STOCK PITCH PRESENTED BY THE COMPETITION MARKETS CLUB ALL MAJORS WELCOME TRAINING • Attend workshops Tuesday Oct. 22 and 29 with presentations from Jase Adams • Take advantage of the one-on-one mentoring opportunities between the workshops and competition COMPETITION • First round of competition begins the week of November 18 and pitches will be judged by Jase • Top 5 competitors will participate in the final round of competition Friday, November 22 and will be judged by industry professionals DELIVERABLES • 7 minute presentation • PowerPoint slides • 1 page investment summary • Financial model with 1 page summary • Prepare for 5-10 minutes of questions JUDGING CRITERIA • Pitches will be judged on how well you prepared and how well you pitch the stock • You are welcome to pitch any stock but we recommend you avoid pitching the same stock as someone else or a popular stock like Apple PRIZES • To Be Determined