Student Reflection Paper Guidelines


Internship Reflection Paper Guidelines

The three page midterm paper requires you to reflect on one particular project or task that you embarked on during the first half of your internship, while the final eight page paper can either focus on one project or draw from multiple projects to address one theme or question that you engaged with during the internship.

The goal of these papers is to provide a space for you to reflect on your internship experience and the ways it relates to your work in Comparative Literature.

Ideally, your paper should include a writing or audio-visual sample of your internship and discuss the process of its production. Please describe in detail your contribution to the project, be it research, writing, editing, fact checking, etc. For example, if one of your tasks was to interview a contemporary author, please include your research and preparatory notes as well as the text of the final interview. Furthermore, be sure to complement this writing sample with a reflection on pertinent academic issues raised by your work: for example, how did your understanding of authorship shape your interview? And in turn, how did the actual interview challenge or refresh your understanding of authorship? If your assignment was fact checking, you could address the assumptions that ground that work, such as the relationship between fact and fiction, or textual authority and verisimilitude. Feel free to design your own topic of reflection, but make sure to articulate it clearly.
