Computer Syllabus 8T1 - Needham Public Schools





Mr. Peter Alexopoulos

Room 281


Phone: (781) 455-0455 x281



Computer Technology 8 is intended to broaden your knowledge of technology and to reinforce the skills and techniques you have learned in the past. Students will work with tables, spreadsheets and databases to improve their data literacy skills.

Students will work with tables, spreadsheets and databases to improve their data literacy skills. They will read technical documentation to learn new skills. They will research, graph and present data within the context of a human-interest topic. Students will develop skills and concepts that they will be able to transfer to other applications and computer platforms as they prepare school projects. Internet safety instruction and social networking guidelines will be incorporated, as applicable. In addition, we will explore free online resources that help you access, create, and edit images. Depending on the project, each student may decide to use other software titles such as Adobe Photoshop Elements, iPhoto, or

GraphicConverter to work with images; Excel or Numbers for graphing, iMovie to edit video; Audacity, iTunes, or GarageBand to record and edit audio; Timeliner or Inspiration to visually plan, design and organize different pieces of the project. Multimedia equipment such as digital cameras, scanners, video cameras, and microphones can also be borrowed for use at school, if needed.

It is intended that these concepts will be taught as related to computer use rather than as application specific skills. It is the intent that if you understand how each concept works that you will be able to transfer these skills to other applications and computers.


Please come to class prepared with something to write with, your flash drive, your assignment notebook

(planner) and a folder for handouts etc..

Note: I will also provide you with a folder in class to keep copies all your assignment sheets, reference sheets, and completed work when needed..

Computer Technology 8 Mr. Alexopoulos


Be kind and caring towards your classmates, teachers, yourself and the equipment in the room.

Arrive to class on time, with all materials and ready for work.

Follow classroom rules and procedures.

See me promptly for any work missed due to absence from class.

Come in for extra help any time you feel you may be struggling.


You will receive a letter grade for this class. It will be based on:

Projects: .......................




65 %

Other Assignments: 25 %

10 %


As each topic is covered in class, an assignment will be given that will provide you the opportunity to practice using the skills and tools we have covered. Remember - this class is intended to make you feel comfortable using these tools in other areas. So along with in-class examples that you will complete, you will be given projects that will give you another chance to practice and to demonstrate your mastery of these skills and tools.

Time will generally be given during each class for you to work on your assignments and most of your work will be completed during class. If you need more time than allowed on an assignment, you are expected to come after school to complete your work. It is rare that you will have homework.


Other class assignments might include items such as quizzes, Do Nows, handouts, homework, reflections, activities, etc.


Class participation is an important part of your contribution to this class. Your participation grade will be based on your effort, preparedness, productive use of class time, overall behavior, and your effective and respectful participation in small and large groups.


Part of your participation grade will be based on completing the daily “Do Now” assignment. The Do Now is a small assignment that is to be completed in the beginning of the class. When you come into class, the

Do Now will be projected on the wall and you are expected to quickly find your seat and follow the instructions.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to:

1) find out what work you have missed, and

2) to make arrangements to make up this work ASAP (within one week of your return) .


You are expected to arrive to class on time. If another teacher has detained you, please present a pass upon arrival. Lateness without a pass will result in a deduction of points off of your final grade - Frequent lateness will be reported to the grade level office as explained in the student handbook.


I encourage you to seek extra help when needed. Talk to me promptly and we can find time as needed.

Computer Technology 8 Mr. Alexopoulos

Please read with parent or guardian and return signed portion of this paper

I, ________________________________, parent or guardian of _________________________________ have read through the course overview, understand and agree with the above policies.

Parent Contacts

(Please fill out and place a check next to preferred method of contact if there is any issues)

Home phone_____________________________



Signature__________________________________________ date ______________________

Computer Technology 8 Mr. Alexopoulos
