Ch. 2 Sec. 2 Organizing Data Notes (template)

Organizing Your Data
(Ch. 2 sec. 2)
Per ______
Key Concept: _____________________________________
Focus Words:
PS1 – data table, organize, independent variable,
dependent variable. PS2 – graph, axes, range, scale, data points,
labels. PS3- pattern, linear, non-linear
Creating a Data Table
 When you do an experiment the first step is to
create a ______________.
Organizing: The First Step
It’s important to decide what information you are going
to gather and create a __________
____________ before the experiment starts.
Independent and Dependent Variables
 Independent Variable is ___________
If you are studying the relationship between the
number of hours exercised each week for 5 weeks –
the week you look at is the ______
 Dependent Variable is ____________
This is the variable that the scientist measures – like
the number of hours exercised.
Variable and Controlled Parameters
When you design an experiment you have controlled
and variable parameters.
 Controlled Parameters are ________
 Variable Parameters – ____________
If you are studying the relationship between mass
and volume (density) than the mass and volume
would be variable parameters (changing) and you
would want to keep the type of material or
temperature the same. This would be your
controlled parameters.
Paragraph Shrink 1 (highlight focus words)
A data table can organize your data by showing the relationship
between the __________________________________
Graphs make it easier to understand and use data – to
see trends and make predictions.
 An axis is a ____________________
The ___-axis of the graph is labeled with the
independent variable and the ____-axis is labeled with
the dependent variable.
Each axis has a range. To find it subtract the smallest
value from the largest value of a variable.
 Scale is the size that is used for each box or
grid mark on the graph
Data Points
You plot data points by putting a dot for each pair of
data in the data table
A line of best fit is drawn to include some but not all of
the data points.
Give the graph a title. Often the independent. and
dependent variables are in the ______.
Paragraph Shrink 2 (highlight focus words)
To create a graph label the X and Y _____ with the independent and
dependent variables, determine the ________ and _______ of the axes,
plot data points, and provide a title.
 A trend shows the relationship between
 A graph in which the relationship between the
independent and dependant variable can be
shown with a straight line is called a
 When the relation. between the variables is not a
straight line it is called a
Using Computers to Create Graphs
Computer software can be used to help scientists
organize large amounts of data.
Paragraph Shrink 3 (highlight focus words)
Trends shown by graphs can be _________ if there is a straight line
relationship between the independent and dependant variable and
_______________ if the relationship is not a straight line.
Summary (key concept, PS1,PS2,PS3, Conclusion sentence)