PHYSICAL EDUCATION HPERD 101 COURSE Syllabus 2013 SUMMER OKKODO HIGH SCHOOL JAMES LUJAN Email 300-1870 ext. 1913/12/14 Phone Office WITHIN 15 MINS PRIOR TO FIRST BELL, Hours PREARRANGED APOINTMENT AND WITHIN 15 AFTER LAST BELL OF THE FAX DAY. MEN’S PE gymnasium Office Mission Statement Okkodo High School provides a respectful environment for Instructor quality learning that build knowledge in the 21st century. ESLRs Addressed: EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS. EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMICS. EMBRACE CULTURAL DIVERSITY. ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPECTFUL. Text: TEACHER PR0VIDED MATERIALS, SUCH AS: STUDY SHEETS, HANDOUTS . information taken from various Physical Education hand books and sports instruction and literature, as well as internet resources Description: PHYSICAL EDUCATION – HPERD 101 It is the objective of HPERD 101, To expose the student to as many areas as described in district standards: (G) Gymnastics & Tumbling , (A) Aquatics, (T) Team Sport, (D) Dance, (I) Individual/Dual Sport, and (L) Leisure and Recreational activities. Activities appropriate to areas designated for learning will be addressed. *** THE ACTIVITIES MAY BE CHANGED OR REPLACE D WITH OTHERS, DEPENDEING ON FACILITY AVAILABILITY DUE TO CLASSES ROTATION. FIRST SESSION IND./DUAL SPORT – PHYSICAL FITNESS TEAM SPORT – BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL SECOND SESSION IND./DUAL SPORT – PHYSICAL FITNESS LEISURE AND REC.-TABLETENNIS/BADMINTON Goals: IT IS THE GOAL OF HPERD 101 TO PREPARE AND DEVELOP STUDENTS WITH BASIC SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE IN LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE USING SPORT AND FITNESS ACTIVITIES. 4 KEY GOALS (OBJECTIVES) ARE: ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT – STUDENTS PHYSICAL FITNESS NEUROMUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT – SPORTS SKILLS COGNITIVE LEARNING – KNOWLEDGE AFFECTIVE LEARNING – SPORTMANSHIP, ATTITUDE, SELF-IMAGE, CHARACTER AND WELL-BEING Grading: Students will be graded as follows: 60% - Daily Participation 20% - Skills Test (as indicated through sports physical development) 20% - Knowledge (as indicated through written assignments and tests) REQUIREMENTS: EACH STUDENT IS GIVEN A COPY OF CLASS RULES, MAKE-UP WORK, GRADING, ETC. WHICH THEY ARE INSTRUCTED TO SHARE WITH THERE PARENTS AND RETURN SIGNED. COPY IS ATTACHED OKKODO HIGH SCHOOL Physical Education Policies and Class Rule Introduction Physical Education is an integral part of a student’s education. Our objective is for students to gain knowledge and skills that will help them lead an active and healthy lifestyle. It is our goal to provide each student with the opportunity to participate in as many areas of Physical Education: Aquatics, Dance, Gymnastics and Tumbling, Leisure and recreational games/Activities, Individual Sports and Team Sports. Excuses All students are required to participate in class every day. A doctor’s note is required for any student that has a temporary medical reason for not participating. This note must be given to the school nurse who will inform the teacher of the excuse and its duration. Students with a temporary medical exemption are still required to dress for class. Exemption due to day-to-day problems (headache, cramps, etc.) is at the discretion of the teacher. Dress Dress for Physical Education class; consist of a white T-shirt, dark shorts and athletic shoes. For Aquatics, boys need swimming trunks with a liner; girls need a bathing suit. Rings, earrings and necklaces can be a safety hazard in Physical Education. Please remove them before coming to class. In addition, students are required to shower. We suggest that each student bring a towel, deodorant (no aerosols or glass containers), and a lock to secure personal belongings during class. No make-up is allowed for non-dress. Lockers/locks Lockers will be assigned. Students are responsible for following all rules pertaining to its usage and in maintaining their lockers. Students must provide their own lock. All personal belongs must be placed in their locker. Do not leave belongings on bench. In an event of emergencies, inappropriately placed lock or suspicion of illegal contraband; locks will be cut and locker will be subject to search and seizure by the school Administration.. . The School, its Faculty and staff will not be held responsible or liable for lost, stolen or damaged items. Students will not be allowed to share lockers or combinations. Locks must be removed at the end of the class period. Absences Only three (3) absences will be allowed. The student may be removed from the program after the absences. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange with the teacher for work/tests missed within a reasonable amount of time (24 hours) after an absence. Physical education is primarily a participatory class, for each day of absence the student may run 4 loops ( 1 mile each loop) per day absent. Modifications may be made to accommodate students not being able to perform tasks due to circumstance. Ex: injury, illness, disability, etc…. teachers discretion. Other Rules 1. All school rules apply during class. 2. Follow all posted rules in the locker room, gym , class rooms and playing areas. 3. Inappropriate language is unacceptable in class. 4. leave valuables at home. No jewelry, phones, ipods, mp3’s camera’s are to be worn or used in P.E. classes. 5. Gum, candy, food, and drinks are not allowed in class or any of the physical education facilities, except for bottled water. No spitting anywhere on the school grounds, especially in the P.E. areas. It is against the law. 6. Restroom use should be taken care of prior to or after class. Students will not be released from class for these purposes. Report all injuries and inappropriate behavior to your teacher. 7. For the safety of all, avoid excessive horseplay and carefully follow instructions for each activity. 8. Equipment should be used only when a teacher is present. 9. Be courteous coming to or leaving class. Go around other classes still in session. Do not walk or run through them. 10. Be respectful to others – students, teachers, and staff. 