PPP - Amanda Cunningham: Portfolio

EDSE 368 PPP Lesson Plan
Teacher’s Name: Amanda Cunningham
Gerry Annand
Grade: 10
# Students: ~16
Length of Class: 80 Minutes
Duration: ~ 2 days
Smartboard & Whiteboard
Maison d’être Handout
½’ X 1’ flashcards for maison d’être verbs
Worksheets #1 & #2
Gnome mascot & postcard pictures
Class CD player
Theme music from “Rocky”
Unit: Travel
Topic: passé composé
using être
En Bons Termes 6 Edition: Teacher
Guide & Student workbook
Program of Studies FSL 9yr
Various websites as indicated on
reference sheet,
Prepare/photocopy maison d’être handout
Prepare flashcards
Photocopy drill worksheet
Bring markers and scrap paper
Print-off Gnome “postcards”
Previous Knowledge:
 Students are becoming accustomed to instruction delivered primarily in French.
 Students know how to conjugate regular and irregular –er, –re, and –ir verbs in the present tense.
 Students have already been introduced to the function of the passé composé and understand that passé
composé is formed using an auxiliary and past participle.
 Students have learned how to form passé composé with the auxiliary “avoir”.
 Students are familiar with past participles of regular –er verbs.
General Outcomes:
 Students will use, with accuracy, knowledge of linguistic elements of the French language to fulfill their
communicative intents. (Language p. 11)
 Students will use their knowledge of strategies to enhance learning and to communicate in French
(Language Learning Strategies (p. 11)
Specific Outcomes:
 Students will acquire knowledge of the passé composé (Knowledge of Language Concept p. 57)
 Continue to use a personal repertoire of memory strategies to facilitate the learning, recollection or
retention of vocabulary and/or grammatical structures (Memory Strategy p. 60)
Instructional Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1) Recognise that some verbs take the auxiliary “avoir” and other verbs require “être” to form the passé
2) Identify the verbs that require être to form the passé composé,
3) Provide the past participle of each of these verbs ,
4) Produce orally and in writing simple sentences in the indicative mode using passé composé,
5) Use the maison d’être as a memory strategy.
Day 1
Time Allowed
Activity: 5-10
 Activities
 Distribute maison d’être handout to each student.
 Bring up maison d’être diagram on Smartboard.
 Direct students to work in pairs to identify French verbs that
correspond to the cues on the handout and write those verbs on the
FIRST of the two “houses”.
 Teacher will supply three examples (“naître”, “retourner”, “aller”)
using the Smartboard before students begin.
 Instruct them that if they don’t know the French verb, they can
write down the English verb.
 While students are working, teacher writes on the whiteboard the
subject pronoun paradigm vertically (Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Nous, Vous, Ils,
1 minute
 Teacher announces that time is up and we will discuss answers
Presentation Part
1: 2 -5 minutes
 Remind the class that they have been working on the passé
 Review by asking for volunteers to conjugate passé composé
form for “manger” first, then “aimer”, for each pronoun in the
subject pronoun paradigm.
 Write their answers next to the subject pronouns on the
whiteboard, first for “manger” then for “aimer”.
Presentation Part
2: 10-15
 Explain that the majority of verbs use the “avoir” auxiliary in passé
composé, however, a limited number of verbs require “être”.
 Teacher returns to the board, erases the examples from previous
exercise and then conjugates “être” for each subject pronoun, and
draws a blank beside each one (indicate the corresponding
agreement inflection):
Je suis_______(e)
Tu es______(e)
Il est_______
Elle est________e
Nous sommes_________(e)s
Vous etes________(e)(es)(s)
Ils sont______s
Elles sont______es
 These “être” verbs are the maison d’être verbs.
 Direct students to look at their maison d’être handouts.
 As a class, correct the handout while teacher fills in responses on
the Smartboard while repeating verbs orally.
 Teacher will supply any remaining answers (see attached answer
Based on amount of
participation and
accuracy of answers,
teacher can gauge how
much time to spend on
reviewing the form of the
passé composé (aux +
past participle).
Presentation Part
3: 15-20
 Ask class what they think the past participle would be for “tomber”,
 Teacher fills in the blanks on the white board, first for “tomber”
then for “entrer”.
 Students are to copy the paradigm in their notes as it is being filled
 Teacher explains that about half of these verbs conjugate like –er
 The other half of the verbs have different endings on their
participles. Teacher indicates these by circling these verbs on the
smartboard diagram (see attached answer key), directing students
to do the same on their handouts.
 Teacher gives past participle form of “venir”.
 Then teacher completes paradigm on whiteboard using “venir”. Tell
students to take note of, but not concentrate on, inflectional
endings, for now. They will learn about those in the next lesson.
 Students are to copy the paradigm in their notes as it is being filled
 Teacher returns to Smartboard to bring up “Alamo” maison d’être
and provides all other non –er participle forms and directs
students to fill in the second maison d’être diagram with the
corresponding participle form.
 Direct students to complete the second maison d’être by providing
past participle forms for remaining (which will be the –er ) verbs.
1 minute
 Play “Rocky” music (as per class routine to signal game time)
 Teacher announces that times up and now it’s time to get
Practice 1:
Flashcard Relay
 Divide the class into two teams (split the room in half).
