Italian Name English Name How to Form the Verb Components of Compound Tenses Infinitivo Infinitive Look it up in the dictionary Gerundio Gerund -ando, -endo, -endo Participo Passato Past Participle -ato, -uto, -ito Indicative Mood (Present Tenses) Presente Indicativo Present Indicative -o / -i / -a, -e, -e / -iamo / -ate, -ete, -ite / -ano, -ono, -ono Presente Progressivo Present Progressive <stare in present-indicative> < gerund> Indicative Mood (Past Tenses) Passato Prossimo Present Perfect <aux in present-indicative> <past-participle> Imperfetto Indicativo Imperfect Indicative -re -> -vo / -vi / -va / -vamo / -vate / -vano Imperfetto Progressivo Imperfect Progressive <stare in imperfect> <gerund> Passato Remoto Past Absolute -ai, -ei or –etti, -ii / -asti, -esti, -isti / -ò, -è or -ette, -ì / -ammo, -emmo, -immo / -aste, -este, -iste / -arono, -erono or –ettero, -irono Trapassato Prossimo Pluperfect <aux in imperfect> <past-participle> Trapassato Remoto Pluperfect Absolute <aux in passato-remoto> <past-participle Indicative Mood (Future Tenses) Futuro Semplice Future -erò, -erò, -irò / -erai, -erai, -irai / -erà, -erà, -irà / -eremo, -eremo, -iremo / -erete, -erete, -irete / -eranno, -eranno, -iranno Futuro Anteriore Future Perfect <aux in future> <past-participle> Imperative (na) / -a, -i, -i / -i, -a, -a / -iamo / -ate, -ete, -ite / -ino, -ano, -ano Condizionale Semplice Conditional -erei, -erei, -irei / -eresti, -eresti, -iresti / -erebbe, -erebbe, -irebbe / -eremmo, -eremmo, -iremmo / -ereste, -ereste, -ireste / -erebbero, -erebbero, -irebbero Condizionale Passato Past Conditional <aux in conditional> <past-participle> Imperative Mood Imperativo Conditional Mood Subjunctive Mood (Present Tenses) Presente Congiuntivo Present Subjunctive -i, -a, -a / -i, -a, -a / -i, -a, -a / -iamo / -iate / -ino, -ano, -ano Congiuntivo Progressivo Progressive Subjunctive <stare in subjunctive> <gerund> Subjunctive Mood (Past Tenses) Passato Congiuntivo Past Subjunctive <aux in subjunctive> <past-participle> Imperfetto Congiuntivo Imperfect Subjunctive -re -> -ssi / -ssi / -sse / -ssimo / -ste / -ssero Trapassato Congiuntivo Pluperfect Subjunctive <aux in imperfect-subjunctive> <past-participle> Other Verb Formulas: Modal: To want to do something, to have to do something, to be able to do something <modal-verb-conjugated> <infinitive> Notes: − In compound tenses, use the same auxilliary in front of the modal verb that you would have used for the <infinitive> verb ‘si’ impersonale “one does this” or “people do this” ‘si’ <verb-3rd-person-singular> ‘si’ <verb-3rd-person> <noun> If no noun or adjective Make verb agree in number with <noun> ‘si’ è <predicate-adj>i Adjective must be masculine-plural Notes: − Auxilliary verb (if needed) is always “essere”. Auxilliary verb and past participle (if needed) must agree with <noun> in gender and number. Passive Voice Convert: <subject> <original-verb> <object> Into: <object> <essere> <past-participle> da <subject> Notes: <essere> is conjugated into the same tense and mood as <original-verb> <past-participle> is the past participle of the <original-verb> <essere> and <past-participle> must agree with the <object> in gender and number “da <subject>” is optional − − − − Causative: To make someone do something, “I made X do something” or “I had X do something” <fare-conjugated> <infinitive> ‘a’ <the person being forced> Notes: <infinitive> is the verb which the person is being forced to do −