Newton's Laws of Motion 1st Law: Inertia
2nd Law: Linear Equilibrium
Feel the Force First Time
Newton's Three Laws
Free the Body...
Forces in Eq.
Camelcorn Says...
Freaky Friction Fun Feel the Force Warm Up
Sprins Arrrr Fun Too
Forces Quiz Review
3rd Law: Action/Reaction
Dynamics Warm­Up
Dynamic Fracus
Fan Cart Gizmo Lab
Buying Bass in an Elevator
Toasty Fire Pole Warm­Up
Batman + Robin ­ Duo =
Big Triggin Review PMPMDD/2­D Mo Intro
Mo Mo Mo Motion
Mo 4 Motion Deluxe
IABBN 2­D Kin. Review
Circular Motion
Dynamics Dyversion
Dynamic Crash Lab
Veyron Video Q's
Dweam Car Lab
Dystasteful Dynamics
Flying Pig Lab
Centrip'n Practice
Cir. Mo. Centipede­al
Cir. Mo MC Extravaganza
Special Forces
Orbital Motion
The Johannes Brothers
Hooke's law Lab
Friction Lab
Gizmo Gravity Lab
Gravity Pitch Gizmo
Some Very Attractive Q's
Sumo Attractive Q's
Nerd on Street Lab 1&2
Domino Lab
Reaction Time Lab
Groovey Hippie Probs
Mo Motion Deluxe
Fair Dinkum Mate
Mo Mo Motion Deluxe
1­D Kinematics Review
I partied
with that guy
Satellite Shopping
Some More Univ. Attractive Q's
Univ. G & Orbital Mo MC
Black Hole Video Q's
Spaced Out Hippie Q's
Cir. Mo / Univ. G Pre­Quiz
Physics Semester 1 Review Packet Deluxe
*Note that with your answer to part a) you can solve part b) multiple ways.
Barney is tossed vertically at a speed of 8 m/s by a disgruntled toddler standing on the top of a 3m tall slide. a.) what is the maximum height (above the ground) that Barney reaches? b.) How long until Barney reaches the ground? 3.
In an ill­conceived effort to raise your physics grade, you stand on top of a tall building and lift it using a rope that is rated to hold 100 N of tension before breaking. What is the maximum acceleration your (9.1 lb) grade can have before the rope would snap? a = ?
Now suppose YOU have an average grade of an A­ going into the semester exam. Rather than studying, you decide to spend the days leading up to the exam playing video games and twittering your cow­girl friends. In other terms, you may as well kick your physics grade off of a cliff. Hypothetically let's say that cliff is 15 m high. If your physics grade weighs 9.1 lbs, and lands a distance of 5.5 meters from the base of the cliff, with what force did you kick it? A­
30 cm
15 m
5.5 m
Suppose a solid B student (which is the class average BTW) is literally headed down the road to where the "bad" students hang out.
k = 800 N/m
μ = .2
a) Draw a free body diagram for the average student...
b) If the B student weighs 154 pounds, how much would the spring be stretched in order to drag the B student at a constant speed to the library where the A students hang out?
c) How much would the spring be stretched if the B student was accelerated at 2 m/s2 instead of moving at a constant speed?
6. Now that the formerly average student is hanging out with the "good" students, he decides to use a nerdy pick­up line to try and get a study date with one of the Straight A "hotties". The line he dreams up is has two parts...first he saunters up to her and says..."Hey babe, when I saw you across the library I was attracted to your very significant figure."...His follow­up line is..."Speaking of significant figures, my attraction to you is just about ____________Newtons...even the laws of physics say we should be together. Will you study with me Friday?"
a) Assume his mass is around 70 kg and hers is 55 kg. If they were standing 3 m apart, fill in the blank for the number of Newtons of gravitational attraction between them.
b) Can you think of a (physics related) comeback line that the Straight A hottie could use? She could say... "I know about friction because you really rub me the wrong way, and the physics of friction would always keep us apart!"
"You must be lost in outer space, because that's the only place where that feeble amount of force could pull us together, so scram space boy!"
or... "You call a few billionths of a Newton an attraction? I'm more attracted to that garbage dumpster than I am to you, and I mean that figuratively as well as literally!"
By some miracle the Straight A hottie decides to go on the date with the formerly average student but stipulates that they take a chaperone along (you can never be too careful girls). After studying physics for a few hours they walk over to Hudson Springs Park and take a ride on the merry­go­round to get some fresh air. They stand 1.5 m from the center as it spins, and the coefficient of friction between their shoes and the platform is (μ = .4) . For his own amusement the chaperone spins the merry­go­round faster and faster until they both fly off.
μ = .4
μ = .4
a.) Who flies off first? Why?
The Chaperone
b) Draw a free­body diagram for the hottie...
c) How fast is the hottie traveling when she flies off?
d) Which of the people on the date are considered inertial observers? 8.
After a long evening of studying for the physics midterm both the Straight A hottie and the formerly average student feel well prepared. Knowing that a good night's sleep is also an important part of doing well on exams, they decide to head home at around 9:30 PM. As they are leaving the library they both notice the beauty of the moon in the night time sky and simultaneously say..."I wonder how high up the moon is?"...they look at each other with sweet innocent nerd love in their eyes and giggle. They agree to go home and calculate the answer to their moon question and compare answers before the test the next morning. As they part for the evening she says to him..."Don't just Google it, I want to see your work!"...and he thinks to himself..."Yeeeeeeah, not since Isaac Newton has there been such a physics playa!"
If it takes the Moon 27.2 Erf days to orbit around the Erf, what is it's height above the surface of the Erf? The mass of the Erf is 6E24 kg and the radius of the Erf is 6.4E6 meters. (Hint: Don't confuse the radius of the Erf with the radius of the Moon's orbit when doing the calculations.) B