1 Client survey Sadegh General Information 1. What is the name of your company and your current (or intended) URL? Santa Monica College – www.smc.edu 2- Who are the primary contacts from your organization, and who has final approval on the project? Please list names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers? The art, entertainment technology faculty professionals are those that make decision on website quality, but the final approval and payments are the duty of college Chief Dr. Chui L. Tsang. 3. What is your intended launch date for the new site? Are there any outside considerations that might affect the schedule (for example, PR launch, tradeshow, annual report)? The current website has a lot of problems that we want to redesign it as soon as possible, but at should be done during six month maximum. 4. Do you have a specific budget range already established for this project? Can this project be divided into phases to accommodate budget and timing constraints? We have the budget for this project, but you have to let us to know your best price for redesigning, and we make our decision on it. Current Site 1. Do you feel your current site promotes a favorable user experience? Why or why not? The web site was very good and sufficient for our propose in 10 years ago, but we are advancing and accepting more students, professors, and employees, then we need more advanced web site too. 2 2. What specific areas of your current site do youfeel are successful? Why are they successful? Most of the parts are working accurate, but the admission area is one of the most advanced one. 3. What shortcomings exist with the current site and what three things would you change on the site today if you could? We need to make basic changes on corsair connect to make it easier for students to do their classes’ enrollment, and we have to add new section for the student’s parents for easy access to enrollment information too. The college directory also is not complete and we have to make fundamental changes to it. 4. Have you conducted usability tests or gathered visitor feedback for your current site? If so, how long ago? Please include any reports or findings. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the usability test for last few years, but it appears that students have difficulty in some areas such as corsair connect, or library access. 5. How important is it to maintain your current look and feel, logo, and branding? It is very important, because we are the number one college in California, and our web site also should be working accurately, especially in logo design, and branding. Reasons for Redesign 1. What are the main reasons you are redesigning your site (new business model, outdated site, expanded services, different audience)? We need to make the current web site more efficient, and accurate with today’s needs. 2. What are your primary online business objectives with the site redesign? What are your secondary objectives? (Examples include increased sales, marketing/branding awareness, and fewer customer service calls.) Please discuss both long- and short-term goals. We have online classes, and most of the campus and off campus students have to access directly to our website. We have also international students who trying to contact to us through our web site for enrollment, then having a good website is vital for our business. 3. What is the main business problem you hope to solve with the site redesign? How will you measure the success of the solution? 3 Easy access to the right information for our students, employees, and other audience is the most important issues for our business. 4. What existing strategy (both on- and offline) is in place to meet the new business objectives? We are advancing more and more, we have more students every year, and we prefer to do everything online instead of long lines in campus. The web site should cover easily everything and the target audiences feel confidence to use it. Audience/Desired Action 1. Describe a typical site visitor. How often are they online, and what do they generally use the web for? Give basic demographics: age, occupation, income level, purchasing habits. (Use as much detail as possible in profiling your target user. Profile more than one type if appropriate. We have 24 hours trafficking on our website, and mostly they are students for different reason such as: enrollment, online classes, gathering information, access to library, and a lot more. The web site should be very reliable for this purpose. 2. What is the primary “action” the site visitor should take when coming to your site (make a purchase, become a member, search for information)? The primary action is Gathering the information, or mostly online classes. 3-what are the key reasons why the target audience chooses your company’s products and/or services (cost, service, value)? We are the number one college in southern California that located in Santa Monica area, and we have the target audience right now, and because of our reputation in number one transferring school here, we going to have more and more applicant per semester. 