the scarlet letter vocabulary

TH RON G: a great number of persons crowded together.
EDIF ICE: a large, usually impressive building.
UT OP IA: a p lace o r state of p olitical or social perfec tion. Co mes fro m a no vel by S ir Thoma s Moore abo ut a
perfect society.
ALLOT : to divide or distribute in shares.
SEASO NAB LE: timely or opportune.
SEPU LCHRE S: a burial vault built of rock or stone.
PO ND ER OU S: weighty or clumsy.
CO NG EN IAL: pleasant, friendly.
INA USP ICIO US: no t prospero us.
PORT AL: a doorway of imposing appearance.
PHYSIOG NOM IES: the facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their configuration or
AUGU RED: foretold.
BE TO KE NE D: given evid ence of.
TRIBU NAL: a court of forum of justice.
INFERE NC E: the act of passing from one pro position, statement, or jud gment considered as true to another whose
truth is believed to follow from that of the former.
IND UB ITAB LY : unquestiona bly.
AN TINO MIAN : one who rejects a so cially estab lished m orality.
HE TE RO DO X: holding unorthod ox op inions or do ctrines.
SCOU RGED : to subject to severe criticism or satire.
FIREW ATE R: strong alcoholic beverage.
MAG IST RAT E: a local official exercising administrative and often jud icial functions.
GAL LOW S: the punishment of hanging.
VEN ERA BLE : made sacred especially by religious or historical association.
ME AGR E: lacking desirable qualities; meager.
TRA NSG RESS OR: violator.
SCAFFOLD: a platform on which a criminal is executed.
INF AM Y: evil reputation brough t about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal.
IMP ROP RIET Y: the quality or state of being improper.
FART HING ALE: a support worn in the 16th century beneath a skirt to expand it at the hip line.
FIBRE: b asic toughness.
ROTU NDITY : rounded.
BE HO OF : advantage, p rofit.
MALE FAC TR ESSES: a pe rson who vio lates the law or d oes evil.
TRO W : believe.
AUT UM AL: a period of maturity or incipient decline.
BAG GAG E: a worthless or contemptible woman; prostitute.
HE AT HE NISH: barb arous.
BE AD LE: a mino r parish official whose d uties includ e ushering and prese rving order at services and sometimes civil
AB ASH ED : to destroy the se lf-confide nce o f.
SUM PT UA RY : designed to reg ulate habits on mo ral or religious grounds.
GE NT ILITY: the members o f the upper class.
EVA NES CEN T: tending to vanish like vapor.
IGN OM INY : disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action.
BR AZE N: mark ed by co ntemptuo us boldness.
HU SSY : a saucy o r mischievous girl.
ME RIDIA N: midday; noon.
INIQ UIT Y: wicked ness.
VISAGE : appearance.
SPUR N: stumble.
PIL LO RY : a means to expose one to pub lic scorn and humility.
FLA GR AN T: extremely or purpo sefully conspicuous usually because of uncom mon objectionable o r evil.
MIEN : appearan ce; asp ect.
VIE D: exchanged in rivalry.
TAINT ED: contaminated mark or influence.
CO NT UM ELY: rude language or treatment arising fro m hau ghtiness a nd co ntemp t.
CO UN TE NA NC ES: loo ks; expressions.
ME RRIM ENT : lighthearted gaiety or fun making.
PRE TE RNA TU RAL: exceeding what is natural or regular.
HEW N: strictly conformed.
PH AN TA SM AG OR IC: a scene that co nstantly changes.
REM ON STR ANC E: objection.
CLOISTER: an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted.
ET YM OLO GIST : studies word derivation.
DEM EAN OR: behavior toward others; outward manner.
FUR RO W S: wrinkles.
HETE ROGEN EOUS: different in kind.
ABATE : put an end to.
W RIT HIN G: (to twist in pain; to suffer keenly.
INTE RVO LUT IONS: twists between
SO JOUR N: a tempo rary stay.
INIQ UIT Y: wicked ness.
MARRY : to exp ress am used or surp rised agreem ent.
EX PO UN D: to explain in careful and e laborate detail.
PERAD VE NT UR E: perha ps.
