piwwt fi fuhngtnn @.[p$.Iyuntery surTE 9t4 VICTIMASSISTANCE COORDINATOR DIOCESAN DIRECTOR OF CHILD PROTECTION & SAFETY 2OONORTH GLEBEROAD ARLINGTON,VIRGINIA 22203 TEL:(703)841-2529 FAX:(703) 524-s028 June6. 2005 Mrs. Mary Ann Kreitzer 1216Mill Rd. Woodstock,V A22664 Dear Mrs. Kreitzer, Bishop Loverde askedme to respondto your letter dated May 26th2005. The decision to require all employeesand volunteers with substantialcontact with children was a difficult one made only after extensiveconsultation and careful deliberation.The decisionwas not madein isolationbut in collaborationof the bishopsof the United States.As I am sure you are aware the effectivenessof such checkswould be negatedby allowing exemptionsof thosewho might not agreewith this decision. In his letter of August l2th 2004 Bishop Loverdemandatedthat all employeesand those volunteers with substantialcontact with children complete criminal background checks.Thesechecksmust be completedby June:OthZOOS. No exemptionsfrom this mandatewill be granted. It is understoodthat some volunteersmay for various reasonsdecide not to complete this processand to discontinuetheir volunteer service with children. It is my hope that those who choosenot to complete the background check requirement may find ways to continue to serve their parish in other capacities.Whatever you may decide may God continue to bless your efforts to spreadthe Gospel of JesusChrist.