These are the verbs that use être as the helping verb in the passé composé: Descendre Rester Monter Revenir Sortir Partir Venir Arriver Naître Devenir Entrer Rentrer Tomber Retourner Aller Mourir Passer to go down to stay descendu resté to go up/ to climb to come back to go out monté revenu sorti to leave parti to come to arrive to be born to become to enter to go back in to fall to return to go to die to pass venu arrivé né devenu entré rentré tombé retourné allé mort passé Other rules when using être as the helping verb in the passé composé: You must make the past participle agree with the subject when you use être as the helping verb. Examples: Il est allé. Elle est allée. Ils sont allés. Elles sont allées. He went. She went. They went. (masculine) They went. (feminine) The verb, passer, sometimes uses être and sometimes uses avoir as the helping verb. If passer is used as “to pass”, then, être is needed. If passer means “to spend time”, then, avoir is needed. Most of the verbs that use être are verbs of motion which makes that easier to remember. There are two parts to the passé composé. The first part is the conjugation of avoir or être. You need to use être for the first part for the list of verbs above. You must know how to conjugate être correctly in order to use the passé composé. Here is the conjugation of être: Je suis Nous sommes Tu es Vous êtes est Ils Elles sont Il Elle On The second part to the passé composé is the past participle. The past participles for regular verbs are easy. They are regular, so they follow a pattern. Regular past participles: For –er verbs, drop the er and add é. For – re verbs, drop the re and add u. For – ir verbs, drop the ir and add i. Examples: parler – parlé attendre – attendu finir – fini Irregular past participles For irregular verbs, you must memorize their past participles. You have already seen some irregular verbs in the list above. Here are some others. *aller – allé être - été faire – fait avoir – eu Other rules when using être as the helping verb in the passé composé: You must make the past participle agree with the subject when you use être as the helping verb. Examples: Il est allé. Elle est allée. Ils sont allés. He went. She went. They went. (masculine) Elles sont allées. They went. (feminine) The verb, passer, sometimes uses être and sometimes uses avoir as the helping verb. If passer is used as “to pass”, then, être is needed. If passer means “to spend time”, then, avoir is needed. Most of the verbs that use être are verbs of motion which makes that easier to remember.