4. How many people (as far as you can tell) access your site on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? How do you measure usage? Do you forecast usage to increase after the site launch and by how much? 4 We have 34000 students who try to connect to our website every day, because of different proposes and they are increasing each semester. Perception 1. Use a few adjectives to describe how your site visitor should perceive the new site. (Examples include prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun, forward thinking, innovative, and cutting edge.) Is this different than the current image perception? The redesign website should be more, appealing, accurate, easiness to use, complete in information, and technically reliable. 2-How is your company currently perceived offline? Do you want to carry the same kind of message through your website? The offline currently is not active in most parts, and we wish to have all the information accessible also on offline. 3. How does your company differentiate itself from competitors? Do you think your current audience differentiates you from your competition? Please list competitor URLs We have more than 60 years experience in teaching in California, and very high quality education methods that attract so many students to our college. Some of our main competitors are: http://www.piercecollege.edu/ http://www.lbcc.edu/ http://www.ueicollege.com/ http://www.westwood.edu/ http:/ http://www.lacitycollege.edu 4. List the URLs of any sites you find compelling.What specifically do you like about these sites? The Saint Paul College in Washington DC is one of the top rated colleges in United States, and the most important facts about them is easiness to access the information. They covered all the information in easy way on their website and it’s not confusing to access the information. 5 http://saintpaulsnet.com Content 1-Will this site use existing content from the current site? If so, what is the source, who is responsible for approval, and has the content been audited? If not, will you be creating contentin-house or using an outside provider? Most of the community colleges use the same content in most parts, but the way that they arrange the content and information looks very easy to access for different type of audiences who refer to the site regularly, and also for parents and faculty stuff. 2. What is the basic structure of the content, and how is it organized? Is it a complete overhaul of the current site or an expansion? They don’t have a lot of side navigations and everything is organized in main navigation bar, for example when you click on new student, it covers all the process from enrollment to the classes, and you don’t need to come back to main navigation for more information. 3. Describe visual elements or content that should be utilized from your current site or marketing materials (logo, color scheme, navigation, naming conventions, etc.) The logo should be change, because it’s very simple. The other areas like corsair connect, and directory also needs more improvement. The side navigation has to be dissolves in main navigatio4. How will the content of this site (along with func4.tionality and navigation) expand or differ from your current site? Do you have an existing sitemap for the outgoing site structure? Do you already have a sitemap or outline for the pro-posed redesign? We have the current site map, but we want to add more part to it, and we let you to know when it’s complete. Technology 1. What is your target platform and browser? Whom can we talk to in your organization to help respond to technical issues? 6 The main browsers are students, teachers, faculty stuff, employees, and the website administers that you can gather the information from them. 2. Are there specific technologies (Flash, JavaScript, DHTML, etc.) that you would like to? use in the site? If so, how will they enhance the user experience? Please describe in detail We need to use the most current technology such as data base, java scrip, php and the other technologies that are more reliable for our website security and users. 3. Will you have database functionality (dynamiccontentgeneration, personalization/login)? Do you already have a database in place? Please describe it in detail, including specific information regarding existing programs and software. We have data base, but they need to be updated. The date base for our enrollment section is working fine, but sometimes we have complained that it’s not functioning promptly. 4. Will you have a need for secured transactions (e-commerce)? Do you already offer transactions online? Please describe in detail. Most of the fees should be paid online and this forces us to change our current payment system to a secure one. 5. Will you require other specific programming needs (such as personalization or search capability)? Please describe in detail. We should combine the directory search with the website search to make it easier for users to track information. Marketing/Updating 1. How do most people find out about your current website? What kind of triggers prompt a visit (referral links, incentives, search engine terms)? What methods of distributing the URL already exist within the company on and offline? 