Fast-trak university-branded portFolio simulations For your business school or trading room stocks • Bonds options • futures Mutual funds ™ Fast-trak Fast-trak aFFordable, customizable stock market simulations For businesses & schools • LIVE Streaming Updates are you graduating business majors with no knowledge of the stock market? • Real-Time Order Execution • Branded Home Page & Site Color Scheme Now, with your own universitybranded FAST-TRAK simulation, you can: • Expose all of your business students to the markets, not just your finance majors • Build your business school brand image • Attract more students to your program • Make better use of your school’s trading room — all for one low monthly fee! now your school can have its own custom-branded stock portFolio simulation FeaturinG: • Professor Admin Dashboard for setup and class review each site includes the FollowinG paGes: • Student Registration Form • Rules, FAQs & Support Pages • Ticker Symbol Lookup • Stock Charts • Stock News • Stock Order Screen • Mutual Funds Order Screen • Transaction History • Individual Portfolio & Account View • Class Rankings Its easy to set up, easy for students to register, and easy for professors to track progress! 7 Transaction History shows students all trades posted to account 1 Portfolio Profit / Loss Screen Updates to show performance of each position every few seconds 7 Class Ranking encourages participation and competition 7 Summary Report Quickly see the total number of registrations, activations and trades made 7 Registration File Get an overview of all registered participants and sort them via school, class or other categories 1 Activity Report 1 Historical Rankings View week-to-week changes, percentage gains and monthly rank View week-to-week changes, percentage gains and monthly rank 7 User Account Admin Get a detailed view of students’ portfolios 7 Custom-brand your FAST-TRAK site with your school’s logo, color scheme, messaging, links and splash image 1 Advanced Charts provide multiple options to display different chart styles, corporate actions, comparisons, trendlines, and more 7 Stock Order Screen Easy-to-use, and customized for each equity type, our order screen steps users through each transaction, with helpful information in plain English. 7 Symbol Lookup provides quotes, a mini chart, options summary and the latest headlines S i nce 1990, has been the leading financial simulation site for the college market. Over 1,000 professors and 50,000 students each year use as a supplement to their investments, Portfolio Management, Futures & Options, and other finance classes. ICMA CENTRE busINEss sChool foR fINANCIAl MARkETs uNIvERsITy of REAdINg, uk fox busINEss sChool, TEMplE uNIvERsITy phIlAdElphIA, pA, usA howARd uNIvERsITy busINEss sChool, wAshINgToN, dC, usA uNIvERsITy of MIssouRI CollEgE of busINEss duRhAM busINEss sChool, duRhAM uNIvERsITy, uk éColE dE gEsTIoN ET sCIENCEs CoMMERCIAlEs, uNIvERsITé dE sAINT-éspRIT dE kAslIk, lEbANoN Consumer & Corporate Contests, Education and News Portals WallstrEEtsurvivor.Com consumer stock market simulation contest stoCkstar.Ca financial post stock market challenge survivor uNivErsity consumer financial news & education site sCottradE “stock-set-go” intern stock challenge iNtErshoW las vegas traders’ expo $1m equity trading challenge Fast-trak ™ university-branded portFolio simulations For more inFormation Tom Reti, Director of Educational Sales 1-514-871-2222 ext. 232 treti @ Place Alexis Nihon, Tower 2 3500 Boulevard de Maisonneuve West, Suite 1650 Montreal, Canada H3Z 3C1 tel fax 1 (514) 871-2222 1 (514) 871-8561 otcbb: stkg