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APUSH Exam Review
Info from 2006 released exam
180 points total- 90 multiple choice points/90 DBQ and Free Response Points
106-180= 5 minimum 58 % right
85-105= 4
minimum 47% right
68-84= 3
minimum 37% right
47-67= 2
minimum 26% right
0-46= 1
minimum 25% right
5 key topics
**African American History 2006= 11 questions 2001= 21 questions
**Key Terms
2006= 6 questions 2001= 5 questions
**Women’s History 2006= 6 questions 2001= 5 questions
**Supreme Court Cases 2006= 5 questions 2001=4 questions
**Vietnam War 2006= 3 questions 2001= 2 questions
5 topics here = 31 multiple choice questions in 2006 and 37 in 2001. These 5 topics were worth 34.87
points in 2006 and 41.62 points in 2001. You only need 106 points to get a 5 and 85 to get a 4!!!!
2 essay questions are pre civil war and 2 are post civil war
Multiple choice breakdown---- pre Columbian exchange to 1789 = 20% or 16 questions
1790 to 1914= 45% or 36 questions
1915-present= 35% or 28 questions
Very few questions cover the period before the founding of Jamestown and very few cover the period
from 1970 to present
Colonial America 1607-1776
Columbian exchange, mercantilism, half-way covenant, enlightenment, deism, 1st Great Awakening,
Anne Hutchinson, Irqoqois Confederacy, Navigation Acts 1651, Sugar Act, Stamp Act
Articles of Confederation and Constitution 1776-1789
Battle of Saratoga, Shays Rebellion, Republican government/republicanism, separation of powers,
checks and balances. Remember no Bill of Rights in original constitution as ratified in 1788
Building the New Nation 1787-1860
Judicial review, internal improvements/American System, cult of domesticity/republican motherhood,
transcendentalism, perfectionism, 2nd Great Awakening, Jacksonian Democracy, Nullification, Manifest
Destiny, Popular Sovereignty, Hamilton’s financial plan, John Marshall, Andrew Jackson’s Presidency,
Senecca Falls Convention, Frederick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison, Wilmot Proviso, Only Civil War
battle you need to know is Battle of Antietam,
Industrial America 1865-1917
Jim Crow Laws, Social Gospel, Gospel of Wealth, Social Darwinism, Frontier Thesis (Frederick Jackson
Turner), New Immigrants, Nativism,Muckrakers, Taylorism (Frederick Winslow Taylor), Vertical
Integration, Horizontal Integration, Helen Hunt Jackson’s Century of Dishonor, Compare/Contrast
Knights of Labor, IWWs, and American Federation of Labor, Progressive beliefs, Jaccob Riis, TR,
nothing on Taft, Wilson Federal Reserve Act and Foreign Policy, Open Door Policy, Booker T
Washington v WEB Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Ida B Wells-Barnett, Margaret Sanger, Dawes Act
Boom and Bust 1917-1945
Hoovervilles, Laiseez Faire Economics, Isolationism, Lost Generation of writers criticized materialism
and conformity, KKK, DW Griffith’s Birth of a Nation, What were and were not New Deal Programs,
Critics of New Deal, Only WWII Battle is Pearl Harbor, Rosie the Riveter, Koremtsu v US, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Wagner Act
Modern American 1945-present
Containment, McCarthyism, Domino Theory, Massive Retaliation, Black Power, Hawks and Doves,
Détente, Reaganomics, George Kennan’s Containment, Truman’s integration of Military, SNCC, SCLC,
Similarities and differences between New Deal and Great Society, Betty Freidan, Rachel Carson and
Silent Spring, Taft Hartley Act, Gulf of Tonkin, Cambodia, Kent State, last 30 years typically focus on
population shifts and demographic trends 1980-present
Supreme Court CasesPlessy v Ferguson, Dred Scott, Brown v Board of Ed, Marbury v Madison, McCullogh v Maryland, The
Marshall Court, Worcester v Georgia, Dartmouth College v Woodward, 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases,
1883 Civil Rights Case, Sacco and Vanzetti, John T Scopes, Koremetsu, The Warren Court, Baker v Carr,
Griswold v Conn, Miranda v Arizona, Roe v Wade
Bacon’s Rebellion, Stono Rebellion, Nat Turner’s Rebellion
4-6 questions using charts, political cartoons, pictures, maps. All the info you need to answer is there.
Except questions- 6 to 8 on an exam. Best strategy is to treat as 5 true-false questions. Label each
response with a T or F to find the except. The F response is the correct answer.
Quote questions- 3 to 4 questions provide you with a quote and you must link the quote to a key
person, term, or document. Each quote will have a key word, phrase, or definition that will establish the
purpose of the quote. Your job is to find the key parts of the quote and connect them to the answer.
DBQ- Document Based Question ( 15 minutes to read the documents, organize your thoughts,
determine a thesis, and prepare an outline. Then 45 minutes to write) Must include outside information
beyond the documents.
Strategy- read the documents and create an organizational chart for each identifying what the
document is and its significance. Then write down possible outside information that can be included
with the document info. Determine your thesis (your position/argument). Now write the rest of your
essay incorporating as many of the documents as you can and also the outside info that you have
FRQ- Free Response Questions (70 minutes)
2 questions you choose 1 and then another 2 questions you choose 1
Study colonies, African American history, women’s history, Native American history. Write a clear
thesis. Support your thesis with relevant historical evidence.