PBS Educator Resource Catalog Program Website ADD & Loving It?! http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/add_and_lo ving_it.html A Place of Our Own http://aplaceofourown.org/ American Experience Grades Teacher's Guide or Lesson Plan PreK-Adult Learning Links Literary Author Feature or Clip Timelines Video Library for students Interactives Community Resources • • • • • • Infant, PreK • • • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/teachers/i ndex.html 6-12 • • • American Masters http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters /category/for-educators/ 6-12 • • Angelina Ballerina http://pbskids.org/angelinaballerina/ Annenberg Media http://www.learner.org/ Antiques Roadshow • 3-6 Student Projects • • • • • • • PreK-Adult • • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/teache rs.html 6-12 • • • Arizona Stories http://www.azpbs.org/arizonastories/maini ndex.php 4-12 • • Arizona Stories: World War II http://www.azpbs.org/arizonastories/ww2in dex.php 4-12 • • • Art21 http://www.pbs.org/art21/ 6-12 • • Arthur http://pbskids.org/arthur/ K-4 • • • Baseball - A Film by Ken Burns http://www.pbs.org/baseball 6-12 • • • • Baseball - The Tenth Inning http://www.pbs.org/baseball-the-tenthinning/ 6-12 • • • • Between the Lions http://pbskids.org/lions/ PreK-4 • • • • Caillou http://pbskids.org/caillou/ PreK-1 • • • • • Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! http://pbskids.org/catinthehat/ • • • • Circus http://www.pbs.org/opb/circus/classroom/ci rcus-physics/ • • PreK-2 9-12 • • • • • • • • • • PBS Educator Resource Catalog Program Website Clifford the Big Red Dog http://pbskids.org/clifford/index-brdflash.html Curious George http://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/ Cyberchase http://www.pbs.org/parents/cyberchase Digital Nation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/d igitalnation/ Dinosaur Train http://pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain/ Electric Company, the http://pbskids.org/electriccompany/ Emotional Life, The http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/this_emotio nal_life.html Engineer Girl http://www.engineergirl.org/ Engineer Your Life http://www.engineeryourlife.org/ Faces of America Grades Teacher's Guide or Lesson Plan PreK-1 • • PreK-1 • 2-5 • 6-12 Learning Links Literary Author Feature or Clip Timelines Video Library for students Student Projects Interactives • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PreK-1 • • • • • 2-5 • • • • • • • 6-12 • 2-5 • • • • • 6-12 • • • • • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/facesofamerica/c ategory/for-educators/ 6-12 • • • • • Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman http://www.pbs.org/parents/fetch/index.ht ml 2-5 • • • • • 400 Years of the Telescope http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/400years_t elescope.html 6-12 • • • Frontline http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/t each/ 6-12 • • • Great Performances http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/category/fo r-educators/eduby-title/ 6-12 • History Detectives http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/e ducators/index.html 6-12 • Horizon http://www.azpbs.org/horizon/educators/in dex.htm 6-12 Horizonte http://www.azpbs.org/horizonte/educators/i ndex.htm 6-12 • • • • • • Community Resources • PBS Educator Resource Catalog Program Website Grades Teacher's Guide or Lesson Plan • 6-12 Human Spark, The http://www.pbs.org/wnet/humanspark/ Independent Lens http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/classr oom/ 6-12 • Jane Austen http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/newsletter/ 6/ 6-12 • KIPTown http://www.asset.asu.edu/kip/parents.html Los Ninos en su Casa http://losninosensucasa.org/ Martha Speaks http://pbskids.org/martha/ Masterpiece Mystery! http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/mys tery/index.html Masters of Disaster http://www.azpbs.org/mastersofdisaster/ Math Active http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/mathactive/ Maya & Miguel http://pbskids.org/mayaandmiguel/flash.ht ml MISSION US http://www.mission-us.org/ Nature http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/category/f or-educators/ NOVA http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/ NOW http://www.pbs.org/now/ PBS Kids http://pbskids.org/ PBS Kids Go http://pbskids.org/go/ PBS Padres http://www.pbs.org/padres/ Learning Links Literary Author Feature or Clip Timelines Video Library for students Student Projects Interactives • • • • • • • • PreK-K Infant, PreK • • • PreK-4 • • • 6-12 • • PreK-4 • • • • • • • • • • • PreK-12 2-5 • • • • • 5-9 • • • • • 4-12 • • • • 4-12 • • • • 6-12 • PreK-2 • • • • 3-5 Adult Community Resources • • • • • PBS Educator Resource Catalog Program Website PBS Parents http://www.pbs.org/parents/ PBS Teachers http://www.pbs.org/teachers/ Peep and the Big Wide World/Pocoyo http://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com/ Play With Me Sesame http://www.sesameworkshop.org/programs /play_with_me_sesame POV http://www.pbs.org/pov/educators/ Raising Hope: The Equal Voice Story http://www.asset.asu.edu/new/equal_voice .html RU There http://xoosh.net/ Sci Girls http://pbskids.org/scigirls/ Sesame Street http://www.sesamestreet.org/ Sesame Workshop http://www.sesameworkshop.org/ Sid the Science Kid http://pbskids.org/sid/ StoryCorps http://www.npr.org/series/4516989/storycor ps Super Why! http://pbskids.org/superwhy/ Teacher's Domain http://www.teachersdomain.org/ Grades Teacher's Guide or Lesson Plan Adult Learning Links Literary Author Feature or Clip Timelines Video Library for students Student Projects Interactives • • • • Adult • • • • • PreK-K • • • • • PreK-K • 9-12 • 9-12 • 3-5 • • 3-5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PreK • • • • • • • • • Adult PreK • 9-12 PreK-K • • 3-12 • • War, The http://www.pbs.org/thewar/edu_overview. htm 