study guide 5 - Grants Pass School District 7

AP Government
G P H S / Frye
Rights and Liberties [Part 1]
30-40 s/1 short answer possibly
14th Amendment
equal protection clause
due process clause
Gitlow v New York [1925]
Cantwell v Conn. [1940]
1st Amendment
Speech & Press & Assembly
prior restraint,
Schenk v USA 1919
“clear and present danger” doctrine
Brandenburg v Ohio
Tinker v Des Moines SD 1969
Student rights
Symbolic Speech
Gregory v Chicago [1969]
Miller v California 1973 … obscenity
Buckley v Valeo 1976
Citizens United v FEC
Texas v Johnson 1989 & USA v Eichman 1990
Rust v Sullivan 1991
Madsen v Womens Health Ctr. 1994 & Schenck v Pro-Choice Network of WNY 1997
Hurley v Irish-American GLB Group of Boston 1995 & Boy Scouts of America v Dale 2000
Prior restraint & Near v Minnesota 1931
New York Times v USA 1971
Hazelwood SD v Kuhlmeier 1988
Libel & slander
“Fighting words”
Hate speech
Role of media in the political process
Information costs
Role of social media in politics
Print media vs “Screen” Media [TV, etc]
Is media elitist? Liberal?
Press releases, leaks, and spin
The establishment clause
Free exercise clause
Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance
draft of the 1st Amendment
Jefferson’s Danbury letter
“wall of separation”
Virginia statute of religious liberty
Reynolds v USA 1879
West Virginia v Barnette 1943
Everson v Bd. Of Education 1947
Epperson v Arkansas 1968
Engle v Vitale 1962 & Abington v Schempp 1963
Wallace v Jaffree 1985
Edwards v Aguillard 1987
Westside Cmty. Schools v Mergens 1990
Walz v Tax Commission 1970
Lemon v Kurtzman 1971
The Lemon Test
Employment Division [OR] v Smith 1990
Church of the Lukumi Babalu v City of Hialeah 1993
Rosenberger v U. Virginia 1995
Burwell v Hobby Lobby 2014
Welsh v USA and Torasco v Watkins cases … what constitutes a religion
Privacy / Abortion
Buck v Bell 1927
Griswold v Conn. 1965
Roe v Wade 1973
Webster v Repro. Health Services 1989
Planned Parenthood v Casey 1992
Lawrence v Texas 2003
Windsor v USA 2012
Obergfell v Hodges 2015
Cruzan v Missouri 1989
Gonzalez v Oregon 2006
2d Amendment
USA v Miller 1939
Printz v USA 1997
9th Amendment
10th Amendment
inalienable rights