BET W IXT : between.
HAL BER DS: a weapo n consisting typically of a battle ax and pike mounted on a handle abo ut six feet long.
TU NIC : a hip-length or lo nger b louse or jac ket.
SAGACITY: of keen mind: shrewd.
MIEN : bearing: aspect
OB ST INA CY : fixed and unyielding; stub born.
ALB EIT: although.
FERV OR: intensity of feeling or expression.
LU RID : grueso me; sensational.
GAR B: clothing.
IGN OM INO US: shameful.
SAG AM OR ES: a subo rdinate chief of the Algo nquian Indians of the north A tlantic coast.
AM ENAB LE: willing to yield or submit: agreeable.
PE RE MPT OR Y: leaving no opp ortunity for den ial or refusal.
ALC HE MY: a po wer or pro cess of transforming so mething com mon into so mething prec ious.
AVE NG E: to exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrongdoer.
INQ UES T: inquiry, investigation.
AUG HT : nothing.
PAR AM OU R: an illicit lover.
W OTT EST: to have knowledge of or to know.
VIVIFY: to endure with life or renew life: animate.
CLAU SE: a separate section of a discourse or writing.
ASSIMILATE: to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group.
TIN GE: an affective or modifying property or influence: touch.
UN CO NG EN IAL: unfriend ly.
TH AT CH ED : a house used as a sheltering co ver made of a plant material.
FAIN: rather.
PRO GEN ITO RS: an ancestor in the direct line: forefather.
PLEB EIAN: one of the common people.
EM OLUM ENT : advantage.
COM MISER ATION to feel or express sympathy: condole.
CO NT UM ACIO USL Y: stubbornly disobe dient: rebellious.
TA LISM AN : something pro ducing ap parently magical or miraculous effects.
EFFICACY: effective as a means of rem edy.
RUS SET : a coarse brownish homespun cloth.
IMB UED : inspired as with feelings, opinions, etc.
MU TAB ILITY: subject to change.
EPOC H: a po int in time marked b y the beginning of anew develo pment or state of things.
REGIM EN: to organize.
CAPRICE; a sudden, impulsive change: whim.
INFAN TILE : characteristic of infancy or infants: babyish.
SM OT E: having striked something.
DEAR TH: scarcity, lack, or famine.
GE STICU LAT ION : expression throu gh gestures.
LABY RINTH : any intricate or perplexing set of difficulties: maze.
AM ENAB LE: agreeable.
NURT URE: care for; raise up.
ENM ITY: established hatred.
PAT ERN ITY : father.
LU DIC RO US : amusing or laughab le through ob vious absurd ity, incongruity, exaggeratio n, or ec centricity.
EM INE NC E: po sition of p rominence or sup eriority.
PRIST INE: uncorrupt by civilization.
INT RINSIC : originating or situated within the body or part acted on.
IM PE RIO US : commanding; d ominant.
AKIN : similar.
TU NIC : a hip-length or lo nger b louse or jac ket.
W AN : pale o r sickly.
PA LLID : deficient in color: dull.
DAUN TLESS: fearless, undaunted.
EX TA NT : not de stroyed or lost.
CABA LIST IC: eso teric do ctrine or mysterio us art.
CAPER: a joyful, bounding leap.
FLAN KED : to be situated on the side: border.
FORSOOT H: indeed.
EMB OW ED: arched.
FOLIO: a book of the largest size.
TO ME : a volume forming part of a larger work.
GILDED: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold.
MAIL: armor mad e of med al links or sometimes p lates.
BURN ISHED: polished.
PAN OPL Y: full suit of armor.
MU STE R: formal military inspection.
EX IGE NC ES: a state of affairs that makes urge nt demands.
PHY SIOG NO MY : facial features held to show quality of mind or character by their configuration or expression.
BRE ADT H: something of full width.
VIS TA : a distant view thro ugh or an avenue or pa thway.
RELINQUISH: leave behind.
SUBS ISTEN CE: real being: existence.
AN NA LS: historical record s: chronicles.
EXP ATIA TIN G: enlarging in discourse or writing.
ANT IQUAT E: obsolete.
UN FEIG NED LY: not pretending.