 Assign them team names and write name on whiteboard (Équipe
Maroc and Équipe Belge and place the Gnome mascots next to team
 Give each student some scrap paper and give the closest student on
each team a marker.
 Tell the students that you will hold up flashcards with the infinitive
form of a verb (SET #1).
 They are to write the past participle on the paper as quickly as
possible and then hold up their paper and shout out the answer
(E.g. “rentrer” > student writes “rentré”). Students can refer to the
maison d’être for help.
 Award a point on the whiteboard to the corresponding team.
 If the team gets it wrong, the other team can steal the point if their
answer is correct .
 Ask the students to show their answers to the class.
 If no one knows the answer, supply it by writing it on the
whiteboard while saying it.
 Ask the student to pass the marker to their neighbour and repeat
procedure (Go for 5 minutes).
 Now explain you will hold up flashcards with a subject (SET 2) and
the infinitive (SET 1) and they must supply the complete passé
compose form (E.g. “Je” + “rentrer” > student writes “Je suis rentré”)
 Follow the same procedure as outlined above. (Go for 5 minutes)
12-15 minutes
Correctness of
predictions will give an
idea if class has applied
the passé composé rule
from last lesson to new
Monitor answers:
accuracy of passé
composé formation
should improve as
activity progresses
2 minutes
Practice 2:
Workheet #1
10-15 minutes
 Tell them they did an excellent job and acknowledge the winner.
 Anticipate that they will want to know what the prize is. There isn’t
one. Just team pride and the thrill of competition! (and of course
pride in their learning!!!!!)
 Ask students to pass their scrap paper forward.
 Teacher collects the paper and markers.
 Direct students to take out their pencils.
 Handout Worksheet #1 (attached) to each student
 Direct students to complete the worksheet by changing the
sentences from present tense to passé composé (give them 5
minutes). Direct their attention to the example provided.
 Ask students to switch their paper with a neighbour in order to
check each other’s answers (5 minutes).
 Students then return papers to owner and Teacher asks if there are
any questions.
An opportunity for peer
and self-assessment of
accuracy of passé
composé formation .
Circulate throughout to
monitor student-tostudent feedback to
determine that peer
assessment is accurate.
Day 2
2 minutes
 Tell class we will be continuing with passé composé with
auxiliary être today.
 Tell them they should take out their notes (maison d’être) from
last class.
Practice 3:
Workheet #2
12 minutes
 Handout Worksheet #2 (attached).
 Tell students there are 4 questions and that they will have to ask
each question to a different person.
 They MUST answer (in French) in complete sentences and write
down their partner’s answer in French.
 Direct their attention to the example provided.
2 minutes
 Flick the lights (as per classroom routine) to get students back to
their seats.
Production 1,
Phase 1:
30 minutes
 Tell class they will work in groups (4 groups of 3 & 2 groups of
2, each with one student with stronger oral skills).
 Explain that they will be given 2 pictures of gnomes in various
places/situations. They will have to work in groups and write
down sentences (approx. 4-6) in the past tense in FRENCH
describing how the gnome came to be there for each picture.
 Tell the students they will be asked to share their story orally.
 Call out groups members according to what is written on the back
of the gnome pictures (each group is assigned 2 pictures which
are attached together)
 Give each group their pictures then ask them to find their partners
and begin working.
 Facilitate group work where necessary
2 minutes
 Flick the lights (as per classroom routine) to get students back to
their seats.
Circulate throughout to
monitor student-tostudent feedback to
determine that peer
assessment is accurate.
An opportunity for selfassessment of ability to
produce form both orally
and in writing.
An opportunity for
informal peer and selfassessment of accuracy of
passé composé formation.
Circulate and make note
of accuracy, fluency, and
complexity of passé
composé use and form.
Production 1,
Phase 2:
15-20 minutes
Wrap up:
10-15 minutes
 Explain that there are two group A’s, two group B’s and two
group C’s. Each groups letter is indicated on the back of the
 Direct the groups to find the other group with the same letter and
each group is to share their stories with each other.
 Everyone in the group should participate in the story telling.
Observe and make note of
accuracy, fluency, and
complexity of passé
composé use and form.
 Explain that over the past two classes we have learned how to
form the passé compose with être and avoir.
 Tell the class that in our next lesson we will focus on agreement
inflection which are those endings that they were instructed to
take note of but temporarily ignore.
 Write an example on the board:
E.g. Je suis allé(e).
 Explain homework assignment as outlined below.
 Ask if there are any questions about the material covered in class
and/or about the homework assignment.
 End with “sandwich” feedback.
Formative Lesson Assessment (Production 2): Homework Assignment
 Students will be asked to write a paragraph (6-8 sentences using a variety of verbs) in French describing some
past travel experience.
 The homework will not be graded, but students will be called upon next class to present their description orally to
the class and then submit it to the teacher.
 The teacher will provide feedback on written performance in the form of written corrections and comments.
 Having the students hand in their paragraph gives the teacher an opportunity to assess if students can use the
appropriate auxiliary (Objective 1, 2) and past participle (Objective 2 & 3) when forming utterances (Objective 4)
using the passé compose. Furthermore, the teacher can provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses allowing
the student to assess their own learning and what skills they need to develop further.
 Students will be required to work on their paragraph in the next lesson, when they learn about subject-participle
 This practice will build knowledge that will be required for a culminating summative assessment project at the end
of the Travel unit.