Estancia Valley Classical Academy Handbook 2013 - 2014 Dress Code – All Grades (K-11) The key words in our dress code are ―neatness‖ and ―modesty.‖ All students are expected to wear Basic clothing suitable for the occasion. Parents are responsible to send their children to school with Standard of correct dress & grooming and should have conversations with their children about appropriate Appearance dress while at school. All dress should be free from distraction or offensive peculiarities. Guidelines for All Clothing should be reasonably clean. No logos other than EVCA Crest. No denim. No Students holes or tears. Correct Solid Colors. (Refer to specific colors listed below in each category.) No multi-colored shirts, pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers, etc. allowed. Dress will not be worn that causes or is likely to cause disruption of the educational process. Apparel advertising tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances, and/or offensive slogans are not acceptable attire at school-sponsored activities. Clothes making statements with sexual innuendos are not allowed. The wearing of clothing, jewelry, or a style of grooming that is identified with membership in a gang will not be tolerated in school or at any school-sponsored activity. Apparel that interferes with or endangers self or others while participating in school or school sponsored-activities is not allowed. The website at carries inexpensive acceptable clothing. The final decision as to the safety or unsuitability of the clothing, hair or jewelry will be left up to the Principal or designee. Anyone who cannot follow the dress code for religious or medical reasons will need to talk with the Principal or designee. Hair must be clean and neat. Only natural colors are allowed. No unusual or radical hairstyles. Hair and Hair accessories must be tasteful and minimally used to control hair. No bling. Student Males are to be clean shaven. No mustaches or goatees are permitted. Side burns must not extend Appearance below the opening of the ear. Hair length must not cover the top of the collar. Hair is to be dealt with on an individual basis. Judgment of inappropriate hair length is left to the discretion of the administration. We encourage styles that do not create a distraction or bring inappropriate attention to the individual; this would include hair being worn in unusual styles or with unusual colors (blue, green, pink, etc.). Hair length should not prevent eye contact with the teacher. Hats, caps, or any other disruptive headwear are not allowed in buildings without prior approval from school staff. No hats or sunglasses in the buildings. Hats include visors and bandannas. No ―hoodies‖ worn inside of school buildings. Jewelry & Belts Modest jewelry is allowed. An object that has a purpose other than jewelry cannot be worn as jewelry (i.e. animal chains or collars). No more than two necklaces may be worn at one time. Female earrings will be limited to two per ear and must not be larger than a quarter. No bling belts. Tattoos must be covered at all times. Visible tattoos, permanent or temporary are NOT allowed at Tattoos and any school activity. Including any school related events or activities where students are Body Piercing participating on behalf of EVCA on or off campus. No body art: drawing on the skin made by the student with a writing utensil. Males are not allowed to wear earrings or any other piercings. Jewelry may not be worn in a piercing other than the ear. Makeup is not allowed for students in K – 6th Grades. Makeup worn by upper level students must Makeup and look natural. Black nail polish and lipstick are not acceptable. Nail Polish No undergarments may show at any time. Nor should they be worn as outer garments. Under – Undershirts are only acceptable if they are white or the same color as the outer clothing. garments 1 Estancia Valley Classical Academy Handbook 2013 - 2014 Outerwear Pants Shorts and Skorts Skirts and Jumpers Shirts Any sweaters, cardigans, sweater vests, jackets, coats, or any other form of outerwear, worn on the campus must be plain and in solid dress code colors, having no logos, holes, or tears. All must be worn over dress code clothing. No pullover outerwear (sweatshirts, etc.) allowed. Hoods are only allowed to be worn outside of the school buildings. Only one plain color is allowed on a pair of pants. Acceptable colors are tan, navy blue, or black. Pants must fit the waistline and not sag in the crotch. The cuff of the pants may not touch the ground, but must touch the top of shoe. Pants may not be so large that the shoelaces cannot be seen. Pants may not be excessively tight nor show any descriptive lines of the body. All pants may have a maximum of only five pockets—two back pockets, two front pockets, and one coin pocket. Boys must wear a belt with their tucked in shirt (navy, brown, tan, or black) at all times. No low cut pants or hip huggers. Sweatpants, warm-ups, and cargo pants are not allowed in regular school classes. No