Newspaper Buying Overview Paper size Newspapers traditionally come in two standard sizes: • Broadsheet papers are 12” wide by 21” tall which is the most traditional newspaper size. These papers are created and measured in columns rather than just inches. Ex. A full page (12” x 21”) is 6 columns across (which is 2” wide per column) and 21” inches tall. • Tabloid papers are typically 10” wide x 12” tall. Although these papers may be measured in columns as well, these can also come in set ad sizes. Ex. Full page, half page, quarter (1/4) page. The exact dimensions of the paper, columns and ad sizes will vary from paper to paper. Please always make sure to confirm these details with your newspaper sales rep. Circulation is the total number of a newspapers issue copies sold/distributed per issue. Readership includes the number of issues distributed, plus the number of people that have read each issue as many copies are shared or passed along. Ex. 500,000 copies were distributed but 750,000 people read that issue. Rates: Depending on paper sizes, each publication has different pricing structures. When working with your ad sales rep, request a rate card and these details should be listed there. • Flat Rate -­‐ Each ad size has a set cost determined by the paper. Example: Full Page Black & White Half Page Black & White 1/4-­‐page Black & White $1000 $500 $250 • Per Column Inch (PCI) pricing method for papers that measure width by columns. How to calculate: Multiply the number of columns across by the number of inches in height Ex. For a 1/2-­‐page horizontal, black and white, ad it would be 6 col x 10.5” = 63 column inches. Multiply the total column inches (63) by the PCI rate (ex) $50 per column inch: 63 x $50 = $3,150.00 total cost for the ad. * If you are looking for a certain ad size, your newspaper sales rep will help you determine the number of columns and inches along with noting what the PCI rate is, to help you calculate the final ad cost. The one time cost to place an ad listed on the rate card is the Open Rate. From this there are several opportunities to negotiate discounted rates. When speaking with your ad sales rep and reviewing the rate card be sure to request frequency and non-­‐profit discounts. You may also ask your rep if they have any additional discounts that may apply to the ads you are already placing. • When multiple insertions are ordered at one time, most papers offer a discount depending on the number of consecutive ads purchased. This would be your Frequency Discount. Most papers may also offer a Pick Up rate on subsequent ads that run the same creative in the same week. Example: Flat rate, frequency discount pricing (1/2-­‐page horizontal, B/W) Open Rate 3x Rate -­‐ 5% off 6x Rate -­‐ 10% off 12x Rate – 15% off $500 / insertion $475 / insertion $450 / insertion $425 / insertion Newspaper Buying Overview Example: PCI rate, frequency discount pricing (1/2-­‐page horizontal, B/W) Open PCI Rate 3x PCI Rate – 5% off 6x PCI Rate: 10% off 12x PCI Rate: 15% off $50.00 PCI $47.50 PCI $45.00 PCI $42.50 PCI $3,150.00 / insertion $2,992.50 / insertion $2,835 / insertion $2,677.50 / insertion • • • *In order to use frequency rates, you must run the number of ads that are agreed to. Some papers offer Dollar Volume Discount (DVD) rates as their frequency discount. Rather than receiving a discount based on the number of insertions ordered, discounts are determined by the total amount of dollars an advertiser signs a contract for. For Example, if an advertisers contracts to spend $5000 with the paper in that year, they could receive a 10% discount off the open rate of all their ad insertions. Color Most newspapers only print ads in black and white (B/W). Newspapers have an additional charge if you want to print in color (4-­‐color / 4C). This charge should be noted on any rate card that you receive. Non-­‐profit Rates: Discounts are often offered to non-­‐profit organizations by request only. Proof of non-­‐ profit status may be required. Positioning • ROP (run of paper) – ad placement will be determined by the newspaper and could run in any section where there is space available. • Premium placement -­‐ If you would like to request that your ad be placed in a specific section, your sales rep may try to secure that placement at their discretion depending on what space is available. Ex. Sports section or within local news. Placement requests can be guaranteed at an additional cost. Deadlines All newspapers have two sets of advertising deadlines that are important to follow. The Space Reservation date is when the ad needs to be booked (ordered) with the vendor by providing the formal order (as determined by the paper) that includes the insertion date, ad size and color (B/W or 4C) and ad rates that you would like to run. Additionally, confirm with the vendor when the ad materials are due (this is your Materials Deadline) and what their artwork requirements are.