7 We are very well known community college in California and the people reach us in different ways such as: search engines, our advertisements, recommendations, our website, and so on. 2. Briefly, what are your short-term marketing plans (specifically, for the site redesign and the 6 to 12 months following launch)? We don’t have specific marketing plan, because we are very famous and always the audience find us in different ways. We have more than enough inquiry each semester that we have to postpone them to future semesters. 3. Do you have an existing or planned marketing strategy in mind to promote this site redesign? If so, please describe. We don’t have any specific marketing plan at this time. 4. Do you intend to keep the site updated? If so, how often? Who is responsible for updating and providing content? We need to update our website more often, and we have the maintenance group that are hired to take care of the website regularly , and do the updating whenever in necessary. 1 SMC COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Sadegh 2 Competitive Analysis Overall Goals and Objectives This competitive analysis is prepared to present a complete evaluation of the SMC competitor’s in design process. I tried to consider different facts in my evaluation such as: search engine, enrollment, navigation, ranging, strengths, design, capabilities, and some other feature of the selected websites. The chosen websites are mostly potential direct competitors of SMC in Santa Monica area or west Los Angeles. Methodology This competitive analysis prepared by Pahlavan Sadegh. The main goals are to evaluate the potential competitors mostly in Los Angeles County from different point of views. The major users of website are students, prospective students, faculty staff, and alumni, and those who are involved with this organization. The analysis will evaluate the following subjects: Overall design and the features of the websites Personal and technical analysis of each site conclusion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I tried to analyzed 5 different websites mostly direct competitors in Los Angeles and around Santa Monica area. It was tried to have a close look on each of these direct competitors to gather the essential information for redesign the SMC website. There was a lot of important information on each site that I tried to collect the most important parts. I understand that the most useful website is that one which offers more organized information. There is a lot of information on each site that most of the time makes the audience confused, but those who categorized the information in an easy way for users are more successful. The west Los Angeles and Westwood College, which are the direct competitors in same area, are offering a lot of information in a very easy accessible method. It is very easy for students to access the information on each category, but the overall design of these two website is not much appealing. The majority of students are complaining about the cell phone access too. 3 Competitive Analysis When we start to compare the SMC site with the other competitors, you will understand that there are a lot of uncategorized and repeated information on each page especially on home page. The information on each page is a little bit confusing. The first time students have difficulty to find the right information form site, and always need to ask from other student or faculty staff for help. I think there should be enrollment button on the main navigation bar, and also should be about SMC in main navigation bar too, because in every website we looking some information about the company or any other corporation at first, then we going for another data. The parents of students also have difficulty to track information very easily on SMC web site. They have to go through a lot of pages to find whatever they looking for. SMC web site caries a lot of navigation bars, the main navigation, top navigation and a lot of side navigation that make the applicants confused, and we can substitute most of side navigation in sub menu, instead of putting them separately in side navigation. There is also too many uncategorized information on each page that makes the reader a bit wonder. The international students also have a hard time to find the information that they want on line, and mostly have to visit the office for more information or submitting the applications. The directory section of the website doesn’t carry the complete information about SMC and limited to two groups only. Most of the information are repeated in every page or are irrelevant to the topic of the page, and that makes it very difficult to search or track the information. There is not enough information about academy programs, and mostly you have to go to other pages to find something that you need, and at the end you left with nothing useful. Class schedule is much more complicated area in website, and for those who didn’t work with this website is a real problem. I think actually there should be a complete guideline that teaches the readers, how to use this website. The SMC website is not easy to use for most of the groups, and they have to come to main campus for right information, and that’s why every semester we have long line in front of the different offices in SMC. 4 Competitive Analysis Santa Monica College Overview Effectiveness Rating When we start to compare the SMC site with the other competitors, you will understand that there are a lot of uncategorized and repeated information on each page