logos. No denim. No holes or tears. Shorts must fit the waistline and not sag in the crotch. The cuff of the shorts must be at maximum three inches from the top of your kneecap when sitting, and may go to the kneecap when standing. Five pockets only - two back pockets, two front pockets, and one coin pocket. No cargo style shorts. Spandex or tightly fitting shorts are not allowed. No logos on any shorts. The only colors allowed are tan, navy blue and black. No denim. No holes or tears. Skirts and jumpers may not be excessively tight—may not show any descriptive lines of the body. Skirts and jumpers must come to the top of the kneecap at minimum and may not touch the ground. Jumpers must have a dress code shirt underneath. Skirts must have tights or shorts underneath. No logos on any skirts or jumpers. The only colors allowed are tan, navy blue and black. No denim. No holes or tears. Must be a pullover polo uniform style shirt with 3 or 4 buttons and a collar or a button-down. The only colors are red, white, navy blue, powder blue, and light pink. Boy’s shirts* must be long enough to stay tucked in. Girl’s shirts are not required to be tucked in. Must not be excessively tight or baggy. No logos. No décolletage. No holes or tears. No Florescent colors. No midriff shirts. No Spaghetti Straps. No low cut Shirts. No Sleeves with holes. *A boy with a body type that makes it difficult to keep their shirt tucked in may talk with the principal for special permission to have shirt un-tucked. Dress Up Option Students may dress up above the basic standard at any time. Students should remember the two important words ―neatness‖ and ―modesty.‖ All dress should be free from distraction or offensive peculiarities. Dress will not be worn that causes or is likely to cause disruption of the educational process. (Boys) Dress above the standard code may include a dress shirt, tie and a blazer or sport coat. The EVCA crest is optional. Dress pants, belt, and dress shoes should be worn. No tennis shoes if you choose this option. (Girls) Girls may also dress above the standard which may include a tucked in solid color dress shirt or blouse and a blazer. Dress pants or a skirt should be worn. Dress shoes and a solid color accent such as a tie or scarf may also be worn. The dress shoes must have closed toes and a strap on the back minimum. No tennis shoes if you choose this option. A blouse must be modest and appropriate and may not be see through. An appropriate dress may also be worn. Appropriate undergarments must be worn and not show at any time. No spaghetti straps and not low cut. It must be appropriate in length and fit. Length is limited to knee length or longer while standing and no more than 3 inches above the knee while seated. Appropriate undergarments must be worn 2 Estancia Valley Classical Academy Handbook 2013 - 2014 Dress Up Option and may not show at any time. Dresses may not be excessively tight, low cut. backless, strapless, (continued) or see through. No spaghetti straps. No holes or rips. Dress shoes should be worn and must have closed toes and a strap on the back minimum. No tennis shoes if you choose this option. Girls in grades 6 and below should bring clothing and shoes to change into for PE when dressing up. Shoes Cross-dressing Physical Education Required at all times and should not distract from the uniform. All shoes/boots should be navy, brown, tan, black, white, or light blue and gray. Basic color of tennis shoes should be not be distracting or cause attention. Students may wear tennis shoes, boots, loafers, or any shoes that tie. They must wear socks with these shoes. Socks must come up to the ankle and be seen well above the shoe. Sandals may only be worn if they have a strap across the back and have closed toes. Not Allowed. K-6 grade students will wear normal school clothing. Students may keep shoes at school to change into for physical education. Students who dress up may have time to change into appropriate clothing before class if necessary. K-1 grade students will be allowed to wear Velcro tie shoes until they have learned to tie their own shoes. 2nd -11th grade students must wear snugly tied, laced up Tennis shoes with socks in PE. 7th – 11th grade students will be required to dress out for P.E. classes every day and be prepared to be outside. Students will be required to purchase a PE uniform from EVCA consisting of athletic shorts, T-shirt, and cinch pack. Students will also be required to wear athletic shoes with snugly tied laces and socks. For colder weather other outerwear conforming to the dress code will be allowed. PE clothes should be taken home and laundered weekly and returned to school promptly so the student will be in dress code for their P.E. class. Students who choose not to bring their clothes to school, or who choose not to dress out without a valid excuse will lose points off of their PE grade. Parent conferences will be required for students habitually not having PE clothing at school or for not participating in PE activities. 3