Syllabus Master MAC1105 College Algebra (3


Syllabus Master

MAC1105 College Algebra (3-credits)

Prerequisite: MAT1033 or a minimum score of 30 on ALEKS Placement test

Instructor: Section CRN: e-mail Office:

Office Hours:

Lectures Time and Room: Lab: (in SE340/350)

Description : MAC 1105 is a FAST-PACED Algebra course designed to prepare students for university level courses requiring some mathematics. It uses the web based text “ College Algebra by Trigsted , Prentice Hall 2 nd

Ed.” and computer generated/graded homework, quizzes, and tests. The latter are given in a supervised laboratory setting.

Objectives, Learning Outcome Goals : Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:

1. Set up and solve linear equations in one or two unknowns.

2. Set up and solve simple equations involving absolute values, quadratics, and/or radicals.

3. Describe and use the properties of a function (including its graph, domain, and range).

4. Evaluate and graph a basic library of functions, including linear, absolute value, polynomial, square and cube root functions, and the reciprocal function; describe asymptotic behavior and identify asymptotes

5. Use basic graphing techniques, including symmetries, asymptotes, and transformations (shifting. fliping, and scaling), and apply these; Use quadratic functions (forms and their application in Max/Min problems).

6. Understand the properties of polynomials, large and small |x| behavior, and graph factored polynomials

7. Describe and use the properties of a composition of functions, one-to-one functions, and inverse functions.

8. Understand the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions, and use these properties to graph these functions; solve simple exponential or logarithmic equations and both model and solve simple exponential growth and decay applications.

IFP General Education Outcomes:


Knowledge in several different disciplines;


The ability to think critically;


The ability to communicate effectively;


An appreciation for how knowledge is discovered, challenged, and transformed as it advances; and


An understanding of ethics and ethical behavior.

Information available at

General Education: This course satisfies, in part, the general education requirements for Foundations of

Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning.

Software : After a short trial period, students must purchase access to the web-based learning and assessment system called MyMathLab Plus (MMLP) accessible via Blackboard

. Details are given on

Blackboard. Homework, quizzes and exams will be completed online using MMLP . Students not registered in

MMLP after the third week of the semester may be dropped from the course.

Course Website : All information pertaining to College Algebra will be posted on Blackboard. Students should check Blackboard for updated information daily. Ignorance of posted information is NOT a valid excuse for missing assignments, quizzes, or exams. Questions should be directed to the section instructor via e-mail.

Materials :

 Access to the e-book College Algebra by Trigsted , Prentice Hall 2 nd Ed. (2011), is through MMLP. Students need to refer to it regularly.

 Only a non-programmable calculator (e.g. various “TI30” models) may be used during testing. The same one should be used when doing the homework assignments. Calculators may NOT be shared.

 It is strongly recommended that students keep a note book for their lecture notes and homework so that they can readily review their work prior to a quiz or test especially if there are lapses in internet access and outages.

Laboratory Sessions:

All students are scheduled for a 110 minute laboratory session in the SE340/350 computer laboratory where

“Peer Tutors” (PTs) will be available to provide personalized help both during scheduled sessions and during

“free use” time when the Lab (SE340/350) has “open” stations. Access is restricted to students who present a valid

FAU student ID card. Students are expected to follow the posted rules and regulations in the Lab and chronic violators may be ejected by the instructor or PT in charge.

The beginning of the scheduled lab time will be devoted to quizzes and tests followed by Lab work on the current week topics. Some formal Lab time will be set aside for homework but most homework should be done outside the Lab. Students can then retry some of the harder homework problems in the Lab where they can get immediate help from the PT’s. All quizzes and tests are based on prior homework assignments but must be taken under proctored closed-book conditions when scheduled - latecomers who are more than ten minutes late may be turned away.

Lecture Sessions:

The lecture sessions are the main presentation of the course material and serve to guide the students’ study of this material via the computer based readings, examples, and homework problems.

Once the lecture has begun all electronic devices ( notably phones & computers ) should be turned off.

Attendance Policy :

“ Attendance” means arriving on time and staying until dismissed by the instructor or PT in charge. Attendance will be recorded in both lecture and lab sessions via a sign in sheet. Students are encouraged to keep up their attendance as an excessive number of absences will result in a reduction of a student’s overall grade.

MyMathLab Assignments:


Note that the first two assignments are the “Syllabus” and “Ready” quizzes. The “ Syllabus Quiz ” is actually a homework assignment that covers the contents of this syllabus and is a prerequisite for all subsequent quizzes and tests. It can be taken at home multiple times BUT must be completed with a score of 80% before any other quiz or test (except the Ready quiz) can be taken.

The “Ready” quiz is also a prerequisite for all later quizzes and tests. Its purpose is to give you an indication as to whether or not you are ready for this course. It must be taken in the lab under proctored closed-book conditions . If you score less than 50% you are NOT ready. Consider dropping this course (and taking MAT1033

“Intermediate Algebra” instead) before the end of the first week.

