sacrifice the further
they go back to preliterate sexual conduct.41
Indian Children as Temple Prostitutes
The importance of Kinsey grows as one understands that the protection
of our civility is wholly dependent upon our continued acceptance of the JudeoChristian “restrictions” on our sexual conduct—the very restrictions that Kinsey
set out to destroy. How much of our national well being is dependent upon
reviving that belief system is seen in the sale of children for sexual purposes—an
increasing problem in our own, now “uninhibited” sexual culture and one that
has been in practice in the “freeer” Indian culture for centuries.
When we came to the village, these little girls--only four or five
years old--started pulling our hands, wanting us to go to their
mothers," says Arun Massey, director of Rahab's Trust, an
indigenous ministry in India that works with temple prostitutes.
"Whoever gets more customers will get more food. When the
mothers entertain men in their small rooms, the children sleep
underneath the bed. They are like pimps for their mothers. Can
you imagine that?
For more than six years, Arun and his wife, Shobha, have been
ministering to the women known as devadasi: women serving as
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
temple prostitutes as well as the young girls dedicated to a Hindu
goddess and set apart for future prostitution.
These young girls, as young as four years old, stand in the temple
where a "wedding" ceremony is held . . . with a statue of an idol as
the bridegroom.42
Ritual Prostitution and Ritual Abuse
It has been reasonably argued that we abandon our moral restrictions at
risk of returning to primitive conduct—that sexual laxity even leads to human
sacrifice as a form of primitive worship. We need look no farther than the family
encyclopedia to find evidence of ancient barbarism, cloaked as religious practice.
Human sacrifice played a vital role in the major ceremonies (of the
Aztecs.) Priests slashed open the chest of a living victim and tore out the
heart. The Aztec believed that the gods needed human hearts and blood
to remain strong. Worshipers sometimes ate portions of a victims’ body.
They may have thought that the dead person’s strength and bravery
passed to anyone who ate the flesh. Most victims were prisoners of war
or slaves. But the Aztec also sacrificed children to the god Tlaloc.43
The Aztecs were safely “over there and back then,” a preliterate society
prone to quaint religious excesses. India is over there, although not exactly back
then. Our fond hope is that India has ceased to use temple child prostitutes
except in the most backward of rural areas. However, recent evidence suggests a
more chilling reality in the here and now. In the past several decades, there have
been numerous convictions of child sexual abuse in which the children disclosed
elements of ritual abuse in their victimizations (e.g.: California, Florida,
Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oregon Utah, Washington as well as in Canada, England and New
Zealand). 44
Journalist Maury Terry wrote a controversial book about David
Berkowitz, The Ultimate Evil, (2002) in which Terry provides evidence for an
occult, or ritual murder component in the Son of Sam murders. Murray has
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
argued that child sexual abuse, child pornography, and narcotics trafficking are
linked to organized Satanism.
Ritual child abuse recovery groups agree with that link, citing violent
incest as a key “grooming” techniques used by occultists to control and direct
their victims’ lives. Counselor Connie Valentine writes that “Psychiatrists
conservatively estimate that 20,000 to 50,000 children are ritually abused each
year” 45 with many of the abusers clothed in priestly robes, chanting prayers and
lighting candles. These occultists, say their victims, unify “with the demonic by
consuming the real bodies and blood of sacrificed people and animals.”46
Often, according to survivors, the cult members are pillars of the
community by day, practicing these evil rituals by night. Much of
the abuse is trans-generational, passed down from parent to child
in a brutal heritage of secret worship.
Those who survive have been warned not to tell and have been
graphically shown what happens to people who try to the group.
Total amnesia is the usual result of the trauma, and the memories
may not begin until well into adulthood when the person feels
“Certain dedicated individuals are methodically attempting to discredit
the children who broke the code of silence, but the convictions remain and the
transcripts speak loudly,” said Valentine.48 Although modern, sober thought
suggests such conduct is improbable, the fact that children in preliterate societies
are on record as ritually sacrificed and used for “food” to feed siblings and
others, puts such a charge into the realm of the historically correct and therefore
the currently possible.
