Name Date Period G a s Properties Procedure: the P h E T Either type in: Click Play w i t h "Gas Properties.". Heat or Google "phet". Thermo the left side. Click Gas Properties. Investigate the simulation involving gas properties. Practice the following: • Adding air to the container • Changing the size of the container. • Adding and removing heat with the heat control. NOTE: sure to keep the gravity and the type o f the gas the container (the same). 2. Sketch what the graphs look like using the given variables. Write a short description o f what the graph means. Note: Be sure to label y o u r x and y axes. V o l ume-Pressure graph Description: X Vol -Temperature graph Description: X graph Description: X 3. Looking at your graphs, write i n your own words the relationship that exists between pressure and volume. 4. Looking at your graphs, write i n your own words the relationship that exists between temperature and volume. Using the data chart below, make a prediction for each o f the following scenarios. Predict what you think the graphs w i l l look like. Make sure you label your axes and include a key to the colors you used for your predictions and corrections. Answer the questions below to help with the data chart. a. Explain why bicycle tires seem higher i n the summer than i n winter. b. Explain why a can o f soda pop explodes i f left i n the hot sun. c. A rigid container filled with a gas is placed i n ice (ex. nalgene bottle). What w i l l happen to the pressure gas? What do you think w i l l happen to the volume? d. A n infected tooth forms an abscess* that fills w i t h gas. The abscess puts pressure on the nerve o f the tooth, causing a toothache. While waiting to see a dentist, the person with the toothache tried to relieve the pain by treating the infected area with moist heat. W i l l this treatment help? Why or why not? Scenario a. Graph Explanation o f your reasoning Bicycle tire Label your axes! b. Soda pop in sun i Label your axes! X c. Container i n ice Label your axes! X d. Infected tooth \ Label your axes!