


Monomers and Polymers

What are macromolecules?


Large organic molecules


Made up of repeating units




Monomers of proteins


Amino acids


Sequence of amino acids in a protein determines structure and function

Formation of Macromolecules


Monomers of macromolecules are formed through Dehydration Synthesis

–   also known as a Condensation Reaction


Bonds between monomers formed when water is removed (OH + H + -> H



DNA and Amino Acid Sequence

Amino Acids

All About Amino Acids h"p://  

Amino Acids & Peptide Bonds

Primary Structure


Determined by sequence of amino acids within a protein-most basic structure


Amino acids:


Linked by peptide bonds to form long chains


Peptide bonds formed through dehydration synthesis between

Amino  acids   aa1   aa2   aa3   aa4   aa5  

Pep3de  bonds  

Secondary Structure

Tertiary Structure


Third level of protein structure


Determined by bonding interactions between the side chains of the amino acids


Bonds result in formation of folds, bends, and loops

Quaternary Structure



Formed from multiple tertiary proteins


Collagen is a protein shown to the left


Three helices form the structure of collagen

Levels of Protein Structure





Made up of chains of amino acids


There are approximately 20 amino acids found in life on earth


Sequence of amino acids in proteins


Encoded in sequence of nitrogen bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine) in DNA


Messenger RNA transcribed from DNA


Messenger RNA is translated into specific protein


Unique sequence of amino acids


Unique structure (folding pattern)


Unique function

Functions of Protein


Enzymes – regulation of cellular function


Hormones – chemical messengers


Transport – hemoglobin in RBCs


Movement – muscle (skeletal & smooth)


Structure – keratin and melanin


Communication – cellular receptors

Protein and You!

Proteins are critical to structure and function

Proteins make up

Skin and Nail

Protein in skin cells Protein in nails

Proteins and Antibodies




are proteins


production stimulated by foreign substances in the body


bind to foreign cells, proteins, etc.

Protein and Enzymes


Many proteins function as enzymes


Speed up chemical reactions within the cell


Critical for digestion


Function as the “ work horse ” of the cell

Protein and Hormones

Non-steroid Hormones


Consist of protein


Act as chemical messengers


Carried by blood


Bind to external cellular receptors (on cell membrane)


Viewing  protein  structures  using    

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