especially on home page. The information on each page is a little bit confusing. Overall Design Functionality Look & Feel 5 Competitive Analysis West L.A College Overview Effectiveness Rating The west Los Angeles College, which is the direct competitors in same area, is offering a lot of information in a very easy accessible method. It is very easy for students to access the information on each category, but the overall design of these two website is not much appealing Overall Design Functionality Look & Feel 6 Competitive Analysis L.A s.west college Overview Effectiveness Rating The Los Angeles south west college design is not very interesting, but Most of the information is categorized and easy to access. It relies mostly on information and data. Overall Design Functionality Look & Feel 7 Competitive Analysis L.A City college Overview Effectiveness Rating LACC college same as SMC has a lot of uncategorize information on home page, but the students service has all information completely accessible and easy to use.The overall design also follow the basic flat colors. . Overall Design Functionality Look & Feel 8 Competitive Analysis everest college Overview Effectiveness Rating The Everest College mostly relies On information. The overall design of the site is not appealing. The lack of appropriate photo is obvious, and visually doesn’t attract the people, But the information is well categorize. Overall Design . Functionality Look & Feel 9 Competitive Analysis Features comparison Demographic About Jitusu Chang AGE…………………… 19 GENDER……………… female Location………………. Los Angeles Education……………….Biology Marital Status………….. Single Income………………….0 Annually Occupation……………...Student Jitusu Chang is a 19 year-old full-time student in SMC. She is a freshman student in biology major. She just reached here in USA and involving in intensive study of English and biology classes. Technical Abilities Jitusu chang Biology student Mac & PC’s Some computer Programs Network Searching Google program setting Microsoft office She is intending Santa Monica College to complete her English studies and also biological courses and transfer to UCLA university for continue her studies for graduating with a PhD in biology.. She also is interested in computer science, dance and music too, and wish to take those classes in along with the biology courses in SMC in future. She is very interested to dance glasses and music meanwhile, and wish to take those courses before she transfer to UCLA. GOALS Interested in biology Classes Study in computer Looking for Dance Music Classes According to her” I would like to finshish biology here in United States, it is very hard and need a lot of attempt especially for international student, but I’m young and will try my best to accomplish my goals.” She is young with a lot of potentials to complete her education and hobbies. Demographic About Colin Smith-Clark AGE…………………… 39 GENDER……………… Male Location………………. Los Angeles Education……………… PHD in psychology Marital Status………….. Married Income………………….60K Annually Occupation……………...SMC professor John Deleon is a 39 year-old full-time instructor in Santa Monica College. He transfers from SMC to Gorge Mason University in Washington Dc, and graduate with a PhD in psychology from there. Technical Abilities He is a well known professor and specialist in psychology in learning and memory field. He is an active person in his Microsoft programs Photoshop Online search Drawing photography GOALS Colin Smith-Clark INSTRUCTOR Better access to SMC website Become researcher in psychology Psychology seminars & conferences Gardening glasses in SMC Online classes study field and very interested to experiments result with his students. He has to access to online classes trough the SMC website and also working with it regularly, but sometimes is very difficult to access information online. He is very interested to gardening and knowing about flowers and their structural biology of them. According to him” The life is short and we have to try to learn the things as fast as we can, and transferring them to those who are interested to know about information.” He is trying to improve his courier as a researcher in Psychology of learning and memory. Demographic About Deleon AGE…………………… 29 GENDER……………… Male Location………………. Los Angeles Education……………… B.A in programming Marital Status………….. Married Income………………….75K Annually Occupation……………...Computer programmer John Deleon is a 29 year-old full-time programmer in Cyber Net Group. He graduated from SMC few years before and obtaining a bachelor degree in programming from UCLA. Technical Abilities John Deleon Programmer Computer programmer Program Developer Network Programmer Switching Programmer Data Programmer GOALS Looking for only Design Classes Study in art history Interested in music programs too Photography Classes He knows a lot about the computer and programming and mostly knows most of basic and advanced computer languages. He is very interested in design classes in SMC, because of his currier he needs to know all the design processes. He also is interested in art history , music and photography, and wish to take those classes in somewhere around the Santa Monica area. He is sometimes tired of working all the time with computer programs, and looking to have different interesting