Kind reader, again, if you question the role of Kinsey in this discussion
of reestablishing ritual sexual abuse, please remember that Kinsey himself had
already slipped back into sexual self torture and ritual abuse. The argument to
consider there is that as our nation has copied so much of Kinsey’s own sexuality
model, decriminalizeing seduction, adultery, bisexuality, homosexuality,
prostitution, lowering the age of consent, reducing punishments for all sex
crimes and so on, we must consider slippage into “voluntary” ritual sacrifice on
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
the table. Nowhere is this possibility more evident than in the current practice of
child sexual abuse in nonwestern nations.
Pedophilia In The East And Middle East
Ritualistic abuse of children, writes Lloyd DeMause,
editor of The Journal of Psychohistory, has such a long and
fully documented history and that “whole religions and state
systems have been founded upon the practice.” His
observation of how scholars have addressed this horrific
history is especially relevant to the wholesale denial by
“scholars” today of Kinsey’s pedophiles’ rapes and tortures
of children for his two tomes. He notes that “scholars” just
deny those sexually assaulting children act to harm the
Children in Philippines Used in Sex Tourism
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- An 86-year-old
man was found guilty Friday of attempting to
travel to the Philippines to sexually molest girls,
in violation of a new federal law aimed at
fighting sex tourism.
A judge found John W. Seljan guilty of six
counts, including attempting to travel for the
purpose of having sex with minors and
possession of child pornography.
Seljan, who sat in a wheelchair during the nonjury trial, was arrested at Los Angeles
International Airport, where he allegedly
attempted to board a flight with child
pornography, sexual aids and nearly 100 pounds
of chocolate.
A federal agent testified that Seljan told
investigators he had "sexually educated" young
girls in the Philippines with their parents' consent
since 1983, and that he believed it was legal and
culturally accepted in that country.
November 19, 2004
[Scholar] Arnold van Gennep calls genital mutilation
a ceremony "whose essential purpose is to enable the
individual to pass from one defined position to
another….” “Bruno Bettleheim claims that little
boys want their genitals cut-because of an inborn
"vagina envy" - and that the mutilation was so
"pleasurable" to the victims that they asked adults to
cut them, so they could "express their happiness."(197) Others have
claimed genital mutilation was done "to enforce social cohesion"
(Yehudi Cohen), "to break an excessively strong dependence upon
the mother" (John Whiting), to show the child "We love you, but
we must rid you of your infantilisms" (Theodor Reik), and to make
the penis look like that of a kangaroo (John Cawte).49
These are serious warnings to modern society regarding why sex experts
are not experts and why sexual repression is especially necessary in a society
seeking the advantages of civility. DeMause says every kind of genital assault
has historically been performed on children.
Again, this is difficult reading:
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
Girls' genitals are tattooed, cut off, sewn up, burned off, and ripped
open with the fingers.(199) Boys' genitals are pierced by objects,
sewn up, burned, cut off, flayed, "gashed open [so that] wedges of
flesh are removed," and slashed through to the urethra so that "the
penis splits open like a boiled frankfurter." (200) The topic of
childhood genital mutilation is so rich in meaning that it will have
to await…. evidence of the historical stages in the evolution of
Homo eroticus from incest to love.50
Such anti-Kinseyan anthropological evidence warns us of the fine line
between civility and evil. The excessive nursing of babies and the mother’s
stimulation of the child’s genitalia is an obvious, often reported activity, seldom
understood as incest says deMause:
However high the rates of childhood molestation may turn out to
be in contemporary Western countries, the incidence in countries
outside the West is likely to be much higher. Because they have
only recently moved beyond what I have termed the infanticidal
mode of childrearing, whereby as much as half of the children
born were killed by their parents, (89) the use of children for the
emotional needs of adults is far more accepted, an attitude that
fosters widespread incestuous acts along with other child abuse.
Childhood in much of India begins with the young child being
regularly masturbated by the mother, "high caste or low caste, the
girl 'to make her sleep well,' the boy 'to make him manly..."' This
practice has been said to be widespread by many reliable
observers, including Catherine Mayo - whose extensive
investigations in India in the 1920s led to the first child marriage
laws …. As is the case with virtually all non-Western cultures, the
child sleeps in the family bed for several years and regularly
observes sexual intercourse between the parents.
