AP European History

AP Government
G P H S / Frye
Here’s Your Sign
Feb 11-17
Read Bill of Rights Book pp. 27-42; Case Book
1. Define these terms and the current legal relationship of these terms to the 1st
Amendment [10]
Symbolic speech
Commercial speech
Prior restraint
2. What are the significance of these cases regarding assembly and petition in the 1st
Amendment? [10]
DeJonge v Oregon 1937
Cox v NH 1941 and Hague v CIO 1939
Lloyd Corp. v Tanner 1972 & PruneYard SC v Robins 1980
Gregory v Chicago 1969
NAACP v Alabama 1958
2. Write a short [2-3 sentence] summary [10 p5/15 p6] of your assigned cases; be
prepared to explain to the class the significance of these cases. [10 in class points] Note: You
need to consult either the net or your Supreme Court Case Packet for some of these, though most are in Wilson
or the Bill of Rights handbook.
TEAM 1/A – RAV v St. Paul 1992 & Wisconsin v Mitchell 1993, Madsen v
Womens Health Ctr. 1994 & Schenck v Pro-Choice Network of WNY 1997
TEAM 2/A– Tinker v Des Moines SD 1969, Bethel SD V Fraser 1986, Hazelwood
SD v Kuhlmeier 1988
TEAM 3/B – Reno v ACLU 1997, Texas v Johnson 1989 & USA v Eichman 1990,
Ashcroft v ACLU 2002
TEAM 4/B – USA v O’Brien 1968, Brandenburg v Ohio 1969, Miller v California
1973 and Stanley v Georgia 1969, NEA v Finley 1998
TEAM 5/C – Schenk v USA 1919, Buckley v Valeo 1976, McConnell v FEC 2003,
Rust v Sullivan 1991, Yates v USA 1957
TEAM 6/C – Near v Minnesota 1931, New York Times v USA 1971 , Branzburg v
Hayes 1972, Hurley v Irish-American GLB Group of Boston 1995
40 p5/45 p6 pos