COMENIUS MULTILATERAR PARTNERSHIP LEARNING THROUGH DEVELOPING INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS 2012–2014 THIRD INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT What, how, when, where, why do we play? KAUNO LOPSELIS DARZELIS „EZIUKAS“ KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIP Working language of the partnership: EN – English Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Projects acronym: LeaDer – int PROJECT COORDINATOR SCOALA NR.4 „ELENA DONICI CANTSCUZINO“, PUCIOASA, ROMANIA Adress: Str. Republicii, n 123 Pucioasa, jud. Dambovita, Romania Phone / Fax: +44245 760 587 E-mail: Website: PARTNERS PROFESIONALNA GIMNAZIYA PO TURIZAM “DR. VASIL BERON” Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Adress: 10 Canko Cerkovski Str. Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Phone / Fax: +359 62 62 15 16 E-mail: Website: KAUNO LOPŠELIS – DARŽELIS „EŽIUKAS, KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Adress: A. Mapu str. 12 Kaunas, Lithuania Phone / Fax: +370 37 42 34 43 E-mail: Website: ABUŞAĞI İLKÖĞRETİM OKULU (ABUSAGI ILKOGRETIM OKULU) Adress: Abuşaği Kasabasi Gülşehir/Nevşehir Nevşehir Turkey Phone: +903844297422 E-mail: AUTHORS Rita Tatariūnienė, Project manager Irma Žilinskienė, Director Lina Jachimavičiūtė, Kindergarten teacher Lijana Budrienė, Preschool group pedagogue Renata Motuzienė, Music teacher Giedrė Simėnaitė, Teacher of physical culture Children from „Šermukšnėliai“ and „Kleveliai“ preschool groups Funded by Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius) of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. cONTENT EDITORIAL........................................................................ 5 1. INTRODUCTION: THE IMPORTANCE OF GAMES.......................... 6 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF LITHUANIAN FOLK GAMES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS....................................................................... 9 3. GAMES DESCRIPTION......................................... 25 4. DID YOU KNOW THAT....................................... 30 5. USEFUL LINKS.........................................................32 4 EDITORIAL What, where, how, when, why do we play? In the rush and whirl of the present day life, continually facing the changes we are prone to forget how to look in a holistic way- the way that assists better understanding of today’s complex world. Our e-book presents the new, integrated, approach for the learning process. Through the interdisciplinary project “What, where, how, when, why do we play?” and integrating games, music, drama elements, handcrafts, Mother tongue, colors and numbers our children from the prep-groups enhance their cognitive, digital and creative skills, communicating abilities of social interaction, speaking abilities, develop respect towards national culture values and learn keeping the rules. Integrated teaching is also a unique professional challenge for our teachers. So join us and let’s learn together what, where, how, when, why do we play in our kindergarten “Eziukas”! 5 1. INTRODUCTION: THE IMPORTANCE OF GAMES 6 Games are a mutual activity between a child and an adult. While playing with the toys and adults, a child slowly acquires, develops and expresses many his/her most important capabilities already since the first life weeks of his/her life. A game is the most important activity for a child. That is simply a necessity in his/her life: games help him/her grow up, exercise, explore the life, implement dreams and fulfill his/her wishes; while playing, a child fantasizes, models his/her future, plays the representatives of various professions. A real environment, where a child acquires communication skills and learns to cooperate, reflects in his/her games. 7 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF LITHUANIAN FOLK GAMES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 9 ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS AND ISOLATED AUTHORIAL WORKS It’s possible to find some knowledge about Lithuanian games and round dances of 13th–15th centuries in the Livonian chronicle and some other chronicles. The physical preparation, bravery, stamina and fastness of Lithuanian warriors were mentioned in these historical sources. Wulfstan, an Anglo-Saxan traveler (~887–901) was the first one who mentioned Lithuanian games, dances and horseracing during funeral ceremony that sometimes continued even several months. A famous Lithuanian ethnographer, writer and enlightener in the late 19th/ early 20th century Mikalojus Katkus (1852–1944), while describing Lithuanian rituals and traditions in his book „Balanos gadynė“ (Eng. “The times of sapwood”), mentioned and described some games of shepherding, also some wedding revels and games. The most serious best-known works about Lithuanian games are written by an educationalist and writer Matas Grigonis in the early 20th century, such as the books „200 žaidimų“ (Eng. “200 games”), „Vaikų žaidimai“ (Eng. „The games of children“). 