Assessment Accessing Assessments - ITT Online

ITT Technical Institute
ITT Tech Online Programs
After reviewing this document, you will be able to attempt an assessment without difficulty, and you
will understand the functionalities in completing an assessment.
General Description
The Assessment screen is where you will submit assignments for your instructor to review
and grade.
There are two types of assessments:
Objective: Objective type assessments include quizzes, midterms, and final exams
and are graded immediately by the system. There are four possible types of
o Multiple Choice
o True or False
o Multiple-Multiple Choice (Questions with multiple choices and multiple
o Matching
Subjective: Subjective assessments are assignments requiring a written answer.
Answers can be entered into a text box and/or included in an attached file.
Accessing Assessments
You can access an assessment by clicking the corresponding assessment link, and then
clicking the Learning Plan next to the assignment you wish to submit.
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Objective Assessments
Objective Assessments will load in a new browser window and the instructions page will appear first.
Note: Make sure your pop-up blocker is set to allow pop-ups from the Questa website otherwise the
assessment will not appear.
Assessment Name
General Instruction
Score needed for a
passing grade
Click to exit and
return to the
Learning Plan
Click here to
proceed w ith the
Time Allotted – most objective assessments are not timed; however, many final
exams have a two to three hour time limit. The instructions will notify you of this prior
to beginning the exam. The time begins once the Start Assessment link is clicked.
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Multiple Choice and True & False Questions
The first question will appear after the Start Assessment link is clicked on the instructions page.
Click this box to
bookmark a
Answer options
Elapsed time – displays how much time has been spent on the assessment. This is
calculated in minutes. Elapsed time is not displayed on timed assessments.
Time remaining – ‘unlimited’ will be displayed for assessments that are not timed. If a
time limit exists, then a timer will be displayed here. The timer will start with the
maximum time allowed and decreases by minute. When one minute remains, the
timer decreases by second.
Answer/response – for true and false or multiple choice questions, choose the correct
response by selecting the correct answer.
Bookmark – you can bookmark a question that you want to be sure to come back to
before submitting the assessment for a grade. Questions that have been
bookmarked will be indicated as such on the review screen.
Submit answer – click the Submit Answer link to save your answer and proceed to
the next question.
Previous question/skip question – use these links to navigate from question to
question. These do not save your selected answers.
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Save and finish later – this will save your current progress in the assessment and
return you to the Learning Plan so that you can finish at a later time, if needed. This
option is not available in timed assessments.
Review – click Review to jump to the review screen.
Multiple-Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple-Multiple Choice style questions require you to select all answers that apply. Select
the boxes that correspond with the answers you wish to select. Click Submit Answer! when
Objective Assessment Review
The review screen appears after answering the last question or when the review link is clicked. This
page provides a summary of all the questions and whether or not an answer was submitted for each.
Attempt status
Click the question
text to return to
that question
Click to return to
the last question
Click here to send
to the system for a
final grade
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ITT Tech Online Programs
• Q. no. – Question number.
• Question text – click a link to navigate back to a specific question.
• Attempted? – if yes, an answer has been submitted. If no, the question has not been answered.
Book-marked indicates a question you have marked to review further.
• Submit for grading! – this ends the assessment and submits it to the system for grading. Click this
only when you are satisfied with the answers you have provided.
Objective Assessment Confirmation Screen
This screen confirms the successful completion of the assessment and displays your final score.
Assignment name
Date & time submitted
Click here to see
the assessment
This prints a hard
copy of the
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Closes this w indow
and returns to the
Learning Plan
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Objective Assessment Feedback
The feedback screen shows you which items you answered correctly and incorrectly.
Displays w hich
items are correct
and incorrect
Original question
and answ er options
Click the question
text link to review
each question
Show s whether
you got the
selected question
or incorrect
Closes the w indow
and displays the
Learning Plan
This indicates
w hich answer
option w as correct
vs. incorrect
Return to the
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Subjective Assessments
Subjective Assessments will load in a new browser window, and the instructions page will
appear first.
Note: Make sure your pop-up blocker is set to allow pop-ups from the Questa
website, otherwise the assessment will not appear.
Assignment name
General information
Score needed for a
passing grade
Click here to view
the first question
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Closes w indow
and displays
the Learning
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Subjective Assessments – Question Screen
Reference links
Question details
Text answ er box
Click to manage file
List of
attached files
Elapsed time – displays how much time has been spent on the assessment. This
counts up per minute, beginning with 0 minutes. Elapsed time is not displayed on
timed assessments.
Time remaining – ‘unlimited’ will be displayed for assessments that are not timed. If
a time limit exists, then a timer will be displayed here. The timer will start with the
maximum time allowed and countdown per minute. Once 1 minute is remaining, the
timer will decrease per second.
Question details – this section contains the details of the assignment. Be sure to
read this carefully.
Bookmark – you can bookmark a question that you want to be sure to come back to
before submitting for a grade. Questions that have been bookmarked will be
indicated as such on the review screen.
References – additional links will be provided here, when applicable. If no references
are provided, ‘null’ will be displayed.
Answer/response – you can type in a short text answer in the box provided.
Attach/remove files – clicking this link will bring up the file attachment screen so
that you can submit your work as a file. Many instructors prefer this method to the
text answer box.
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Attachments list – displays files that you have uploaded to the assessment. You
can click the file hyperlink prior to submitting to insure it is the correct file and has
uploaded properly.
This text
appears w hen
a file is
Multiple files
can be
Save answer – saves your answer and proceeds to the next question.
Previous question/skip question – use these links to navigate from question to
question. This does not save any text or files that you have attached.
Save and finish later – this will save your current progress in the assessment and
return you to the Learning Plan so that you can finish at a later time.
Review – click Review to jump to the review screen.
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Subjective Assessment Review
The review screen appears after answering the last question or when the Review link is
clicked. This page provides a summary of all the questions, answers submitted, file
attachments, and text answers.
Attempt status
Click the question
text to return to
that question
Click here to
send to the
instructor for
Text answ er
Click to return to
the last question
Q. no. – Question number.
Question text – Click a link to navigate back to a specific question.
Attempted? – If yes, an answer has been submitted. If no, the question has not
been answered. Book-marked indicates a question you have marked to review
Attachments – It lists the file names of any attachments. This will be blank if no
files were attached.
Answer/response text – It displays a portion of text entered into the
answer/response box. This will be blank if no text was entered.
Submit for grading! – This ends the assessment and sends to the instructor for
grading. Click this only when you are satisfied with the answers you have
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ITT Tech Online Programs
Subjective Assessment Confirmation Screen
This screen confirms the successful completion of the assessment and that it has been sent
to your instructor.
Date and time
Assignment is
w ith the instructor
This prints a hard
copy of the
Closes the
w indow and
returns to the
Learning Plan
Note: Since Subjective assessments are graded by the instructor, the
feedback and review process is done through the Activity Report once the
assignment has been graded. Please see the Activity Report help section for
more details.
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Study collections