Boys as well as girls are reported as being masturbated and raped
by the men in the family, including fathers, older brothers, uncles
and cousins. (96) By the time children are four or five, they are
usually taken to bed at night by others in the extended
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
The attraction of terrorist martyrdom via suicide bombing by young,
hopeless girls and women as well as embittered boys and men is also much more
understandable under these circumstances. For women self-emolation gives
them the sense of respect and honor to which all humans aspire and for men,
they get the fourteen dancing virgins seeking to please the dead hero for all
When “Sex” Dominates: Back in the Here and Now
And, lest you, good reader, think that the views of FBD, circulated
worldwide via educational channels has been successfully eradicated since the
1940s, note the News, November 27. 2004.
Young girls born in Europe to immigrant families from Africa are
being subjected to ritual genital mutilation, and authorities are
doing little to discourage it….illegal in most European countries –
[it affects] an estimated 8,000 girls born into immigrant families
….”unttrimmed” young women “face great difficulties in African
societies in finding a husband.”
Between 100 million and 140 million women have undergone
genital mutilation worldwide, and two million girls are at risk
each year, according to the World Health Organisation, which
says the practice can lead to infection, the spread of Aids and
crippling physical, psychological and sexual problems.52
The Most Private of Makeovers
But, while Occidental societies are outraged when faced with the
outcropping of FGM among the immigrant population, our newspaper of record,
The New York Times reports that widespread normalization of pornography finds
savvy, well-heeled American ladies lining up to be genitally mutilated, or
“trimmed” to keep or find a man.
Elective genital mutilation is the inevitable fallout of billions of dollars
being made on millions of women thinking their “self” is advantaged by
breast enlargements, nose jobs, lip pumping, buttocks lifts and plump
vacuuming. Now the ladies shell out to tighten vaginal muscles, plump or
shorten their labia and pubes and other body inventory. What is going on
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
here? Ah, even the NYT reports “exposure to nudity in magazines,
movies and on the Internet…. they see porn….[and] feel undesirable or
Women don’t commonly go about peeping into one another’s underwear.
Said one interviewee, “the only women I could compare myself to was women in
pornographic movies….Their [labia] were tiny and dainty and symmetrical." 53
Surgery to make ones reproductive organs “sexier” is now retailed as
"vaginal rejuvenation." Well, surgery can easily cause nerve damage, loss of
sensation or hypersensitivity and sexual intercourse can become painful or
impossible when vaginal muscles become too tight. But, after all what price
The idea that women’s satisfaction is increased by cutting and carving up
one’s sexual organs then has a long, bloody and demeaning history in preliterate
and non western, pansexual cultures. We are indeed slithering ‘back to the
dark,’ and paying handsomely to do it! However, as pornography has
increasingly deadened men’s ability to feel normal sexual desire, women seek
the means to rekindle that passion that may offer a future life for them and their
Inadequate Sexual Desire by 1983
For mounting evidence confirms a growing failure among men to feel
sexual arousal in any normal manner. Time magazine reported on the growing
problems of sexual lethargy among western women and men in, “In Search Of
Sexual Desire,” April 4, 1983 was subtitled, "Therapists try to help those who
lack the urge."
Having followed the Kinsey sexual plan for decades, a great deal of
profitable employment is available to Kinseyan sexologists in treating sexual
addictions along with sexual impotence and sexual apathy. One of the most
popular "sexologists," Harold Lief, "estimates that 20% of the general population
have desire is clear that we are talking about enormous numbers."
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
When questioned by Time whether "the apathetic patients are not
casualties of the sexual revolution," Lief archly gave the standard, sham
sexology party line
There were probably just as many in the 1940s. They just didn't
come foreword for help. Only in the late 1 970s did it dawn on
researchers that large numbers of people had a total indifference
to erections and orgasms.54
This is sexology Humbug. There were sufficient therapists in the 40s to
have parlayed this into sweet financial rewards were there, indeed, a sexually
droopy population of "enormous numbers." In fact, the pre-Kinsey complaint of
men was that they weren’t getting enough sex. Lack of desire awaited the
triumphs of the sexual revolutionaries. Claiming that the sexual revolution did
not largely cause our subsequent sociosexual disorder is as foolish as claiming
the Russian, French or American revolutions did not cause gargantuan
sociopolitical change in Russia, France or the USA.