BE HE ST : an earnest req uest.
BE NE VO LEN CE: d esiring to do go od to o thers.
BED IZEN : to dress n a gaudy or vulgar manner.
ALB EIT : although or even if.
W ARILY : cautiou sly.
PIOU S: of or pertaining to religious devotion.
IMBIBES: to take or receive into the mind.
AM ISS: improper.
INDEFEASIBLE:not to be annulled or made void.
EM ACIATE D: to make very thin, as to lack of nutrition or to disease.
MO UN TE BAN K: any charlatan or quack.
BO ON : a favor sough t.
ADD UCED : to bring forward as in argument or as evidence.
VE HE MEN CE : forceful or violent.
UN OB TR USIVE : not conspicuous.
CHA RGE R: plate or platter.
APPE LLATIO N: an identifying name or title.
CON TAG ION: the spread as of an idea, emotion, etc.
CH IRU RG ICA L: surgical.
INTRICA CIES: having many interrelated parts or facets: intricate.
CO UN TE NA NC E: to extend approval or toleration o f.
PAR ISHIO NER : a member or inhabitant of a parish.
PRO POU ND : to offer up for discussion or consideration.
DEL VE: to make careful or detailed search for information.
SAG ACITY: the quality of keen and farsighted pene tration and judgm ent.
TU MUL T: up roar and confusio n: com motio n, riot.
ERU DIT ION : extensive knowled ge acquired chiefly from bo oks.
CO MMOD IOU SN ESS: comfortable o r convenien tly spacio us: roo my.
INCAN TAT IONS: a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic.
BLA CK ART : made p racticed by o r as if by conjurers and witches.
CO NJU RER : someon e who calls up spirits or ghosts: magicians.
GU ISE: manner or fashion.
SAN CT ITY : God liness or sacredne ss.
EM ISSARY : messenger.
DIAB OLIC: devilish.
SEXT ON : an official charged with m aintaining church pro perty.
DEE M: to believe or judge.
ASP IRA TION : strong d esire, lon ging, or amb ition: goa l.
GH AST LY: terrifyingly horrible to the senses: frightening.
STE ALT HILY : slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character.
INIMICAL : having the disposition of an enemy: hostile.
ASK AN CE : with a side-glance: obliquely.
PERFO RCE : by force of circumstances.
SO LAC E: alleviation of grief or anxiety.
BR ET HR EN : fellow memb ers of a profession , society, or sect; plural of brothers.
PROP AGAT E: publicize.
ABASEMENT : to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem.
SO OT H: truth, reality.
ARM OR IAL: of, relating to, or bearing heraldic arm s.
DECO ROU SLY: marked by propriety and good taste: correct
IMP: a small demon: fiend.
MIR TH : gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter.
PAL LIAT E: to cover by excuses o r apolog ies.
ASSE NT ED: to agree to something.
SOM NIFERO US: hypnotic.
VEST ME NT: an outer garment; a robe of ceremony or office.
PIETY: reverence to God.
MA LICE: desire to see another suffer.
LAT EN T: p resent and capable of beco ming though not no w visible or active: dormant.
BALKED : to stop short and refuse to proceed.
OD IOU S: exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance.
MACH INATION: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
LO RE : traditional knowledge or belief.
ET HE RE ALIZED: ce lestially.
AT TE ST AT ION : to be p roof of: manifest.
AV OW AL: an open de claratio n or ackno wledgment.
IMP ALPA BLE incapable of being felt by touch.
VE NE RATION : commanding re spect beca use of great age or associated dignity.
SOM NAM BU LISM : sleepwalking.
DANK : cold and damp.
EXP IATIO N: to atone for; to make amends for.
DEFU NCT : dead or inactive.
SCAN TLY : scarcely enough.
JUT TIN G: to extend beyond the main portion.
ARC HFIE ND : a chief fiend: Satan.
SCURR ILOUS: grossly and offensively abusive.
GRISL Y: inspiring horror or intense fear.
TU MUL T: a turbulent uprising: riot.
AW RY: out of right or hoped-for cause.
FIRM AM EN T: the vault or arc h of the sky: heavens.
