Portfolio Builder Tutorial

Portfolio Builder
Portfolio Builder Tutorial
Portfolio Builder offers many features allowing you to service your clients efficiently, with a clearly defined step-by-step
process for creating portfolio proposals. Construct an ideal portfolio using asset allocation models, client’s current
holdings, risk tolerance, and Morningstar’s comprehensive data. Use Portfolio Builder to build a new portfolio, compare
portfolios or combine existing holdings with new holdings to generate easy-to-understand reports that help clients make
informed decisions.
Portfolio Builder Flow Chart
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Accessing Portfolio Builder
When Portfolio Builder is launched, previously entered clients are displayed on the screen. Click the client name to access
that client’s profile. Alternatively, to add a new client profile, click the Add button.
The Navigation Pane, which maps the sections within Portfolio Builder, is available along the left side of every section in
the tool. Click Settings to change the tool’s operating language and currency.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Individual Client Profile
When accessing a client’s profile, view and edit personal information including name and contact information. Click the
Next button to continue.
Tip: Complete these fields and use this section as a database for client information.
Client Accounts and Investment Information
Enter the client’s existing accounts and its holdings in this section. Click the Add button to enter the client’s investment
details. Click the Next button to skip this step if you don’t have the client’s existing investment information.
Add Accounts
You can enter and save up to 50 separate accounts for each client in Portfolio Builder. Click the Add button to launch the
Find Securities screen.
Tip: Re-visit this investment information in the future for instances where prospects did not accept your initial proposal. Monitor the
performance of these investments and use any fluctuations as a conversation piece to resume talks for another proposal.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Searching for Holdings
The Investment List drop-down menu also allows you to specify investment types. Under the Find drop-down box,
indicate if the search is based on fund name or fund code. In the dialog box directly below, type in your search. For a
more refined search, use the radio buttons to indicate Begins with or Contains. Once the search criteria have been
entered, click on Go.
Once the results of your search appear, place checkmark(s) next to the investment(s) name and click on Add. Repeat this
process until all the investments the client holds are found. The added investments will appear in the table toward the
bottom of the screen. Click the OK button when complete.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
The holdings added have been saved for the account. You will be brought back to the Accounts page. Enter the
investment amounts and click on OK.
Proposal Setup
The next process is to create a new investment proposal. Previously created proposals are also archived in this area.
Click on the proposal name to access a previously created proposal. Click the Add button to create a new proposal.
Tip: Use the Last Modified column to identify the most active proposal for the selected client.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
In the Proposal Setup screen, name the new proposal and select which of the client’s current holding are to be included in
the proposal. In the Proposal Assets area, choose to base the proposal on either Investment Amount CAD or Current
Holdings. Choose Investment Amount CAD if you only know the client’s total investment amount and are unsure of the
exact holdings or if you’re creating a cash proposal. Enter a dollar value that reflects the investment amount and click on
OK. To use the client’s current investments, select Current Holdings. In the table below, remove the default checkmarks
in the Include column to exclude holdings that should not be assessed as part of their current investment situation. The
Lock feature secures the selected investment(s) to ensure it will appear in the proposed portfolio. Click Next to continue.
Risk Questionnaire
The Risk Questionnaire section determines the client’s risk tolerance. This will streamline the type of portfolio and
holdings to recommend to your client. Select the client’s answers and click on Next.
Tip: Click the Print Blank Questionnaire button to generate a PDF copy of the questionnaire to complete at a client meeting.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Risk Profile
The Risk Profile screen summarizes the investment style of the client based on the answers provided in the Risk
Questionnaire. Review this description with the client and if they do not agree this matches their investment objectives,
click the Back button to re-answer the questions. Alternatively, you can manually select a risk profile that you feel better
fits the client’s needs. Click the Next button to continue.
Asset Allocation
The Asset Allocation section compares the aggregate of the client’s current portfolio to target asset allocation model in
both a pie chart and percentage breakouts. The risk and return of the current portfolio and target asset allocation are also
displayed along with the other risk profile models. Click the Next button to continue.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Model Selection
In this area, select a model portfolio to be illustrated in the proposal. The portfolios that appear in the Select Model
Portfolio drop-down are isolated to only those that match the client’s risk profile. Custom portfolios previously created for
the same risk profile is also available in the Select Model Portfolio drop-down. Click the Next button to continue.
Current Portfolio
In this section, view the aggregate of the client’s existing portfolio compared against the model portfolio. In this section,
choose to “lock” the client’s existing investments. Locked investments are moved into the proposed portfolio ensuring
that these investments cannot be deleted. Also available from this screen is the Portfolio X-Ray. Click Next to continue.
Tip: Choose holdings in the Select column and click the Copy to Proposed button tool to move these holdings to the Proposed Portfolio
screen. This will provide the option of illustrating the option of combining existing holdings with new holdings.
The Lock feature could be used for client’s who choose to hold specific investments, or because the holdings may be GIC’s that have not
reached their maturity dates, or because the customer could incur DSC fees if the funds are sold prematurely.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Portfolio X-Ray (Current Portfolio)
The Portfolio X-Ray Report generates an aggregate snapshot of the client’s current portfolio. Information includes: asset
allocation, equity style, regional exposure, sector weighting and the top holdings within the portfolio.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Proposed Portfolio
The Proposed Portfolio area provides an opportunity to combine existing investments in a client’s portfolio with new
investments you recommend. Tools available from this screen include Portfolio X-Ray, the ability to save a custom
portfolio and add investments. Click on the Next button to continue.
Tip: Use the columns of data to evaluate the asset class weighting for each investment. This will help build a portfolio that closely the
target portfolio.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Portfolio X-Ray (Proposed Portfolio)
The Portfolio X-Ray Report generates an aggregate snapshot of the client’s proposed portfolio. Information includes: asset
allocation, equity style, regional exposure, sector weighting and the top holdings within the portfolio.
Save as Model
Use this tool to save portfolios where you have customized the holdings and/or weighting. Use these portfolios with
other clients with the same risk profile. Access these custom portfolios from the Model Portfolio section in the Select
Model Portfolio drop-down.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Add Investments
The search tool in the Proposed Portfolio section is slightly more advanced than the search tool found in the client
accounts section. This is to enable a more detailed search for investments based on specific characteristics.
Tip: Use the data points in the View drop-down menu to analyze potential investments to be added to the portfolio. For example, select
the Performance view if you want to find the best performing investment from the list of search results.
Action Plan
After creating a recommend portfolio in the Proposed Portfolio section an Action Plan will appear. The Action Plan outlines
the hold positions along with the buy and sell transactions needed to implement the recommended portfolio. Click the
Action Plan Report button to generate a PDF report for printing.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial
Portfolio Builder Overview
Proposal Reports
Portfolio Builder allows you to provide your clients with a variety of reports to review. The default settings has items preselected, however you may choose specific items for the report package ideal for your client. The reports package is
generated in a PDF format allowing you to print or email the documents. Click Generate to view the reports.
Tip: Use the up and down arrows next to the report names to rank the order the reports will appear in the proposal report.
Generated reports are automatically archived for future reference. If modifications are made to this client’s proposed
portfolio, the original proposal reports will still be saved in the archive.
Portfolio Builder – Tutorial