PITCH Olivia McConney WHAT IS PITCH? Pitch is the sound a note makes. It is how high or low a note goes. It is measured in hertz. To find out the pitch of a note you look for where it is located on the staff. There are many pitches but we do not play all of them. Since we only play a certain number of pitches they are given names such as an “a” note. We do not play all pitches in music because a lot of them are what we would consider out of tune. They are still a pitch of a note but it is not pleasant for our ears to listen to. HOW ARE PITCHES ORGANIZED? The “pitches” or notes are organized into what are known as scales. For example, there is the c major scale. A scale is an ascending or descending group of notes. In the c major scale the notes are “c, d, e, f, g, a, b, c”. MORE ON SCALES! There are a number of scales in the music world such as the chromatic, major and minor scales. The chromatic scale is one which uses all the notes including whole steps and half steps. A major scale goes up in the pattern whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. It usually sounds happy and cheerful when you listen to it. The minor scale sounds depressing and sad when you listen to it. Sometimes it can even sound mysterious. Minor scales are a semi-tone lower on the 3rd note then in a major scale. PITCH RANGE IN PEOPLE Human voices have different pitches. In singing for example, men have 4 voice ranges: countertenor, tenor, baritone, and bass, a countertenor being the highest of all 4 and the bass being the lowest. With women there are 3 voice ranges: soprano, mezzo-soprano and contralto. The soprano is the highest of all 4 and the contralto is the lowest. Humans usually tend to have a voice range between 20 and 14,000 hertz. The most common ones are between 300 and 4000 hertz. Countertenor singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgiAWvbLAlg &feature=related PITCH RANGE IN INSTRUMENTS Different instruments also have different pitch ranges. On the piano, for example, the pitches range between 27.5 Hz and 4186 Hz. The piano has 88 keys starting at A (27.5 Hz) going all the way to C (4186 Hz). On the flute the pitch range is between 262 and 3349 hertz. The highest note is an F and the lowest note is a b. REFERENCES http://library.thinkquest.org/27110/noframes/theo ry/lesson2.html http://ababasoft.com/music/teory03.html http://www.zentao.com/guitar/theory/majorscale.html http://www.your-personal-singingguide.com/vocal-range-1.html http://hyperphysics.phyastr.gsu.edu/hbase/music/pianof.html http://www.paranormalghost.com/evp_frequency_ ranges.htm