MALEV OLENCE : arising from intense or vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.
ERUDITE : possessing or displaying erudition; learned.
REPLE TE; fully or abundantly provided or filled: complete.
PAU PER : a very poor person.
GIB E: to tease with taunting word s.
ME ED: a fitting return or recompense.
DE SPOT S: a ruler with absolute p ower and authority.
FOL IAG E: a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches.
SEM BLAN CE: outward and often specious appearance or show.
IMB IBED : to receive into the mind and retain.
OB VIA TE D: to see beforehand and d ispose of; ma king unnecessary.
ET HE RE AL: celestial, heavenly.
CLEW : clue.
CHASM : a marked division, separation, or difference.
LU NA CY : wild foo lishness; insa nity.
ACQU IES CIN G: to accept or comp ly tacitly or passively.
STA FF: a long stick carried in the hand for support in walking.
W IRY: lean and strong.
BE HE ST : an earnest req uest.
RANK LE: to cause persistent keen irritation or b itter resentment.
PROP INQU ITY: nearness in place or time.
US UR P: to se ize and hold (a po sition, po wer, etc.) by forc e or without legal right.
RE TR IBU TION : punishment given in re turn for so me wrong com mitted; judgm ent.
SERE: withered.
VER DU RE: condition of health and vigor.
SEDU LO US : diligent in application o r pursu it.
HO RNB OO K: a child's reading book consisting of a sheet of parchment or paper protected by a sheet of transparent
PET ULA NT : insolent or rude in speech or behavior.
PREC OCITY : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.
ACR ID: deeply or violently bitter.
EN IGM A: som ething hard to understand or explain: mystery.
PRO PEN SITY : an intense and often urgent natural inclination.
BE NE FICEN CE : an office to which the rev enue from an endowm ent is attached: fief.
VIV ACITY: being lively in tempe r or co nduc t: sprightly.
TA LISM AN : something pro ducing ap parently magical or miraculous effects.
ASP ERITY : roughness of m anner or o f temper: harshness.
UPBRA IDED: criticized.
SCINT ILLA TING : to be b rilliant or ke en, as in talent.
VIV ACITY: being lively in tempe r or co nduc t: sprightly.
SCR OFU LA: a form of tuberculosis.
LOQU ACITY : exceedingly talkative.
STREAMLET: a small stream.
PR AT TL E: to talk in a foo lish or simplem inded way.
CADE NCE: rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language.
SPE CTR E: something that haunts or perturbs the mind; specter.
MALEV OLENT : having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.
CON TIGU ITY: the quality or state of next or near in time or sequence.
MISANT HROPY : a hatred or distrust of mankind.
INVIGO RATE D: to give life and energy to; animate.
RECO IL: to fall back under pressure.
CONSECR ATION: the act of making or declaring sacred.
SAT IAT ING : to satisfy fully.
SEN TIN EL: one that watches or gua rds.
BU OY : to support or sustain.
TAR RY: stay, sojourn.
ESTR AN GE D: to alienate the affectio ns of.
COLLO QUY : a conversation especially formal one.
AM ISS: out of proper order: wrong.
TRAM ME LED: something that restricts activity or free movement: hindrance.
MA CHINA TION S: a crafty, intricate, or secret plot, usually intended to achieve an evil purpose.
BRE ACH : a violation as of a law or obligation.
CITADEL: a stronghold.
SOLA CE: comfort in sorrow or distress; consolation.
HEA TH EN: an irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened person.
SUB JUG ATE D: to bring under dominion: conquer.
DE NIZ EN S: an inhabitant: resident.
CHO LERIC: bad tempered; irritable.
ACC OST ING : address, greeting.
PRAT TLE: to utter meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children: babble.
INURE D: accustomed to accept something undesirable.
MO LLIFIED : soothed in temper or disposition.
GES TICU LAT ING : making gestures especially when speaking.
PRET ERNA TUR AL: existing outside of nature: abnormal
ALLO Y: to reduce the purity of by mixing with something debasing.
VIC ISSIT UD E: unexp ectedly changing circumstances.
AN TIQU ITY: the quality of being a ncient.
SOLACE : comfort in sorrow.
