Post Draft Outline Worksheet for Essay Revision

Post Draft Outline
In order to begin revising our papers, we must first reflect on what we have
already done. To make this process clear, a Post Draft Outline lays out all of the crucial
points of our essay without all of the analytical frills. In order to complete a Post Draft
Outline, we must simply look back at our papers and follow the format provided.
Intro ¶
a. Thesis – Copy the thesis directly from your draft
Body ¶
a. Topic Sentence (T.S.) – Copy the Topic Sentence directly
from your draft
b. Quote 1 – Copy the first quote you used directly from your
c. Importance/Purpose – How does the quote relate to the key
d. Quote 2 – Copy the second quote you used directly from
your draft
e. Importance/Purpose – How does the quote relate to the key
f. Analysis/Connection – Summarize the analysis and
connections you make into a few sentences
g. Conclusion Sentence (C.S) – Copy the Conclusion Sentence
directly from your draft
*******Repeat this process for each Body Paragraph*******
Conclusion ¶
a. Intro Statement – Copy the first statement of your
conclusion directly from your draft
b. Closing Statement – Copy the final statement directly from
your draft