Each section of the text (course) has a set of homework problems associated with it. Each set becomes available when the material is covered and has a specified DUE date. Any problem completed late will incur a 2% per day late penalty and no homework is accepted after the last day of classes. Plan to complete the homework before its due date because l apses in internet access and outages are NOT valid excuses for incomplete assignments. Homework is organized by section and should be done at home or in various open computer labs (see ) as soon as possible after a section is discussed in class. Students may try a problem up to three (3) times – under open book conditions (with aids) -, and only their best score will be used for their homework average.

If you experience computer problems when using your home computer, note that past students (particularly those using Apple computers) have found by changing their browser to firefox helpful or consult the following website and/or phone number: _ stu.html 1-888-695-6577


Free tutoring other than the PTs in the SE340/350 Lab is available in the Math Learning Center (MLC), room

GS 211. For the schedule visit

Quizzes :

Quizzes based on the homework of the current or previous week, are given in every Lab session. These must be taken at the beginning of the Lab with a lockdown browser and no aids (i.e. no text, videos, or notes). These quizzes normally include one or more “bonus” questions. If a student has a documented conflict or need for special accommodation, he/she is responsible for advising the instructor well in advance and may then apply to take the quiz earlier . Only in exceptional circumstances (supported by documentation and approved by the instructor) will a make-up quiz be given and these make-up quizzes will NOT include any bonus questions. However, the lowest quiz grade will not be used in calculating a student’s quiz average. Finally, to encourage good performance on the quizzes, students should attempt practice quizzes in MMLP. The purposes of these practice quizzes are first to prepare students well for the quizzes in the lab and secondly, to allow students to earn up to 5 % extra credits added to their overall course grade from these practice quizzes. Each extra credits practice quiz can be taken at home multiple times BUT must be completed by 11:59pm the day before the corresponding in-lab quiz. To take an extra credit quiz, a student must first have completed the related homework assignments with at score of at least of


Lab Work:

Lab work (password protected) on the current week topics is scheduled to be taken after every quiz or a test.

This is done to keep students up to date with the current topics taught that week. Students are encouraged to first try the problems themselves from notes and aids provided by MMLP and to seek help from “Peer Tutors” only when needed.

Unit Tests :

Unit tests are similar to the regular weekly quizzes but are longer and based on a larger group of homework problems. Practice tests in MMLP and review sessions are used to help students prepare for these. Check

Blackboard for the time and location of the review sessions. Scoring a 70 or above on the Practice test qualifies a student to take a actual test version that includes some bonus questions.

All tests count towards the final grade. If a student has a documented conflict, approval will generally be granted for a test to be taken earlier. Only in exceptional circumstances (supported by documentation and approved by the instructor) will a SPECIAL make-up test be given. Instead, at the end of the semester every student will be allowed to take one, and only one, makeup (or do-over) test. The better of the original test grade and this makeup test grade will be used to compute the students Unit Test average.

Comprehensive Final Exam:

A comprehensive Final exam will be given at the end of the semester. A schedule will be posted both on

Blackboard and on the Department website. Students having a demonstrable conflict may apply to take the Final at another time, generally earlier than scheduled.

Course Grades :

Homework, Lab Work, Quiz, and Test grades will be available immediately on “ MyMathLab ”.

The “points” earned for each assignment include the points for any bonus questions and are your score for that assignment. Use these to calculate your own “averages”. Do NOT use the percentage scores shown on “ MyMathLab ” as these include neither the “bonus points” on taken assignments nor the “zeros” earned on assignments not attempted.

Final Grade Components and their Weights in the overall Course Grade:

Component Weight

Lab Work 10%

Graded Hwk. average 10%

Quiz average 10%

Unit Test average


Extra Credits: Practice quizzes average - 5%



Letter Grading Scale:

Course Grade

In Percent

90% 


Letter_Grade: A




80% 



76% 



70% 



60% 



0% 



Policy on Makeup Work and Incompletes

Students will not be penalized for absences due to participation in University-approved activities provided they notify their instructor and make appropriate arrangements well in advance of any quiz or test. Similarly, reasonable accommodations will be made for students participating in a religious observance. Also, note that grades of

Incomplete (“I”) are reserved for students who are passing a course but have not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances. A request for an incomplete grade, where appropriate, has to be made in writing with supporting documentation.

Classroom Etiquette: Please refer to the FAU Code of Conduct available at


Academic Honesty :

Florida Atlantic University expects you to be honest in all of your university work. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see University Regulation 4.001 at



Students with Disabilities:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Florida Atlantic University accommodates students who require special accommodation due to a disability. These students must, however, register with the

Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD in SU133) and follow all OSD procedures including reminding the instructor to make any needed arrangements well in advance of any quiz or test. In Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-

3880); in Davie, MOD 1 (954-236-1222); in Jupiter, SR 117 (561-799-8585); or at the Treasure Coast, CO 128 (772-

873-3305). OSD website at

This syllabus is subject to reasonable changes at the direction of the instructor.
