To Kill a Mockingbird, Vocabulary I

To Kill a Mockingbird, Vocabulary 1
Name: __________________________ Pd. ____
1. assuaged: verb – lessened; eased; pacified
2. apothecary: noun- pharmacist
3. taciturn: adjective – quiet by nature; unspoken
4. imprudent: adjective – unwise; not caring about consequences
5. synonymous: adjective – having the same meaning
6. entity: noun- existence; being
7. eccentric: adjective – unconventional; slightly strange
8. repertoire: noun – a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or performer knows
or is prepared to perform
9. predilection: noun – predisposition; preference; a special liking
10. conceded: verb- admit something is true or valid after first denying it
11. nebulous: adjective – cloudy; hazy; murky
12. foray: noun – a sudden attack
13. condescended: verb – showing feelings of superiority
14. indigenous: adjective – native to an area
15. covey: noun – small group or flock
16. furor: noun – an outbreak of public anger or excitement
17. contemptuous: adjective – scornful; disrespectful
18. fractious: adjective - easily irritated; bad tempered
19. quibbling: verb – arguing about something trivial or silly
20. ascertaining : verb – to find something out for certain