activities after the work. According to him” I like to have different art, music, and design courses for my free times, working long time with all these codes and programs made me a lot exhausted.” He has a very high talent in drawing and sketching, and looks to improve it. Communication Brief Sadegh Santa Monica College web site redesigns 04/05/2014 Big Picture: Redesign and launch the new web site by February 31, 2015 for their students, staff, and target audiences for better access to the data and information on the web site, especially for online students. Project summary: Santa Monica College is one of the best colleges in Los Angeles, and number one transfer college in California too. They have the biggest amount of the students in Santa Monica who need to do most of their works on line. They have one of the biggest websites with a lot of pages and functions. They have online classes, international students, and the students from other states, including the staffs and those who are related to SMC that have to do everything online. The current website has a lot of issues according to the students and staff that should be removed after the redesign process. Business objectives/goals: Santa Monica College attempting to redesign its web site for a better access of its audience to its contents. They have online classes that require the student to go online to contact to their instructors regularly. The current student also has to enroll every semester and pay for the fees online. Every semester they have a large amount of the students that have to enroll and choose classes on line too. They have a lot of staff and employees that should do all their jobs online too. The current web site looks a little bit busy and complicated for both students and staff to access to its information. They need to redesign their web site for easy access to its content for the student at first and the people who are involved with the student secondly. They want the organized information for those also in other state too. Target audience: Santa Monica College has a vast variety of audiences such as: new student in all state who wishes continue their studies in SMC, instructors, employees, staffs who work frequently with the students, and the parents of the students who have to pay for everything. Perception Strategy: Current The color combination of header doesn’t looks very effective There is a lot of uncategorized information on each page The home page looks too busy and unorganized The navigation bar doesn’t expose all the information There are a lot of side navigations that contains more pages and navigations. There are a lot of hidden navigations with the same data as in home page The mobile design is exactly same as desktop. Desired Organize navigation to cover all the information Categorize the information in main and sub navigation. Chang the header and content of the home page Categories the information on other pages Using appropriate type face Change the mobile design to smaller and more efficient one Strategy New site has complete navigation to cover all the educational information for new students, staffs, and target audiences. Design the new navigation bar to cover all the data Combine all of the repeated information to the main navigation Make the mobile design much smaller Message Strategy: The primary massage is easy access to the content of website and interest the students for online enrollment or what we call it “call the action”. The second goal is to organize the information on the site for more inquiry and the new navigation bar which categories the educational information which satisfy the students. The new design with organize layouts and correct colors, typefaces, and navigation tries to communicate more efficient to the students, staffs, employees, and also attract new audience too. Competitive Advantage: They are the biggest community college and number one transfer school in Santa Monica area. They have the have the high educational methods and instruments. They have expert instructors in each felid. They have the best location in town just near the Pacific Ocean. The numbers of students who apply for SMC are increasing each semester, because of their good reputation. ESTIMATE Sadegh Client: Santa Monica College Description & Fees: The site will consist of approximately 250 pages that include navigation, side navigation, bottom navigation, corsair connect, online enrolment, online classes, request information, data, admission, study programs, search features, and carrier listing pages.. Client to provide access to Web hosting information needed to launch site. Phase One: Research & Analysis $12500 -$15000 Will work with client to analyze “competitive” sites, access audience needs, and determine site goals. Will leverage any existing research completed by Santa Monica College and will consult with SMC’s internal team to establish the site’s structure, functionality and technical parameters. Phase Two: Design Development $25,000-$30,000 Initial meeting to discuss next steps and web schedule. Presentation of two design directions to show a home page and one other section drill down page. Refinement and application of preferred direction to all pages. Presentation of pages as pdf files for proofreading. After final approval of all pages, preparation