AIDS VD, STD, STIs, Drugs and Sexual Inhibition
Before leaving those cultures that formally celebrate sexual promiscuity
and/or genital carving and sodomizing boys and girls, let us briefly consider drug
use, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases. Premarital sex, adultery and
multiple or parallel sexual partners are directly associated with massive increases
in crippling, even fatal, sexual disease.55 Dr. Vincent Felitti has done extensive
work on childhood adversity and adult disease/dysfunction – drug abuse,
alcoholism, suicide attempts and fatal diseases.56
And as it turns out, sexual freedom is directly tied to sexual violence,
impotence and drug consumption. Even in Melanesia and the Solomons, the
anthropologist’s gold is sexual “freedom” for reversing staid western ways.
Rape, “including the traditionally sanctioned payback rape, and pack
rape are all reported” in Melanisia, which increases the likelihood of drug use as
well as various sexual diseases, including AIDS.57
Reading between the lines, this is admitted even by avant-guard,
Kinseyan sex therapists. Evidence strongly suggests that a great proportion of
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
the men, women and children in most of these nations live their lives in a semiintoxicated state. They carry on their daily affairs, including sex, under the
influence of a variety of indigenous, chemical mind/body "recreational" drugs.
There is no time in this book to fully examine the relationship between
widespread indigenous drug consumption, lowered sexual inhibitions,
impotence, love and marriage. So we will just speculate quickly that if there is
even a small modicum of probability that early and promiscuous sex is leading
western society toward third world evolutionary patterns, we have some tough
times ahead.
The geographical areas covered by FBD turn out to include societies
enmeshed in long term indigenous drug use. These cultures, perhaps not
coincidentally are strongly heterophobic "machismo," allowing women precious
slim freedom and quite often tending to seriously victimize both women and
Widespread Home Grown Drugs
Briefly, the literature on indigenous drugs confirms widespread use of
these home grown mind-altering chemicals, all of which would undermine
heterosexuality, chastity, fidelity, monogamy and all that these values entail.
Many of the following mind altering drugs are now cultivated and used in the
• BELLADONNA, cultivated in Asia and Algeria;
• BETEL NUT; chewed by hundreds of millions of Asians are often
included in an Eastern bride's dowry (it has a reputation as an
aphrodisiac--which apparently the groom might be seen to need);
• BROOM, used by the Mexican Indians;
• CALAMUS; by the Cree Indians (the Cree are specifically discussed
by FBD with no mention of its use);
• CLEA, used by the Oaxaca Indians;
• CIMORA, by the Indians of Equator and Peru,
• COCAINE by the Andes Indians;
• COLEUS, by the Mazatec Indians, Southern Mexico;
• DAMIANA in Africa and Mexico;
• DATURA, Southwest Indians; Mexico;
• EPENA; Amazon Indians, Columbia, Brazil;
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
HASHISH, North Africa, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan; Lebanon,
Egypt, Turkey, throughout Asia and Africa;
HENBANE, India and Africa;
HEROIN, Mexico, Turkey, China, India, Burma, Laos; Thailand--the
Golden Triangle; ;
OPIUM, Asia, Iran, Turkey;
IBOGA, Equatorial Africa, the Congo and Gabon; jimson weed,
Mexico, India, and so on….
The Weakest Link
The folk maxim, "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link” ought to
give pause. How strong can America be if our people follow the path of so many
nonwestern cultures, finding escape from boring or traumatic lives through
indigenous brain/mind/body altering chemicals? How strong can a nation be if
it's men, no longer viewing themselves as responsible to a higher, JudeoChristian God, abandon their beloved wife and children as their source of
nurturance, biophilia (love of life), for solace via indigenous and/or mass media
This historical and cross cultural knowledge should give us a handle both
on child sexual abuse in pre literate societies, and on the escalation of child
sexual abuse in the USA and much of the western world. Moreover, these
combinations of environmental activities should inform the objective scientist or
legislator about some of the more obvious causes of pandemic AIDS in much of
the Third World.
