Santa Monica College Nursing Student Entrance Physical Exam

Santa Monica College Nursing Student Entrance Physical Exam Requirements
All entering Nursing students must have a Physical Examination completed within 6 months prior
to entering the Nursing Program. The Physical Exam, laboratory (lab) test results and required
immunizations must be submitted to SMC Health Services in one packet by January 14, 2011.
The Physical Exam must be done with the current Santa Monica College Confidential Medical
History form and the Santa Monica College Health Science Department Health Requirements for
Incoming Nursing Students form, (blue colored forms).
Physical Exam must be done by a medical doctor (MD) or a Nurse Practitioner (NP) provided it
is co-signed by the MD. Physical Exams completed by Physician Assistants, Chiropractors, or
Osteopathic doctors are not accepted. The SMC Physical Examination form must be used, see
attached blue form. Have your MD/NP attach their business card or place their ‘business stamp’
by their signature on the completed Physical Exam form.
Physical Exams can be scheduled at SMC Health Services for currently enrolled SMC students
that have the health fee paid.
Fees for the Physical Exam, required lab tests and required immunizations available at SMC
Health Services:
1. Physical Exam
2. Lab work & titers: (can be done at SMC Health Services for enrolled students)
a. CBC (Complete Blood Count)
b. VDRL or RPR (test for syphilis)
c. Urinalysis with microscopic exam
d. Measles (Rubeola IGGAB titer)
e. German measles (Rubella IGGAB titer)
f. Mumps (IGGAB titer)
g. MMR Profile
g. Chicken pox (Varicella IGGAB titer)
h Hepatitis B surface antibody titer
i. Polio titer (titer not required)
Lab Drawing fee
3. Immunizations available at SMC Health Services are listed below in case the
immunization Titers are too low or negative. Cost for each vaccine varies, please call Health
Services (310) 434-4262 for cost of vaccine. Vaccines currently available:
a. Hepatitis B: Series of 3 injections required: 1st two injections are one month apart & 3rd
injection is given 5 months after 2nd. The series must be started before starting Nursing
b. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): Two injections required if the titers in any one or
all three are too low or are negative: 2 doses of MMR (one month apart) are required.
c. Td (Tetanus Diphtheria): Nursing Students must show proof of vaccination within 5
years or revaccination is required.
4. Polio & Varicella* vaccinations are required if the titers are too low or negative. Both
require 2 doses & must be started before starting the Nursing Program. Documentation of
childhood vaccination is not sufficient. Titers must be done to validate immunity.
*Polio and Varicella vaccines are not available at SMC Health Services. Check Health
Services websites for vaccine providers
5. The 2 Step TB (Mantoux) test is required. 1st TB test is free & second is $10. The 2nd TB
test is placed one week after the 1st is read. TB test must be read 48 to 72 hours after it is
placed. Failure to return for reading requires retesting with a $10 fee. If the TB test is
positive or student has a history of a positive TB test, a chest x-ray (CXR) must be done to
document TB clearance. CXR can be done for $30 with a referral from SMC Health Services
to SM/UCLA Radiology. The 2 Step TB test or CXR are required yearly for all SMC
Nursing Students. Students hold the responsibility to comply with these requirements.
Nursing Students are responsible for completing their immunizations & notifying the Health
Sciences Department of any and all TB/Chest Xrays results and updates.
Check the SMC Health Services website for further information at Call (310) 434-4262 for more information.