6-12 • • • We Shall Remain http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/weshallre main/ 6-12 • • • Wide Angle http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/catego ry/for-educators/ 9-12 • • • • • • • • Community Resources PBS Educator Resource Catalog Program Website Grades Teacher's Guide or Lesson Plan Learning Links Literary Author Feature or Clip Timelines Video Library for students Wired Science http://www.pbs.org/kcet/wiredscience/educ ation/ 5-12 • WordGirl http://www.pbs.org/parents/wordgirl/paren tsandteachers.html PreK-4 • • • WordWorld http://pbskids.org/wordworld/index_flash.ht ml PreK-K • • • Student Projects Interactives • • • Community Resources Eight Educational Outreach Services Title Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Series /Standalone Description Audience Content Area Format Annenberg/ CPB Teacher's Lab "Interactives" provides educators and students with strategies, content, and activities that can enhance and improve students' skills in a variety of curricular areas including: Shape and Space in Geometry, The Science of Light, Patterns in Mathematics, A Private Universe Project, Arts, History and Language. Educators & Administrators Geometry, STEM Face to Face FREE Annenberg Interactives Provides educators/students with strategies, content, and activities that can enhance/improve students' skills in a variety of curricular areas. Educators & Administrators STEM, Language, Literature, Math, Science, Social Studies Face to Face FREE PBSkids.org Safe interactive website for children to explore their favorite PBS shows and play games, watch videos, print out coloring pages/activities and more. Links to PBS Parents, and interactive website for parents and educators to find additional resources. Educators & Administrators STEM, Language, Literature, Math, Science, Social Studies, Literacy Face to Face • Both FREE PBSparents.org/PBSpadres.org Give parents/educators additional resources and strategies on how to reinforce topics covered through PBS activities and television shows. Parents/Educators Parenting, Disabilities, Ages/Stages Face to Face • Both FREE SUPER WHY! Reading Camps The interactive storybook camps stimulate literacy/reading readiness for 4-5-6 year old children. This program and its characters engage prospective kindergarteners in learning activities designed to reinforce and enrich their reading skills. Campers work on a different skill set linked to the Super Readers and practice letter identification, letter sounds, ALLfamily word recognition, and reading. Professional Development and resources for 25 students Literacy Face to Face $3,000 /camp PBS TeacherLine PBS TeacherLine gives pre-K-12 educators access to best in class online professional development. Over 130 online courses in all subject areas available for a school, district, or individual educator. PreK-12 Professional Development Online Courses STEM, Language, Literature, Math, Science, Social Studies, Literacy Online $199 up plus $50 coupon from ASSET PBS TeacherLIne Peer Connection Powerful online support for instructional coaches, mentors, and teacher leaders. Ability to share library of resources on specific areas of teaching to mentors. Online $1000/10 mentors and unlimited mentees STEM, Language, Literature, Online Support for Instructional Math, Science, Social Studies, Coaches and Mentors Literacy Cost Eight Educational Outreach Services Title Description Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Series /Standalone Cost Standalone $1,600/25 participants Audience Content Area Format Professional Development Workshop Social Studies, Technology Face to Face or Webinar Professional Development Workshop STEM Face to Face This workshop focuses on typical early language and emergent Early Childhood Parenting Class - literacy skills through a print-rich, literacy-rich environment. Many early literacy-learning activities that easily build on I Spy Through Elmo’s Eyes..Literacy Around the House preschoolers’ prior knowledge, expand their vocabulary and strengthen oral language development. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents This workshop focuses on using storytelling to develop a Early Childhood Parenting Class child's language and literacy skills and gives parents ideas A Picture Book is Worth a about how to most effectively enrich and expand the emergent Thousand Words! reading skills of their youngsters. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy, Technology Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents PBS Kids Island provides free reading games and activities for children, parents, caregivers. Learn how your child can build an online island carnival by playing reading games with PBS KIDS characters while increasing their reading skills. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy, Technology Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents This SUPER WHY! and Between the Lions based workshop Early Childhood Parenting Class - focuses on how young children start developing language. A Unlock the PBS Literacy collection of early reading games and activities that encourage Treasure Chest - Activities to alphabetic and phonological awareness skills are critical to a Promote Language Development youngster’s early literacy and language development will be provided. