HEROES AND SUPERHEROES - Old Stratford Primary School

Old Stratford Primary School
Mrs Dowdeswell’s class
Welcome to the class newsletter for the Summer term, the final one of the year! It contains
useful information about what will be happening between now and the end of the school year.
Our topic this term is ‘Heroes and Superheroes’. We will be focusing on superheroes for the
first three weeks at least; and then our work on heroes will begin. Essentially, by ‘heroes’ we
are referring to ‘People who help us’ – the real-life heroes, such as fire-fighters.
Possible aspects we may consider as part of this topic:
 Looking at texts including superheroes; and looking at the language used, such as
battle words, comic strip layout etc.
 Discussing superhero qualities, such as strength, power, speed
 Planning and writing our own superhero stories
 Designing our own superhero badges on the computer
 Designing shape capes for superheroes
 Discussing qualities that might be needed in creating a superhero cape (waterproof,
strong etc)
 Melting
 Floating and sinking
 Talking about the consequences of actions
 Listening to and responding to stories and non-fiction texts relating to ‘People Who
Help Us’
 Answering ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about people’s jobs; and the materials and tools
that they use
 Understanding the need for safety (reflective clothing, building site safety, fire
safety etc.)
 Understanding the need for good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping
and hygiene to maintain good health
Old Stratford Primary School
We hope to have some visitors come into school to help talk to us a about their jobs
We will also continue to work on our programme for teaching phonics skills – Phonics Bug. The
focus this term will be consolidating a lot of what we have already learnt this year. We start
off by looking at blends such as mp, lt, lk, and ld. We will be practising reading words and
spelling words using the phonemes that we have learnt already. We will continue to look at
how to construct sentences in our writing, using capital letters and punctuation as
appropriate; and hopefully writing a series of sentences to construct our own stories.
We will try where possible to link our Maths work to our topic. We hope to look at capacity
(with superhero juice); estimation; solving mathematical problems including halving and
doubling; adding and subtracting; and counting in twos, fives and tens. We will also
consolidate our knowledge of numbers to 20, being able to recognise and order these
numbers; and say what is one more or one less than a number to 20. Of course, we will go
beyond this is your child is able to.
Our class trip is coming up in June and the day itself is mainly maths related and is called
‘Caterpillar Counting’.
PE will be outdoors where possible, so please bear this in mind when providing PE kit for the
term. Appropriate footwear and a spare pair of socks will need to be in PE kits. Please look
out for extra information this term about sports events in and out of school for our class.
More details to follow shortly!
Specifically in Religious Education we will continue to be covering the topic of ‘Special Books:
What can we learn about stories from different religions?’ – this will include stories from
the bible and the qur’an. We will also look at special celebrations such as weddings and
Reminder - Who is your child going home with?
Please remember to let us know if you have made alternative arrangements for someone to
collect your child from school, even if it is another parent from within the class. You can let
us know by leaving a note in your child’s book bag or by giving a message to the school office.
We reserve the right to telephone you for confirmation if someone else, different to whom
we are expecting, arrives to collect your child. We are sure you understand that it is in your
child’s best interests to do so, so please be patient if we have to make a phone call.
Reading and Phonics homework
Phonics homework will continue as before. Phonics booklets will be sent home on a Monday to
be collected in on the Friday. Please have reading books and reading records in school every
day, even if you are partway through a book. We continue to encourage the children to get
their own books and reading records out of their book bags first thing in the morning and
Old Stratford Primary School
place them in the box to be changed. Please remind them of this on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays.
Thank you, as always, for all of your support
Mrs Dowdeswell and Miss Powell