biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Biology 9­9­15 Topic: Properties of water Essential question: What special conditions of the polar molecule give water its properties? Materials: INB and basic classroom supplies Instructions: • You will need the "water properties" cornell notes page 10 of your INB • Fill out the beginning information for both page 9 and 10 in your INB Sep 12­7:50 AM 1 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 • BRAINSTORM: Work with your shoulder partner. On page 9 of your INB write down one thing you both feel makes life possible on our planet. Sep 8­11:59 AM 2 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Properties of water: Read the instructions on your cornell notes and use the pictures below to complete the activity. Nov 4­7:55 AM 3 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 You will be reading the paragraphs below about waters stickiness (polarity). You will then reply to me, giving a summary of how the pictures on the board represent Cohesion, Adhesion, and Surface tension. Go through each paragraph and highlight or underline information that supports your summary. Try to limit your response to 40 words or less, still using proper sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and grammar!!! In the questions section come up with 3 questions about the unique properties of water. Sep 8­12:51 PM 4 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Study blue log in: • Go to my website • Click on the study blue link in the top button bar • Go below the Sign in bar and click where it asks if you have a class code Enter code: G1360640 it is caps sensitive so use a G • Pull your screens down when you get the code entered Sep 8­8:38 AM 5 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Properties of water vocabulary: • Click the review sheet option and study now • Use the study blue app to record the vocabulary on page 9 of your INB • Term in the questions section and definition in the notes section • Highlight each term and definition a different color Sep 8­9:13 AM 6 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Properties of water lab: • Get into your lab groups • Keep one computer per lab group • Have your laptop person go to my website, August / September resources and open the properties of water document • You have materials at your station, beaker, pipette (eye dropper), and Styrofoam cup • Follow the instructions on the lab write up to complete the lab Nov 4­8:17 AM 7 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Lab break down: • Put your tables back • Empty and dry your containers and put them back on the lab counter • Put your laptop back in the cart • Cornell notes go in your binder Nov 4­9:44 AM 8 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 For next class: • Complete properties of water vocab • Complete the properties of water lab in class Nov 4­9:47 AM 9 biology 9­8­15.notebook September 17, 2015 Sep 8­9:12 AM 10