11. Respect our school and our equipment – take care of ours surroundings and our equipment so others as may also have the opportunity to benefit and learn from what we have available to us. 12. A hat or cap and bottled water may be brought and used when activity is outdoors. 13. Report all injuries to the teacher resulting from class activity or resulting from eslwhere immediately. Grading Your physical education grade is based on the following factors and weighted as follows: 60% DAILY PARTICIPATION Every student begins each quarter with 100 points. Daily points will be added or subtracted for the following reasons: Non Dress -20 Incorrect Dress -5 Unexcused Absence -10 Non-Participation (refusal) -20 Excused Absence -5 Unexcused Tardy -5 Disruptive Behavior (gum, behavioral problems, etc.) -5 Not Showered -5 excessive (3) refer to office Make-up Work for Absences - 4 loops per day Extra/special assignments + ? (as designated) 20% WRITTEN TEST (S) AND ASSIGNMENTS 20% SKILL TEST (S) Mid-Quarter Reports, are progress grades and will reflect the area in which the student is experiencing the most difficulty – KNOWLEDGE (as shown through written work and exams), SKILLS, or DAILY PARTICIPATION. Computation of Session grades will be computed based in accordance with the Department of Education standards: 90 – 100% A 80 – 89% B 70 – 79% C 60 – 69% D Below 60% F (No credit earned) PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTLINE – FIRST SESSION Teacher: James Lujan Retention Fitness and sports is for students who have failed PE previously or upperclassmen who have not taken PE in the ninth grade. During this session, students will be exposed to activities in the area of individual/dual sport and team sport. Students will be expected to maintain a minimal average of 60% in daily participation. Individual/Dual Sport The student will be expected to have a basic understanding of the safety, skills, and terminology related to physical fitness as demonstrated through a test of knowledge with at least 60% accuracy. The student will be able to execute the basic exercises of fitness with a minimal of 60% success rate. The student will successfully work with a partner at least 60% of the time. Team Sports The student will be expected to perform basic level performance activities for basketball and volleyball. The student will successfully work on his/her own or with a partner at least 60% of the time. COURSE OUTLINE – SECOND SESSION Retention Fitness and sports is for students who have failed PE previously or upperclassmen who have not taken PE in the ninth grade. During this session, students will be exposed to activities in the area of individual/dual sport and team sport. Students will be expected to maintain a minimal average of 60% in daily participation. Individual/Dual Sport The student will be expected to have a basic understanding of the safety, skills, and terminology related to physical fitness as demonstrated through a test of knowledge with at least 60% accuracy. The student will be able to execute the basic exercises of fitness with a minimal of 60% success rate. The student will successfully work with a partner at least 60% of the time. Leisure and Recreation: (Aquatics if available) The student will be expected to perform basic level activities for table tennis and badminton. The student will successfully work on his/her own or with a partner at least 60% of the time. HINTS FOR MONITORING YOUR CHILDS SUCCES RATE To assist your child in successfully completing the course, you might try the following: - Remind your child to take PE clothing daily and to keep an extra set in his/her homeroom locker. - Regularly ask your child if he/she dressed and participated that day. - Ask the child to demonstrate or explain the skills learned in class. - Ask your child to explain the rules of the activity, to tell you about any history pertinent to what is being done in class, or to explain any unfamiliar terms. If your child is having difficulty or not understanding, please call so we can discuss the problem or make an appointment to see me. The sooner this is done, the more chance we have working together to help your child succeed. PRINCIPAL ENDORSEMENT:_____________________________________ Dr. Patricia Taitano PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTLINE – FIRST/SECOND SESSION Teacher: James Lujan During each semester, students will be exposed to activities in the area of individual/dual sport and team sport. Students will be expected to maintain a minimal average of 60% in daily participation. Retention Fitness and sports is for students who have failed PE previously or upperclassmen who have not taken PE in the ninth grade. Summer school sessions 1 and 2 Physical fitness P.E. Goals Class rules & policies Pre-test – fitness exercise = 1st and 2nd session Post-test – fitness exercise = 1st and 2nd session Fitness gram Nature and purpose: - benefits to fitness - deceases relating to being unfit - types of activities related to fitness Target heart rate Components of fitness aerobics endurance muscular endurance flexibilities body composition Daily exercise routine Knowledge test Fitness gram post test ( used as skill grade based on national results) rubrics rating scale Pickup games for1st session Basketball and volleyball Pickup games for 2nd session – table tennis, badminton and mini-soccer. PRINCIPAL ENDORSEMENT:_____________________________________ Dr. Patricia Taitano OKKODO HIGH SCHOOL 2013 SUMMER PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION OF YOUR POLICIES AND RULES TO THE TEACHER. I have read the Physical Education Policies and Class Rules and understand what is expected of me in this class. **** The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus needs dictate. Student Signature Date Print Name PE Period I have reviewed the Class Policies and Rules and know what is expected of my child in physical education class. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Print Name Direct contact phone #. ______________________ PRINCIPAL ENDORSEMENT:____________________________________ Dr. Patricia Taitano