Learning Targets I can Define primary, secondary, and tertiary

Science 10
Learning Targets
I can
 Define primary, secondary, and tertiary consumer
 Define herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and detrivore
 Use a food web to explain how the energy is transferred throughout an
 Use a food pyramid to explain how consumed energy is used
Where do we get energy?
Energy does not stay in one place in an ecosystem – it move through the
ecosystem due to the interactions of different organisms with each other
Each organism
Obtains food energy from the ecosystem
Contributes energy back to the ecosystem
Called ___________
1. Producers
Produce __________ using sunlight and _____________
a. Usually Plants
2. Consumers
Consume ____________ to gain energy. There are 3 types of consumers:
I. Primary Consumers
a. Feed on _________________ (___________)
I.e. Grasshoppers, deer, zooplankton
Secondary Consumers
a. Feed on _________________ (___________)
I.e Frogs, song bird, some fish
Tertiary Consumers
a. Feed on _________________ (___________)
b. Top of the food chain
I.e. Hawks, people, bears
**Some animals act as consumers at different levels**
i.e. Bears -
Primary consumer (berries)
Secondary consumer (fish)
Called _________________
Any other species come to mind?
The breakdown organic waste material and dead organisms is known as
(it is also called biodegradation)
Done by detrivores (insects and animals that feed on ____________
_______________) or decomposers (fungi or bacteria)
Food Chains & Webs
Food Chains show the movement of nutrients within an ecosystem from one
trophic level to the next
A trophic Level is a _________ in the _________ __________
Example: grass  mouse  snake  hawk
Food Webs
Many animals belong to more than one food chain
A food web indicates feeding relationships within an ecosystem
Food Pyramids
When a snake eats a mouse, not all of the energy from the mouse is stored
and passed on to the hawk that eats the snake
 Most is used for the chemical reactions that sustain life
 Some is lost as undigested matter
 Only a small amount (10%) is converted into biomass (__________
_________) that is transferred to the next trophic level
 Food pyramids show the loss of energy between trophic levels
 Also called ecological pyramids
Energy Flow Worksheet (BC Science 10 SWB pg. 15-18)