10 THE PEDAGOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF LITHUANIAN FOLK GAMES The works of minor folklore, such as fairytales, songs and games, were important for centuries from the educational point of view: they shaped the spiritual world of children; they trained mental, physical and artistic skills. Games help the children to develop the following traits: mental traits (thinking, text perception, knowledge, vocabulary, nature of motion, memorizing of the sequence of actions); moral traits (actions and behavior); esthetical traits (music, poetical text); physical traits (the exercising of muscles); work traits; social traits. 11 THE NATIONAL IMPORTANCE OF LITHUANIAN FOLK GAMES The games maintain human relationships and communication through emotions and activities; nurture quick eye and vigilance; teach to hear out and read facial expressions. 12 THE TYPES OF LITHUANIAN FOLK GAMES gaimings (Lit. „žaidinimai”); games with the tools (indoors and outdoors); games without tools (indoors and outdoors); games with blindfolded (closed) eyes; drama games; verbal games; round dances; table games; sports games. 13 GAMINGS Gaimings are short imaginative works followed by simple motions, also meaningful and mindless quatrains, for example: „Myliu myliu spust” (Eng. “I love I love I do”, „Joja joja Jonukas” (Eng. “Jonukas rides rides”), etc. A child still doesn’t play voluntary – the adults involve him-her in the game.The gaming helps crying children to calm down, maintain a joyful mood, provide basic knowledge about the environment. 14 GAMES WITH THE TOOLS (INDOORS AND OUTDOORS) They are mobile group games with the balls, ropes, sticks, towels, kerchiefs, little flags, little stones, little sticks, etc., for example: „Virvę trauk” (Eng. “Pull the rope”), „Kiaušinių ridenimas” (Engl. “The rolling of eggs”). The place games is chosen depending on the content, tools and the number of participants. However, these games usually are played outdoors because they are very mobile. 15 THE GAMES WITHOUT TOOLS (INDOORS AND OUTDOORS) The games without tools (indoors and outdoors) are mobile or quiet games with a plot, where the children play the environment, human relationships, behavior of animals, for example: „Tupi šarka”(Eng. “A magpie is perching”), „Avys ir piemuo”(Engl. “The sheep and a shepherd”), etc. Those games encourage friendships, transfuses a love of nature to the children, nurture motorics and coordination. 16 GAMES WITH BLINDFOLDED (CLOSED) eyes These games are story-based games with the well-known heroes and animals of fairytales. A fast orientation and active actions are necessary while playing them, for example, “The blind chicken”, “Behind the osier-bed on the fense”, etc. These games nurture the analyzers of hearing and touch, the spatial perception, the traits of morale and will, imagination and produce good emotions. 17 DRAMA GAMES Drama games are the games of cognitive nature with a poetical or improvised text. They are based on the stories that remind fairytales, for example: „Ganiau, ganiau aveles” (Eng. “I shepherded shepherded little sheep”), „Raganėle, man paskolink adatėlę“ (Eng.”Little witch, lend me a little needle”), etc. A verbal communication and role-performing (wolves, shepherds, sheep, etc.) are dominating while playing such kind of games. These games help the children to get better acquainted with the nature, cities, nature, the children learn to name the things and classify them. 18 games-dialogues This kind of games are short, imaginative dialogues between the main players (a wolf and a goose, a cat and a mouse, a buyer and a master, a seller and a devil). The episodes of animals’ life are played, for example: “A wolf and gooses”, “A bridge of gooses”. Dialogues are performed on the first part of the game, while the actions, such as contesting, running, are performed on the second part. These games enrich the game of children, teach them cohesive speaking, also concentration and a fast orientation. 19 verbal games Verbal games are two-part contest of cognitive nature with the roles and motions. The actions are performing on the first part and the second part is a ransoming of forfeits that helps children to relax after intensive activities. The examples of such kind of games are: “Broken telephone”, “Eatable-not eatable”, “Fruit – vegetable”, etc. 20 round dances Round dances are quiet games characterized by circle walking, singing and performing imitative actions while dancing, for example: „Jurgeli, meistreli”, (Eng. “Master Jurgeli”), „Skrido žvirblis per ulyčią” (Eng. “A sparrow flought through the village’s street”), etc. Such games nurture an inborn grace, plasticity, teach the children to feel a common activity and a harmonious rhythm according melody. 