When life is as difficult and hopeless as it often is in many third world
nations, people would historically welcome the widespread practice of chewing,
brewing, drinking, smoking, eating, inhaling, an "indigenous" or local, native,
"natural" drug. The culturally approved use of mind-altering drugs has always
been associated with religious, mythical and psychological factors. This is now
especially so with the widespread reach of pornography.
Despite the reasons for original use, regular use of a drug will generally
result in a sexually debilitated user. If we add to this all of the information we
already have regarding the generally servile position of females among the bulk
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
of these nations, and in particular the sexual preference for young girls--and
boys,we come up with the grave and critical state of heterosexual dysfunction
described by El Masry, Kathleen Barry and others.
As Arabic law allows husbands several wives as well as the ability to
“spit three times” and say, “I divorce thee” to divest of the undesired wife, this
dictates a truly exploitive male-female relationship. These historians also
mention the hashish, betel nut and other drugs that come to the aid of dispirited
Arab males. Why would one wonder that many stoned, frustrated, sexually
impotent males will seek nirvana via the artless, clean and fresh bodies of
children—especially the more valued male child. And, that suicidal terrorists
might welcome such an “honored” end of their desperate lives.
We next move from our third world anthropologists to the
professionalization of a Third World mentality in the form of sexology, the
modern Kinseyan “field” of Human Sexuality.
1 Jerome Crowder, Anthropology, University of Houston / Dept. of Anthropology, Spring 2004
2 Tom O’Carroll, Paedophilia, The Radical Case, Peter Owen; London; 1980; p. 36. Other social science researchers
also argued against the prevailing negative view of homosexuality. In a review of published scientific
studies and archival data, Ford and Beach (1951) found that homosexual behavior was widespread among
various nonhuman species and in a large number of human societies. They reported that homosexual
behavior of some sort was considered normal and socially acceptable for at least some individuals in 64%
of the 76 societies in their sample; in the remaining societies, adult homosexual activity was reported to be
totally absent, rare, or carried on only in secrecy.
3 Derek Freeman, Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth" Harvard
Univ. Press, 1983 and The Fateful Hoaxing of Margaret Mead. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1999.
4 Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, Saunders, New York, 1953, see Index.
5 Bancroft, Sexual Development, Ibid, P. 259.
6 John Bancroft, Ed., Sexual Development in Childhood, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 2003, book
7 Free Republic, “Culture War resource: Margaret Mead's student refutes her "work" ABC Science Show radio
transcript July 14 2001.
8 Joan Veon, “The Coming Vat, Sales Tax Or Some Other Alternative: The Gutting Of The Middle Class,
9 Bronislaw Malinowski, The Sexual Life of Savages, republished, Beacon Press, Boston, Mass, 1987, see
discussions of “Katuyauski” parties.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
10 Clarence Tripp, quoted in the English, Yorkshire Television, Channel 4, interview transcript, “Kinsey’s
Paedophiles,” May 5, 1998.
11 Clellan S. Ford and Frank A. Beach, Forward to Patterns of Sexual Behavior New York: Harper, Hoeber Medical
Division, 1951.
12 Ford, Ibid, p. 185.
13 Patricia Pearson .Toronto National Post, “Criminalizing Sexual Curiosity,” April 25, 2002.
14 The Journal Of Paedophilia, “Interview, Gilbert Herdt,” Vol 3, No. 2-17 Winter 1994.
15 Herdt, Ibid.
16 Modern attitudes toward homosexuality have
religious, legal, and medical underpinnings. Before the High Middle Ages, homosexual acts appear to have
been widely tolerated or ignored by the Christian church throughout Europe. Beginning in the latter twelfth
century, however, hostility toward homosexuality began to take root, and eventually spread throughout
European religious and secular institutions. Condemnation of homosexual behavior as "unnatural," which
received official expression in the writings of Thomas Aquinas and others, became widespread and has
continued through the present day (Boswell, 1980). [Bibliographic references are on a different web page]
17 Ashley Montagu in his1953 book, The Natural Superiority of Women. New York : Collier Books 1992, 1952;
Rev. Ed. 1974.
