PHYSICAL EDUCATION 101 SYLLABUS WILMOT UNION HIGH SCHOOL 10 MAJOR CONCEPTS/OBJECTIVES 1. Heart Rate Objective: be able to calculate personal Target Heart Rate. Objective: Know the importance of your target Heart Rate. 2. F.I.T.T Objective: Know what F.I.T.T stands for. Objective: Be able to apply F. I. T.T concept to improve or to maintain your current fitness level. 3. Warm-up Activities, Cool Down/Stretching Objective: be able to utilize warm-up, stretching, & cool down techniques during a workout. 4. Aerobic Training & Anaerobic Training Objective: Know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic training & be able to identify some activities for each. 5. Cardiovascular Training/Endurance Objective: Specific tests to evaluate personal cardio endurance. Objective: How can I improve my cardio endurance? 6. Resistance training & 6 major Body Areas Objective: Indentify the six major body areas as they pertain to resistance/strength training. Objective: be able to identify specific lifts (exercises) to target each of the six body areas. 7. Body Composition/Not weight Objective: be able to analyze personal body composition and their influences on health & fitness. Objective: Be able to identify & understand the risks of being overweight and underweight. 8. Nutrition & Hydration Objective: Be able to understand the components of a healthy diet. Objective: Identify and understand the importance of being properly hydrated as well as the risks of dehydration. 9. Goal Setting: Cardiovascular/Weights Objective: be able to design a fitness goal for yourself that is clear, realistic, and measureable. 10. Designing a Personal Fitness Program Objective: Be able to develop a complete and well rounded fitness program PHYSICAL EDUCATION 101 SYLLABUS WILMOT UNION HIGH SCHOOL Prerequisite: None Credit: .50 Description: Developing and maintaining personal fitness throughout one’s life begins with knowledge. Major concepts related to physical activity and fitness are presented in a format that equips the student with useful strategies to improve individual fitness. Specific activities are geared to assess and/or grasp major concepts crucial to establishing and maintaining lifelong fitness. Major concepts will be reinforced by the student actively participating in the Fitness Center which will include aerobic and anaerobic activities. Several team sports will be incorporated in this required course: basketball, softball, ultimate Frisbee, badminton, soccer, speedball, and team handball. Many of the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Physical Education are met upon successful completion of this course. THE UNITS WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON CLASS SIZE, WEATHER, GYMNASIUM SPACE, MATRITY LEVEL OF THE CLASS, AND EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. MAJOR CONCEPTS: 1. Heart Rate 2. F.I.T.T 3. Warm-up Activities, Cool Down/Stretching 4. Aerobic Training & Anaerobic Training 5. Cardiovascular Training/Endurance MAJOR CONCEPTS 6. Resistance training & 6 major Body Areas 7. Body Composition/Not weight 8. Nutrition & Hydration 9. Goal Setting: Cardiovascular/Weights 10. Designing a Personal Fitness Program GRADING POLICY - PHY ED 101 PERFORMANCE=75% Participation-Daily/Weekly points 18 weeks total (3-6 weeks) Final Runs for: 400; 800; 1200; 1600 Short Runs for: 40M; 50M; 55M; & 60M 2-3 trials will be taken same day Personal Weight Lifting program Computer Lab time warranted PRACTICE=25% #1-#10 Major Concept Worksheets One concept per week Practice Runs for- 2 times each run: 400; 800; 1200 Working In Computer Lab: Student working on personal cardio & Weight lifting programs A.C.E =Attitude, Cooperation, & Effort/Lab Articles (3-4) Pertinent to a Major Concept 7 Questions to Answer Personal Cardio Program Computer Lab time warranted Specific Cardio Assignments=Fitness Center Time Distance Calories ABSENCES: Students returning to school after an absence must assume the responsibility for making all work missed. The teacher reserves the right to provide an alternate assignment or activity for the work missed. Students who are provided an alternate assignment(s) are not guaranteed the same grading criteria. DOUBLE POINTS ARE AWARDED ON THE BLOCK DAYS! REDO’S: Redo’s on any assignment/activity are permitted at teacher discretion. The teacher reserves the right to give an alternative assignment. ATTENDANCE IS A MUST! ATTENDANCE IS A MUST! ATTENDANCE IS A MUST! WRITTEN SEMESTER EXAM = 25% WILMOT UNION HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT General Rules Expected Of All Students: ***REPORT ANY INJURY TO THE TEACHER IMMEDIATELY*** 1. Cooperation and sportsmanship to be displayed towards the teacher and all class peers. 2. No use of profanity. 3. The student assumes the responsibility for making up all missed work during an absence(s). 4. It is your responsibility to inform the teacher why you can’t participate that day. 5. Only a MEDICAL STATEMENT will officially excuse you from participation. 6. MANDATORY DRESS REQUIREMENT: Freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors will purchase and wear the required school uniform as mandated by the Wilmot School Board. In addition, a pair of athletic shoes is mandatory. It will be expected that shoes are properly tied so that they will not come off during active participation. 7. NO UNIFORM=NO PARTICIPATION FOR THAT DAY. Each no participation will affect the six week grading period/semester grade. More than two (2) no participation per six week grading period will result in failure for the grading period. The sixth (6) accumulative no participation will result in failure for the SEMESTER! You will NOT be able to “make –up “NO PARTICIPATION DAY(s)!!! Only excused absence(s) can be “made-up.” There are three (3) six week grading periods in a semester. Each six week grading period is 25%. The written semester exam will be worth 25%. Just because you dress for each class will NOT guarantee a passing grade-getting dressed is expected. 8. ATTENDANCE IS A MUST!! ATTENDANCE IS A MUST!! ***DOUBLE POINTS ON BLOCK DAYS*** 9. You are expected to be IN the LOCKER ROOM when the bell rings for the class to start and remain IN the locker room until the final bell rings. Coming late and/or leaving early without a pass WILL AFFECT your daily/final grade. This includes standing out in the hallway before the final bell rings. 10. Students are expected IN THE GYM no later than 5 minutes after the final bell. 11. You will be given only your locker combination- LOCK YOUR LOCKERS!! 12. The athletic locker rooms will be locked during the school day and access will not be granted. 13. NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES IN THE LOCKER ROOM. (School Policy) 14. COME TO CLASS WITH A POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY EVERYDAY!!! 15. Listen + Follow Directions (1st time instructed) + 100% Positive/Attitude=SUCCESS!! After you have LISTENED and READ ALL the above statements, SIGN your name and RETURN to the teacher. STUDENT NAME:_________________________________________________ DATE:______ PARENT/ GUARDIAN (signature)____________________________________ DATE:_____ (Freshman Only!)