21 table games Table games are quiet games with the means and without them, for example: “Answer the questions”, “The foodie” (Lit. „Smaguris”), etc. Table games nurture children’s quick eye, fast orientation, cognitive interests, teach children friendliness and a good behavior. 22 sports games Sports games can be defined as a contested activity of several teams, when the players attempt to have the advantage by using the same means, such as sledge, iceskate, balls, sticks. Sports games are an efficient sort of physical games with sports elements and a tool of active rest, for example: „Virvė“ (Eng. “The rope”), „Ratą sukti“ (Eng. “To turn the wheel”), etc. 23 a conclusion Lithuanian folk games are very important in the life of the children. The games are their activity’s area that nurtures a child physically, spiritually, creatively and transfuses a love of national heritage to him/her. 24 3. lithuanian traditional games description “George the Master” (the most popular circle game) Number of players: 15 Duration: 10 min. Means: good mood J Place: Outdoors or sports gym Age: 2–99 J Description: Children make a circle holding each other’s hands low. One of them is chosen to stand in the middle of the circle to be “George the Master”. Going round the circle the children sing the song: “George Master George Master Teach your little children And you children do the same as your master shows you” 26 The Master has to be creative, think of some movement and show everybody what to do (jump, clap, catch fish, chop wood etc.) And all have to do after the Master. After this the Master chooses the next Master and so on. 27 “The wolf, the bear and geese” Number of players: 12 Duration: 10 min. Means: good mood J Place: Outdoors or sports gym Age: 6–99 J Description: three players are chosen to be a wolf, a bear and a goose. The rest are geese. A bear and a wolf stand in front of a goose and geese make tandem stand behind the goose holding each other by the waist. The bear and the wolf ask the goose: – Where do you fly? – To the lake, – answers the goose. – Try to do so, – tease the bear and the wolf. The bear and the wolf link hands each other and hold them up (“making a net”). The goose and the geese try to get through their linked hands while the bear and the wolf try to catch geese by “throwing the net”. 28 The caught geese are asked to choose either the wolf or the bear and to make a tandem stand holding each other by the waist behind the chosen character. When all the geese are being caught the team of the bear stands in front of the team of the wolf with their leaders in front. The geese hold tight each other by the waist while the bear and the wolf link their hands as well. Both teams pull strongly each other trying to pull away as many geese from the opposite team as possible. The aim of the game is to pull away into your team all the players from the opponent‘s team. “The fisherman and his fishers” Number of players: 15 Duration: 10 min. Means: rope and good mood J Place: Outdoors or sports gym Age: 6–99 J Description: Children make a circle. One of them is chosen to stand in the middle of the circle to be “the fisherman” holding a rope (“fisherman‘s rod”). The fisherman quickly rotates the rope quite low so hit the players’ (“fishers”) legs – to catch a fish. The rest have to jump up to avoid the rope touches their legs. If the fisherman “catches a fish”, he/ she becomes a new fisherman and the games starts again. 29 4. DID YOU KNOW THAT 30 Did you know that… …International Play Association (IPA) which is an international, interdisciplinary, non-governmental organization founded in 1961, promotes the child’s right to play. …on 1st February, 2013 United Nations adopted the General Comment on Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the Child’s Right to Play as a fundamental human right: “That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the art”. …games are universal. …nearly all popular children’s games are children’s folk games, stretching back hundreds of years, embodying cultural knowledge. …games are being passed down generation after generation and most of them have never been written down. … games enhance learning process and encourage cultural awareness and exploration. …games are the most efficient way of upbringing essential life skills for children and anticipating their adaptation to their adult life. …many children get the most pleasure out of playing folk games even with all the new video games and other high-tech toys out there. …there are special games being played only during certain calendar festivals. …Lithuanian folk game “Master George” is the most popular game in Lithuania. 31 5. useful links 32 G a me “Mum m y ” ( “ Mo t ul e ” ) L ithu anian t r adit i o nal game s : “ Šia uč iuk as” , “ V i l k a o ud e g” , “ Ant žilv ičio k el mo ” , “ G r y b ų r aut ” L ithu anian B al t ic g ame “ Sheep and w o l f” L ithu anian mil l enni um s o ng s f e s t i v a l 2 00 9, “ B eans w hack ” ( “ P up u K ul t ” ) L ithu anian songs f e s t i v al 2 0 1 4 33