of all pages and image files for technical production. Includes one round of revisions in the design phase only. Phase Three: Technical Production $95,000 - $ 105,000 Building of HTML pages from layered Photoshop files. Implementation of page titles, meta tag description, and keywords for search engine optimization. (Client toprovide description and keywords). Beta testing on development site to perform cross-browser and platform testing. Uploading final files to web host for official launch of the site. Total for Design and Technical Production $132.500-$150.000 Should the scope of the project change or the deliverables for the project change, this estimate may need to be revised. Revisions/Changes Base fee includes one round of revision in the design phase only. Additional revisions will be billed at an hourly rate of $90. Payment Schedule: 30% of fee to begin project 40% after completion of design production 30% upon delivery of final HTML files SCHEDULE Sadegh Client: Santa Monica College Project: Website Redesign Designer delivers new Creative Brief, estimate and schedule 04/05/14 Designer and Client meet to conduct User Profiling session Wednesday, 04/14/14 Designer finalizes and delivers User Profile document Tuesday,04/24/14 Designer delivers draft navigation as Sitemap document Week of 05/04/14 Tuesday 06/15/14 Designer delivers draft wireframes and any revisions to initial sitemap Designer & Client determine schedule for content delivery Designer begins site look and feel Wednesday, 06/25/14 Design direction presentation Tuesday, 08/03/14 Designer delivers revisions to look and feel, if required Friday, 08/20/14 Once Client signs off on design look and feel, Designer completes page designs (10 to 15 pages estimated) 08/20/14– 09/20/14 Client delivers final content Thursday, 08/25/14 Designer begins final production of all graphics files Week of 09/01/14 Designer begin technical production: Designer to create HTML, image folder and CSS files for posting to development site. Week of 10/05/14 Beta testing Monday, 11/10/14 Site launches Wednesday, 02/01/15 SECOUNDARY NAVIGATION SMC ONLINE CORSAIR CONNECT CATALOUGE CLASS SCHEDULE SMC SITE MAP DIRCTORY LIBRARY Pahlavan Sadegh home A ABOUT SMC ADMISSIONS C B WHY SMC b.1 AET b.2 EMERITUS b.3 BROAD STAGE b.4 KCRW b.5 TRANSFER CENTER b.6 INTERNATIONAL b.7 STUDENTS NEWS PROGRAMS D c.1 INFORMATION c.2 STUDENT SERVICES ENROLLMENT E ART d..1 BUSINESS d..2 CONTACT F CURRENT STUDENTS e.1 G contact us g.1 ONLINE REQUEST g.2 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES FORMS c.3 FAQ c.4 d..3 COMPUTER SCIENCE d..4 NEW STUDENTS e.2 COSTMETOLOGY d..5 CONSELING DANCE FINANCIAL AID f.1 d..6 d.7 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY APPLY f.2 ARTICULATION f.3 d..8 EARTH SCIENCE d..9 PHISICAL SCIENCE d..13 PSYCHOLOGY d..14 = SCHOLARISHIP f.5 ENGLISH d..11 d..12 = SECONDARY NAV ASSESSMENT CENTER f.4 EDUCATION d..10 HEALTH SCIENCE KEY GRADUATION e.3 FEES e.4 STUDENTS CLUB f.6 CORSAIR CONNECT f.7 ATHLETICS f.8 LINK = SEARCH FUNCTION CONNECT F.7.1 = PDF TOP NAV Logo Photo SEARCH ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS ENROLLMENT SLIDE PHOTOS t ABOUT SMC LINK CONTACT CALL THE ACTION TAG LINE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante fringilladapibus. Quisque eget rhoncus enim. Sed nec ligula non felis posuere auctor eget sit amet purus. Nullam tortor risus,fringilla eget sodales sed, lacinia ac turpis. Pellentesquehabitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuadaames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sit ameliquam dolor. Vivamus fermentum sem a ligula sollicitudin consecte- LINK STUDENT SERVICES LINK LINK LINK Photo Photo Photo Photo SICIAL MEDIA TOP NAV Logo Photo SEARCH ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS ENROLLMENT STUDENT SERVICES ADMISSION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit PHOTO Photo LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK SICIAL MEDIA CONTACT TOP NAV Logo Photo SEARCH ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS ENROLLMENT SLIDE PHOTOS t ABOUT SMC Photo Photo LINK LINK LINK LINK SICIAL MEDIA CONTACT APPLY ONLINE TAG LINE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget LINK STUDENT SERVICES TOP NAV Logo Photo SEARCH ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS ENROLLMENT STUDENT SERVICES CONTACT resources PHOTO programs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget LINK LINK LINK academic departements Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus Photo LINK Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus LINK SICIAL MEDIA Logo FLAT COLOR ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS SLIDE PHOTOS ABOUT SMC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam SIDE NAVIGATION SICIAL MEDIA APPLY ONLINE corsair CONNECT TOP NAV Logo FLAT COLOR ABOUT SMC ADMISSION PROGRAMS corsair CONNECT PROGRAMS OF STUDY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempor metus sit amet velit rhoncus eget mollis lacus viverra. Proin interdum sodales arcu consequat mollis. Duis a mi dolor, id semper neque. Phasellus aliquam consecteturodio, aliquam pellentesque nulla elementum non. Aliquamin augue odio. Nulla imperdiet erat a ante etursed sem. Praesent congue, arcu eget PHOTO ACADEMIC DEPARTEMENT SICIAL MEDIA PHOTO