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Workshop focused on the integration of social studies PBS Social Studies Resources for resources including PBS web resources and the use of on air Grades 5-12 programming in the classroom such as Mission US, History Detectives, and Antiques Roadshow. STEM Resources on PBS Workshop focused on the integration of PBS STEM web resources and on air programming into the classroom. What do you do after watching a TV program or video? What Early Childhood Parenting Class - follow-up activities could extend the lessons from the programs? Explore how all PBS Kids on-air and online Discovering Literacy Using resources support this important work. Media Early Childhood Parenting Class Traveling the World-Wide Web – Seatbelt Buckled but No Passport Required! $1,600/25 participants Eight Educational Outreach Services Title Description Audience Content Area Format Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Series /Standalone Cost Early Childhood Parenting Class What are they thinking? Understanding Your Child’s Brain Development Learn how to strengthen early language and literacy in these early, critical years using the many resources found at PBS Parents for a greater understanding of emotional and intellectual growth of your child. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy, Brain Development Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Engage Preschoolers with PBS Online Resources Workshops Find out why these Arizona PBS Online Resources are the latest and greatest for your preschoolers. The Engage Preschoolers with PBS Online Resources workshop is designed to further develop child’s natural interest in technology and provide a safe online learning experience tied to literacy and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities that are aligned to Arizona Early Learning Standards and the National Reading Panel. Learn all about encouraging questions and problem-solving with these free resources. Complementary online and offline activities encourage families to read and explore their communities together for literacy activities. Internet safety and appropriate screen-time is discussed. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy, STEM, Technology Face to Face • Both $1,600//25parti cipants PBS Kids Island Participants will be explore www.readytolearnreading.org, which provides free reading games and activities for children, parents, caregivers and teachers to use at home or in the classroom. This site is specifically designed to build reading skills and aggregates the literacy-based activities, games and resources from PBS KIDS Raising Readers series that include SESAME STREET, SUPER WHY, WORDWORLD and BETWEEN THE LIONS for parents, teachers and kids in one place so it’s easily accessible in a cohesive environment. The site is built on a literacy framework, based on the National Reading Panel guidelines and funded by a Ready To Learn Grant from the U.S. Department of Education and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy, Technology Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Eight Educational Outreach Services Title Description Sesame Workshop’s Healthy Habits for Life Sesame Workshop's Talk, Read, Write Series /Standalone Audience Content Area Format Professional Development for Educators & Administrators Social Media, Technology Face to Face or Webinar The Reading Rockets website is a rich resource for launching young readers. Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young children learn to read, why so many struggle and how caring adults can help. Find out how Reading Rockets can inform and Professional Development for inspire parents, teachers, child care providers, administrators Educators & Administrators and others who touch the life of a child. Information will also be provided on ¡Colorín Colorado! This web service was developed by Reading Rockets to provide information, activities and advice for Spanish-speaking parents and educators of English language learners (ELLs). Literacy, English Language Learners Face to Face or Webinar • Workshop that offers simple strategies to help parents and caregivers instill healthy behaviors in children and ensure that they grow into strong adults. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Science, Physical Education, Health, Literacy, Music Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents This multi-media workshop provides parents with tools to help preschoolers along the exciting path from listening and speaking - to reading and writing! It includes activities, information and tips for making language and literacy development a fun part of everyday life for children. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Many of today's online tools make it possible for us to connect immediately with friends and family. Put these same tools to Professional 2.0 Professional 2.0: work for you professionally! Showcase your center online, Use Today's Social Networks to provide updates daily for parents through services like Twitter, Enrich Your Outreach to Parents encourage teacher and parent collaboration online through & Community Facebook. Help younger staff already tuned into these resources find out how to use them as an early childhood professional. Reading Rockets/Colorín Colorado Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Cost $1,600//25parti cipants $1,600/25 parents Eight Educational Outreach Services Audience Content Area Format Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Sid the Science Kid Find out why Sid the Science Kid is the latest and greatest resource for your future scientists. The "Sid the Science Kid" workshop is designed to further develop children's natural wonder and build a strong foundation for early science exploration. Learn all about encouraging questions and problem-solving on a shoestring budget with resources you have around the house. Online and offline activities motivate children to practice and internalize scientific methodology: "Observe! Compare! Contrast! Describe!" Learn how the Sid website is crafted to support a collaborative learning experience between child and adult and offers features that help adult mentors to support and participate in the child's learning process. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents STEM, Science, Early Childhood Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents Smart use of media Workshop designed to help adults use media as a way to help a child’s development by learning a variety of tips and resources available through PBS. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Litreacy, Technology Face to Face • Both $1,600/25 parents This workshop addresses the challenges and rewards of caring for a special needs child in your center or home. Participants Supporting Children with Special will become aware of resources available online and locally to Needs using Resources from A support their work with special needs children. Participants Place of our Own/Los Niños en will learn inclusion strategies for special needs children. All su Casa children have unique needs, and the needs of special needs children are similar to and different from other children. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Early Childhood Face to Face or Webinar • The What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel? training workshop explores anger, where it comes from, and how young children can gradually learn the self-control necessary to manage their anger and channel it into productive activity. It also suggests ways to intervene when children act out or lose control. Developed by Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Child Care Partnership, it features video clips with Fred Rogers and his neighbors, as well as early childhood educators responding to real life situation with children. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood is a PBS KIDS Legacy Program. Early Childhood Educators & Professionals Early Childhood, Classroom Management Face to Face • Title What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel? Description Series /Standalone Cost $1,600/25 parents Both $1,600/25 parents Eight Educational Outreach Services Description Audience Content Area Format Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available What's the Word on the Street This program helps children learn new words by using the Word on the Street materials which include activity sheets, podcasts, and an interactive word game. These materials all encourage children to explore words with all of their senses, encouraging children to jump up and act out words, read stories, make up songs, ask questions, and engage their imaginations. Word cards demonstrate the meanings of 26 different words and the back of each card shows a learning exercise that uses imaginative play and physical activity to get children thinking about the concepts they are learning. Teachers, Parents, Childcare Providers, Grandparents Literacy Face to Face • Reading Resources on PBS Workshop focused on the integration of early literacy resources including PBS web resources and on air programming into the classroom. Educators Literacy Face to Face or Webinar • Educators Social Studies, Technology Face to Face or Webinar Student Summer Session – Professional Development and resources for 25 students STEM, Math, After School Face to Face or Webinar Title If you are looking for new ways to get your students excited and engaged in history, geography, the arts and society, and a range of other topics, you've come to the right place. Integrate the study of material culture in a given community or society, the material objects that people make, collect, and use, which give insight into the beliefs and customs held by that community. (artifacts and objects) into your teaching, using Antiques Roadshow Primary Sources Workshop for Educators objects appraised on ANTIQUES ROADSHOW. Through questions, activities, and other resources, students take a closer look at the "things" people have used throughout history to create history — their own, their communities', and the world's — and gain new insights and a sense of wonder about the people and events of the past, the present, and perhaps the future. Cyberchase Summer Challenge A fun math- and STEM-related 8-week kids Cyberchase Summer Challenge. Kids earn points and collect rewards each time they make online games for others to play, do fun handson activities, play cybertrivia, and lots more. Series /Standalone Cost Both $1,600/25 parents $1,600//25parti cipants Both $1,600//25parti cipants $1,600//25parti cipants Eight Educational Outreach Services Title Description Audience Content Area Format Bilingual Materials & Trainer Available Series /Standalone Cost Invite Martha Speaks Reading Buddies into Your Literacy Program This professional development and parent component pairs with an 8-week long program hosted within a school or after school program. Kindergarten students are partnered with older elementary school students. Buddies visit with each other once a week to learn special new vocabulary words, play word games, watch a bit of Martha Speaks, read a book together, and then finally write about their experience. Research indicates that when children "buddy" up for learning wonderful things take place for both older and younger students! Educators & Administrators; Information for Parents Literacy Face to Face • Both $6500 to implement entire comprehensive program including professional development Language Arts Resources from PBS! Workshop focused on the integration of Language Arts resources including PBS web resources and the use of on air programming in the classroom such as The Electric Company. Educators Litreacy Face to Face or Webinar • Both $1,600//25parti cipants MISSION US Mission US is a multimedia project featuring free interactive adventure games set in different eras of U.S. history. The first game, Mission 1: "For Crown or Colony?," puts the player in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a 14-year-old printer's apprentice in 1770 Boston. As Nat navigates the city and completes tasks, he encounters a spectrum of people living and working there when tensions mount before the Boston Massacre. Ultimately, the player determines Nat's fate by deciding where his loyalties lie. Educators Social Studies, Technology Face to Face or Webinar Standalone $1,600//25parti cipants