Abstract Replication, Data Analysis, and

MTO Colloquium
Tuesday March 18, 2014 at 12:45h in WZ 103
by prof. Greg Francis
(Purdue University)
“Replication, Data Analysis, and Theorizing in
Psychological Science”
Many of us have been taught that replication is the gold standard of
science and that multiple successful replications provide strong evidence for
an effect. Because psychological science uses statistics, this view is wrong.
When findings are based on statistics, the outcomes occur with predictable
probabilities, and for hypothesis testing the reported successful replication
rate must reflect experimental power. Not recognizing this fundamental
property of hypothesis testing causes many problems in how we design
experiments and interpret experimental findings. Thus, making a scientific
argument across a set of experiments requires reporting both significant and
non-significant findings. A set of experiments with relatively low power that
almost always rejects the null hypothesis should be interpreted as biased and
thereby unscientific. These problems are not restricted to particular subfields
of psychology, and reformers are just as susceptible to bias as anyone else.
Importantly, a set of low-powered experiments is easily generated by
following standard methods within experimental psychology. The problems
are not just about questionable research practices or p-hacking, as there are
more fundamental issues about how to derive or test a theory using empirical