Eastern Intermediate High School Honors Biology Name:___________________________ Mod:_______ Date:________________ Chapter 3 – The Plasma Membrane Worksheet - The Plasma Membrane and Homeostasis Directions: Color and label the diagram below: 1. Color the hydrophilic regions green and the hydrophobic regions yellow . 2. Circle each layer in the membrane. 3. Label the polar regions in the diagram. 4. Label the non-polar regions in the diagram. 5. Sketch a protein molecule in the membrane. 6. Sketch a cholesterol molecule in the membrane. Proteinintegrin Polar hydrophilic Non-Polar hydrophobic Non-Polar hydrophobic Polar hydrophilic 7. Which types of molecules are found in the plasma membrane? ______________________phospholipids and proteins________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. What role does cholesterol play in cell membrane fluidity? _____________helps keep the membrane fluid by keeping tails separated___________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Over) 1 Directions: Identify the following structures in the diagram below: 9. Integrins: ___B__ 10. Cholesterol: ___E__ 11. Carbohydrates: __D___ 12. Glycoproteins: __C___ 13. Phosphate Group: ___F__ 14. Fatty Acid Chain: ___G__ 15. Phospholipid Bi-Layer: __A___ 16. Explain the importance of glycoproteins and carbohydrates on the surface of cells? ______________markers, receptors, “flags”________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 17. Explain how the phospholipid bilayer serves as a selectively permeable barrier? ________only some molecules may pass through the barrier – non-polar and small are best! _____ __________________________________________________________________________ 2