INTRO SPECT ION: the examination of one's own mental and emotional state.
IRREFRAGABLE : not to be disputed or contested.
UN CO UT H: aw kward of clum sy.
W EAT HER COC K: a weather vane in the shape of a rooster.
MU TAB ILITY: being liable or subject to change.
COM PORT : to conduct or behave.
OB EIS AN CE : a bodily gesture, as a b ow, ex pressing resp ect.
DE VO UT : sincere or hearty.
BAR TER: to trade by exchanging one commodity for another.
ENSHRINE D: preserved or cherished as sacred.
GRA ND AM : an old woman: grandmother.
AU GH T: at all.
PIT HY : having substance and point.
GILD: to give an attractive but often deceptive appearance to.
TAR RY: stay, sojourn.
POT ENT ATE : one who wields controlling power.
STUPE FIED: astonished.
MALIGN AN T: d isposed to cause harm deliberately.
GRA TU ITO US: without apparent reason or justification.
DE LL: a se clude d hollow or small va lley usually co vered with trees o r turf.
RE QU ITE: to m ake return for: re pay.
STE ED: a spirited horse for state or war.
BE TIMES: at times: oc casionally.
PLEB IAN: one of the common people.
QU AFF : (PG . 213 ) to drink (a bevera ge) deeply.
W OR MW OO D: (PG . 213) so mething bitter and grievous: bitterness.
LEE S: the settling of liquor during fermen tation and aging: dre gs.
EFFE RVE SCE: to show liveliness or exhilaration.
MIR TH : gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter.
QU ART ERST AFF: a long stout staff formerly used as a weapon and wielded with one hand in the middle and the
other between the middle and the end.
BUCKLER: a shield worn on the left arm.
BRO ADS W ORD : a sword with a broad blade for cutting rather than thrusting.
SCRU PLE: an ethical consideration or principle that inhabits action.
QU AFF ING : drinking (a bevera ge) deeply.
TE MPE ST UO US : turbulent, stormy.
PROB ITY : adherence to the highest principles and ideals: uprightness.
UN BE NIG NA NT LY : (acting in a way that is no t favorable or beneficial.
ANIMADVERSION: adverse and typically ill-natured or unfair criticism.
GA LLIA RD : gay, lively.
BERT H: safe distance.
CLA RIO N: a me dieval trumpet with clear shrill tones.
MERC EN ARY : one that serves merely for wages.
MO RION : high-crested helmet with no visor.
SOB RIET Y: the quality or state of being sober.
MOR BID : abnorm ally susceptible to or characterized b y gloomy or unwholeso me feelings.
NE CROM AN CY : Magic, sorcery.
PA TH OS : an emotion of symp athetic p ity.
GR AD AT ION S: a series forming succ essive stages.
OR B: so mething circular: circle, o rbit.
IND EFAT IGAB LE: incapable of being fatigued: untiring.
REQ UIT AL: something given in return, compensation, or retaliation.
SW ARTH Y: being of a dark color, com plexio n, or ca st.
SM ITE: to attack or afflict sudd enly and injuriously.
UNSCRU PULOU S: unprincipled.
SUR MISE: to imagine or infer on slight ground s.
ST IGM A: a mark of shame or disc redit: stain.
ORA CLES : a person (as a priest) through whom a deity is believed to speak.
DEITY: Supreme Being: God.
LOR E: something that is taught: lesson.
WR OUGH T: deeply stirred: excited.
APO TH EO SIS: elevation to d ivine status.
INTIM ATION S: the act of making known: announce.
NET HER : situated down or below: lower.
CON JECT URE : a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork.
NE CROM AN CE R: a person who is b elieved to communicate with the sp irits of the dead for purposes of m agically
revealing the future of influencing the cou rse of events.
POR TE NT : something that foreshadows a coming event: omen.
NUG ATO RY: having no force: inoperative.
BE QU EA TH ED : to hand dow n: transm it.
RE CLU SE: marked by withdra wal from society: so litary.
PEN ITEN CE: regret for sin or wrongdoing.
ESCUTC HEON : a protective or ornamental shield.
SAB LE: the color black: dark.
GULES: the heraldic color red.