ATSSA PAC Mission Statement The ATSSA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE for the Roadway Safety Industry Promoting the Roadway Safety Industry’s Future David A. Reese, Road Systems, Inc., Chair Robert P. Chrisp, Chrisp Co. James D. Crowley, Quixote Transportation Safety Pam Goldsmith, USA-Sign Michael Hare, Qwik Kurb, Inc. Kathleen Holst, Roadsafe Traffic Systems, Inc. Scott E. Kline, A.C. Pavement Striping Co., Inc. John Lester, Ennis Paint, Inc. Tom McSwain, Innovative Performance Systems Bruce E. Owens, Plastic Safety Systems, Inc. Henry A. Ross, USA-SIGN Ron Sims, Advance Traffic Markings Peter A. Speer, Filtrona Extrusion Tacoma 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022 ATSSA PAC Oversight Committee American Traffic Safety Services Association The ATSSA PAC is a nonpartisan organization formed to support federal candidates who are committed to improving the nation’s roadway safety infrastructure. Why Does ATSSA Have a PAC? ATSSA established a PAC to enable members of our industry to pool their financial resources and help elect lawmakers who support roadway safety issues. How Does ATSSA PAC Work? The ATSSA PAC solicits voluntary contributions from ATSSA’s members who qualify under the rules developed by the Federal Election Commission. Only personal contributions may be used to support candidates; federal law prohibits ATSSA PAC from using corporate contributions or ATSSA dues for candidate campaigns. Helping lawmakers who support roadway safety issues. Contribute to the ATSSA PAC today! Anyone can voluntarily contribute to the PAC. There are strict rules on who may be solicited for a donation. ATSSA may solicit its executive personnel, exempt personnel, non corporate members and their families anytime it wants. ATSSA may also solicit its corporate members’ executive and administrative personnel, stockholders and their families at any time provided it has gained prior approval. Finally, ATSSA may solicit its non-executive and non-administrative personnel and their families twice a year. Who Decides How to Spend Funds? An oversight committee made up of ATSSA members determines which candidates will receive ATSSA PAC support. A candidate’s voting record on industry issues, committee assignments, and recommendations of ATSSA members are all taken into consideration. Party affiliation is not a consideration, as the ATSSA PAC is nonpartisan. What Does Your Contribution Mean? ATSSA has gained respect with key policymakers on the national scene. The inclusion of our core roadway safety program in the SAFETEA-LU law is proof of this. Now we must defend this program, and to do that we need friends on Capitol Hill. These are members of Congress who understand the importance of roadway safety. Your contribution to the ATSSA PAC allows ATSSA to show its support for representatives who have demonstrated their support of issues important to ATSSA and its members. Without your help, ATTSA’s voice will not be heard! So please take a moment to help your business, your industry, and your future by contributing to ATSSA PAC today Promoting the Roadway Safety Industry’s Future For additional information, contact the ATSSA Washington, D.C. office at (202) 454-5246 ATSSA PAC Contribution Card COMPLETE THE CONTRIBUTION FORM, CUT ALONG THE DOTTED LINE, AND RETURN WITH A PERSONAL CHECK “PAC” stands for Political Action Committee. Federal legislation in the 1970’s established PACs as a campaign reform mechanism. PACs are strictly regulated as to contribution limits and have extensive requirements. The ATSSA PAC is the federal political action committee of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA). Who Can Contribute to the ATSSA PAC? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is a PAC? Yes, I want the roadway safety industry to be a strong player in making America’s roadways safer. Name: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Recommended Contribution Levels: Board of Director’s Club - $5,000 Red - $500 Owner’s Club - $2,500 White - $250 Executive’s Club - $1,000 Blue - $100 Other Contribution Method: I have attached my personal check for $ ____________ I wish to pay by credit card: Visa Mastercard AMEX Card # Exp. Signature: Discover Date: ______ I pledge $ __________ to the ATSSA PAC. Please bill me quarterly annually. I understand that my contributions to the ATSSA PAC are completely voluntary and I am free to contribute any amount I choose, or not at all, without fear of disadvantage or reprisal. I understand that my contributions to the ATSSA PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes, and that federal law permits individuals to contriubte up to $5,000 per year to the ATSSA PAC. I am a U.S. citizen (or I have been lawfully admitted for permanent U.S. residence under applicable federal law). I understand that federal law requires ATSSA PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, home mailing address, and occupation of those contibuting more than $200 per calendar year. Thank you for your contribution. Please return to the ATSSA PAC The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022