SAT Vocabulary for the Week of August 31, 2015 Prefix DE meaning “removal of or from something, reversal of something, departure” 08/31/15 DEBACLE (Noun) – da-bak-el- a sudden failure or break down Synonym-fiasco Antonym-blockbuster Forgotten lines, falling sets, and malfunctioning lights created a debacle on stage. 09/01/15 & 09/02/15 DEBUNKED (verb)-de-bunkt- proven wrong Synonym-ridiculed Antonym-praised The claim that Mallory reached the summit of Mt. Everest was debunked by an analysis of the photos. 09/03/15 DETACHED (Adjective) – de-tacht- separate or disconnected; indifferent Synonym-aloof Antonym-engaged Jane becomes detached from class activities when she sits passively and fails to participate in discussions. 09/04/15 DERIVATIVE (Adjective)- da-riv-a-div- unoriginal; taken from something already existing Synonym-borrowed Antonym-original English is a derivative language because it is made up of words from many other languages. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of September 7, 2015 Prefix SUPER meaning “over, above” 09/07/15 LABOR DAY (No School) 09/08/15 SUPERCILIOUS (Adjective)-soo-per-sil-e-as- looking down on others; proud and scornful Synonym-arrogant Antonym-humble While strutting to class with her nose in the air, supercilious Sue notices no one. & 09/09/15 09/10/15 SUPERFICIAL (Adjective) – soo-per-fish-al – lacking in depth or importance; on the surface Synonym-frivolous Antonym-significant Most kids do not enjoy the superficial conversations that take place at their parents’ dinner parties. 09/11/15 SUPERFLUOUS (Adjective)- soo-per-floo-as – overabundant; more than is needed Synonym-excessive Antonym-reasonable Since the birthday card was sufficient recognition of the big day, the gift was superfluous. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of September 14, 2015 Prefix EX meaning “out of, from” 09/14/15 ROSH HASHANA (No School) 09/15/15 & 09/16/15 EXPUNGE (Verb)-ex-sponj- erase or remove completely Synonym-abolish Antonym-institute An asteroid could expunge an entire city. 09/17/15 EXPURGATE (Verb) – ex-per-gate- to remove offensive words, ideas, or symbols Synonym-censor Antonym-permit Some people want to expurgate racist and sexist language from literature. 09/18/15 EXTRICATE (Verb)- ex-trik-ate – to free from a trap or difficult situation Synonym-disentangle Antonym-vomiting The fox worked for hours to extricate itself from the trap. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of September 21, 2015 No Prefix or Root 09/21/15 QUIESCENT (Adjective) -kwa-esnt - quiet, still, inactive Synonym-dormant Antonym-active Mount St. Helens has been quiescent since its last eruption in 1986. 09/22/15 & 09/23/15 No Word of the Day 09/24/15 BOMBASTIC (Adjective) – bam-bas-tik – using language in a pompus, showy way; speaking to impress others Synonym-flowery Antonym-reserved Luke’s speech was so bombastic; was he speaking to communicate or simply show off? 09/25/15 OSTENTATIOUS (Adjective)- asten-ta-shus – having to do with showing off Synonym-pretentious Antonym-moderate My parents prefer staying at a quiet inn by the sea instead of a glitzy, ostentatious Miami Beach hotel. YOM KIPPUR (No School) SAT Vocabulary for the Week of September 28, 2015 Prefix DIS meaning “apart, away” 09/28/15 DISCERNING (Adjective) – di-sern-ing – having or showing good judgment Synonym-perceptive Antonym-ignorant The discerning audience easily detected the sarcasm in the comedian’s jokes. 09/29/15 & 09/30/15 DISPUTATIOUS (Adjective)-dis-pu-ta-shus- likely to dispute or argue Synonym-argumentative Antonym-agreeable Hoping to provoke lively class discussions, Mr. Phillips raises controversial issues and assumes a disputatious personality. 10/01/15 DISDAIN (Noun) –dis-dane- a feeling of scorn or contempt Synonym-hate Antonym-admiration Animal activists work tirelessly to incorporate laws that protect animals from people who treat them with disdain. 10/02/15 DISPARAGE (Verb)- dis-pahr-ij- say negative things; belittle Synonym-underrate Antonym-flatter To disparage people based on their ethnicity is a form of racism. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of October 5, 2015 Prefix IM meaning “not, without” 10/05/15 IMPASSIVE (Adjective) – im-pas-iv- lacking emotion or drive Synonym-unruffled Antonym-emotional Jake’s impassive nature contrasts with Jenny’s innate enthusiasm. 10/06/15 & 10/07/15 IMPRUDENT (Adjective)-im-proo-dnt- careless; rash Synonym-thoughtless Antonym-attentive Jogging at night without wearing reflective clothing is imprudent. 10/08/15 IMMUTABLE (Adjective) –im-myoo-tah-bull- unable to change Synonym-abiding Antonym-alterable The dress code policy of Nova High School is immutable so please adhere to the rules to avoid a Saturday detention. 10/09/15 IMPETUOUS (Adjective) –im-petch-oo-us- making quick decisions and taking sudden action; hasty; impulsive Synonym-segmentation Antonym-vomiting Many parents think that their teenagers do not think before they act due to their impetuous behaviors. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of October 12, 2015 Prefix CON meaning “in opposition or disagreement; against” 10/12/15 CONCILIATE (Verb) –kan-sil-e-ate- to win a person over through specials considerations or persuasive methods Synonym-appease Antonym-incite To conciliate and ease the tensions between the two countries, the prime minister delivered a compelling speech on television. 10/13/15 & 10/14/15 CONFLAGRATION (Noun)-kan-fla-gra-shen- an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property Synonym-inferno Antonym-ice Flames from the conflagration lit up the sky for miles around. 10/15/15 CONFOUNDING (Adjective) –kan-found-ing- causing surprise or confusion Synonym-baffling Antonym-clarifying The world was fascinated by the confounding disappearance of Amelia Earhart. 10/16/15 CONTENTIOUS (Adjective)- kan-ten(t)shes – causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial Synonym-quarrelsome Antonym-agreeable It is virtually impossible to spend an extended amount of time with my contentious sister without getting into an argument. SAT Vocabulary for the Week of October 19, 2015 No Prefix or Root 10/19/15 SAT Vocabulary WOD Assessment (Words August 31st- October 16th) 10/20/15 & 10/21/15 ASTUTE (Adjective)-a-stoot- sharp-minded; very clever Synonym-keen Antonym-inept An astute lawyer, Jonah wins most of his cases. 10/22/15 FASTIDIOUS (Adjective)-fa-stid-eas- very attentive to detail to accuracy and detail Synonym-meticulous Antonym-interior The teenager is a fastidious dresser; she looks as though she has just stepped out of fashion magazine. 10/23/15 EMPLOYEE PLANNING