18 Ford, Ibid, p. 183.
19 Mark Cook and Glenn Wilson, Love and Attraction, see Larry Constantine, ‘The Sexual Rights of Children’
Pergamon, London, 1980, pp. 503-507. These were a collection of papers presented at the conference on:
Love and Attraction. The Editors “lost” my paper on child pornography three times so it was finally
censored from the collection of pro pedophile presentations. Note also,
Cook and Wilson, Constantine, Ibid, pp. 503-507
21 Cook, Ibid.
22 Ford, Ibid, p. 176.
23 Ford, Ibid..
24 Ford, Ibid, p. 174.
25 Hutchinson Encyclopedia.
26 Sita Agarwal, Genocide of Women in Hinduism, FGM, female infanticide in India . A 1989 report from New Delhi, India found that “all
over India, where Hindu wives traditionally burned on their husbands' funeral pyres, brides in recent years
have been dying in their husbands' homes in fires that were called "accidents" until women's organizations
began to demand an official accounting.” New York Times, Jan 15, 1989.
27 Ford, Ibid, p. 107.
28 Ford, Ibid., pp. 38, 16.
29 Ford, Ibid, p. 191.
30 Ford., Ibid, p. 16.
31 Ashley Montagu, The Natural Superiority of Woman, New York : Collier Books 1992, 1952; Rev. Ed. 1974 p.
32 Montagu, Ibid, part of this description appears in Montagu’s speech on“Mutilated Humanity” before the Second
International Symposium On Circumcision in San Francisco (May 1991).
33 1976 International Crimes Against Women Tribunal page cite
34 Kathleen Barry, Female Sexual Slavery, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1979. p. 189.
35 Youssef EI Masry, Dughters of Sin: The Sexual Tragedy of Arab Women, Al Tahrir August 20, 1957, A
Macfadden Book, translated by Lowell Bair, 1963, p 22.
36 Youssef EI Masry, Ibid, pp. 7-143.
37 EI Masry, Ibid, p. 117.
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology
38 EI Masry, Ibid, p. 99.
39 Magnus Hirschfeld, page cite
40 Lloyd DeMuse, The Institute for Psychohistory, 140 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10024.
Deccan Herals,; October 24, 2004
The World Book Encyclopedia 1988 World Book Inc., Chicago, “A” Volume 1 page 1004
45 Connie Valentine, M.S., “Child Ritual Abuse May Cause Disorders Later in Life,” Insights: Mental Health Assoc.
of Yolo County, September 4, 1991
46 Valentine, Ibid.
47 Valentine, Ibid.
Connie Valentine, M.S., “Child Ritual Abuse May Cause Disorders Later in Life,” Insights: Mental
Health Assoc. of Yolo County, September 4, 1991
49 Lloyd DeMause, “The Universality of Incest,” The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2
50 DeMause, Incest, Ibid.
51 DeMause, Ibid.
52 The News, November 27. 2004.
53 The New York Times, November 28, 2004, Mireya Navarro, pp. 1-2.
54 Time, “In Search Of Sexual Desire,” April 4, 1983.
55 C. Caldwell, International Development (AusAID) Special Seminar, November 22, 2000: “It's Everyone's
Problem: HIV/AIDS and Development in Asia and the Pacific: AIDS in Melanesia,”
Dr. Vincent Felitti & Dr. Robert Anda | The Ace Study,
57 OCEANIA, the smallest continent…Collectively it is often seen to combine all of Australia, New Zealand, Papua
New Guinea, as well as the thousands of coral atolls and volcanic islands of the South Pacific Ocean,
including the Melanesia and Polynesia groups. Oceania also includes Micronesia, a widely scattered group
of islands that run along the northern and southern edges of the Equator (www.Oceania).
Chapter 3: Kinseyan Anthropology