Instructions for Reflection Paper

Instructions for Reflection Paper
By the end of internship experience, you will need to do some critical analysis of your semester-long
experience. Your reflection paper should be a well-crafted and thoughtfully written paper in Chicago style and
contain between 750–800 words. The reflection paper should include but does not need to be limited to:
What you learned through your internship and how it was of value to your academic and career goals.
A description of the most important assignment(s) and why they were significant.
What surprised you about the internship, if anything.
Whether the internship has changed your perception of what you will be doing after graduate school,
and how.
The relationship between your internship work and your studio work.
The opportunities provided to you to network, collaborate and learn new skills during this internship.
The reflection paper must be submitted along with your evaluation on Artnet no later than Nov. 30, 2012.
Career services will send you a reminder and a link to the evaluation towards the end of the semester.
Your faculty supervisor will assign you a grade for the internship based on the internship site’s evaluation of
you along with your evaluation, your informational interview summary sheet and this reflection paper. Failure
to submit the reflection paper on time may result in a lower grade.