Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 14, Number 28, July 17, 1987 Elephants &: Donkeys by Kathleen Klenetsky "We need star schools, not star wars." Babbitt, the only Trilateral Commis­ sion member in the crew, declared that Theodore Shackley, had frequent con­ pouring gasoline on the fire. Simon Donald Gregg-Bush's main security Biden claimed it was "bankrupting our nection has come up repeatedly during strategic defense is tantamount to called the program a "disaster," and Who's the dumbest of them all? That could well have been the theme intellectual capital." So much for the Democrats' of the first official debate of the Dem­ vaunted new "pro-defense" image. took place in Houston, Texas July date who has a program for dealing ocratic presidential primaries, which 2. Broadcast on national public tele­ vision, the event-which featured­ National Review's William Buckley and Democratic Robert Strauss Party as kingmaker interviewers­ proved beyond any doubt that the can­ Rodriguez, a longtime operative of former CIA Director of Operations Not surprisingly, the one candi­ tact with another Shackley operative, adviser. The Rodriguez-Gregg con­ the course of the probe. The cocaine trafficker, Ramon Milian-Rodriguez, told the committee that the purpose of the drug cartel's payoff to the Contras was to bribe the with AIDS, and who not only is the CIA and through it, the Drug Enforce­ United States, but one of its architects, drug runners. He said he acted on be­ event. Obviously, the contrast be­ controls roughly principal defender of the sm in the was deliberately excluded from the tween Lyndon H. LaRouche and the ment Administration, to go easy on half of the Medellin Cartel, which 75% of the cocaine entering the United States. didates (at least those sanctioned by dwarfs would have been too much. label "the Seven Dwarfs." pundits and columnists differ. Dukak­ the cocaine-Contra link, this could more than the participants-Sen. Joe thing he said, but because he appeared who has been deeply involved in the Paul Simon, Massachusetts Gov. Mi­ wife's diet pills.) Babbitt "lost," again drugs." Not only did Gregg meet with the party officialdom) truly deserve the The "debate" consisted of little Biden, Rep. Richard Gephardt, Sen. And who won the debate? The is was given high marks-not for any­ "relaxed." (Maybe he's borrowing his Should it tum out that Gregg knew of Felix Rodriguez's alleged role in spell very bad trouble for his boss, Reagan administration's "war on chael Dukakis, Jesse Jackson, Arizo­ not because of anything he said, but Rodriguez on a regular basis, to dis­ Gore-taking the expected pot shots continuously for the duration. What's but Bush himself met with Rodriquez na Gov. Bruce Babbitt, and Sen. Al at the Reagan administration, and talking endlessly of "leadership." But of substantive solutions to the nation's major problems, this gaggle had little to say. How to cure the country's eco­ because his head bobbed up and down eminently clear is that the real loser of the debate was the American elector­ ate, which is once again being pre­ "cut defense spending." How to deal with the AIDS epidemic? The candi­ dates carefully skirted this political hot the "best." Bush linked to Contra drug-running It was only a matter of time before George Bush's connections to Iran­ In the discussion on the Strategic to-with a vengeance-in late June, Defense Initiative, they vied with each clared him a "patriot." Gephardt: absolutely no mandatory AIDS testing potato-leadership apparently doesn't extend that far. several times, and has publicly de­ sented with fools, and told to select nomic ills? The standard response ranged from "balance the budget" to cuss operations in Central America, gate caught up with him. They began when a convicted cocaine trafficker Democratic presidential hopeful Richard Gephardt seems to believe that courting the homosexual lobby, is more important than protecting the health of the American population. During a July 6 visit to New York City-the AIDS capital of the United States-Gephardt denounced those who advocate mandatory AIDS test­ other to come up with the strongest told a Senate subcommittee that he had who has been endorsed by Soviet agent from the notorious Colombian co­ rected toward research and education friend, termed the sm "profoundly iers for the dirty money were provided real challenge of education and re­ "conceptually flawed." Dukakis said, ez). told Mayor Ed Koch. denunciation of the program. Gore, Armand Hammer, a long-time family mistaken." Jesse Jackson said it was EIR July 17, 1987 supplied $10 million to the Contras caine cartel, and disclosed that cour­ by Felix Rodriguez (a.k.a Max Gom­ ing, saying that energies should be di­ instead. "Testing diverts us from the search," the Missouri Congressman National © 1987 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. 63