GENERAL INFORMATION OCTOBER 2009 TUTOR RECRUITMENT (A) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Introduction The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) was first established as the Open Learning Institute (OLI) of Hong Kong in 1989 in recognition of the need for greater provision of local tertiary education places. It acquired university status in 1997. The OUHK is a dedicated provider of higher education mainly through distance learning. It is open to everyone aged 17 or above, regardless of their academic background. The OUHK academic units - School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, School of Education and Languages, School of Science and Technology, and Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education - offer a range of programmes from certificate, diploma and higher diploma, associate degree through degree and honours degree, to post-graduate studies. The OUHK‟s main campus is located at 30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Kowloon. In 2000, the Island Learning Centre, located at 4/F., Shun Tak Centre, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong was opened for use. 2. 3. The OUHK’s primary objectives are: a. to provide a range of courses and programmes at sub-degree, degree and post-graduate degree levels; b. to enable students to enrol in courses at their own pace and study in their own chosen locations; c. to provide study facilities and face-to-face tuition to support those students; d. to deliver courses by multi-media means to students with widely differing learning preferences and needs; e. to ensure that exit performance standards of degree programmes and OUHK degrees are equivalent to those of other universities in Hong Kong and elsewhere; f. to strive to meet the perceived needs of Hong Kong society by offering a suitable range of courses that students want to take and can afford, and g. to provide opportunities for staff development in order to maintain the OUHK‟s mission to provide an appropriate education for its students. Tutor’s Roles & Duties There is often confusion about what distance education involves. „Correspondence teaching‟ has become associated with courses in which the sole source of teaching is the course material and work submitted by students is marked only for assessment purposes. In distance education it is recognised, however, that course material alone cannot meet all the needs of individual students. In fact, there is a need to supplement it by providing each student with some form of individual tuition. 1 At the OUHK this is accomplished through the formation of tutorial groups and allocation of a tutor to each group of students. The tutor offers each of his/her students personal help through face-toface sessions, the telephone, Internet or other means of communication, and by written comments on submitted work. With the tutor‟s advice and guidance, a student should be able to overcome personal difficulties both with the course content and with his/her methods of learning as an independent student. It is essential for anyone considering working as a tutor for the OUHK to appreciate the special nature of the work. Even those experienced in teaching similar course content at a conventional, face-to-face institution find that they need to develop different communication skills in order to become a successful tutor in distance education. A tutor at OUHK must be willing therefore to listen to and consider advice from the University's staff on how best to carry out his/her duties. a. Face-to-face Sessions The face-to-face sessions may take several forms: regular tutorials, day schools, surgeries or laboratory sessions. i) Tutorials: Tutorials are scheduled meetings between a group of students and the tutor assigned to them. The tutorials are linked to specific units in course materials and their purpose is to assist students with problems specific to those units. Tutors can choose either to discuss areas of interest with all students or invite students to bring up problems for discussion and help. The tutorials are normally between 2-3 hours long. ii) Day schools: Day schools are lecture-type meetings and smaller tutorial-type meetings which are concerned with the general development of the course content. Day schools are normally half-day or full-day meetings that can be scheduled at anytime during the course and usually take place at weekends. iii) Surgeries: Surgeries are scheduled regularly throughout the semester and are open to all students of a particular course. During a surgery, the students have the opportunity to benefit from one-to-one „consultation‟ with a tutor. They are often held on weekdays and are attended by 1 or 2 tutors. iv) b. Laboratory sessions: Laboratory sessions are considered as practical work which requires students to come into the laboratories at specified centres to carry out experiments and submit experiment reports. These sessions normally take place at weekends and may last for 2-3 hours or a day. Telephone, Internet or Other Means of Communication A tutor is expected to initiate contacts and be accessible to students by telephone, Internet or other means of communication as specified for the course. Tutors are expected to allocate at least 4 hours per week for such contacts. A tutor is required to adhere to the University‟s policy on using email as the primary means of written communications. Some OUHK courses are delivered via the Internet using the online course delivery system – the OLE (Online Learning Environment). Most of the courses on the OLE are created using a web-based integrated educational environment called WebCT while others are created using other courseware. Tutors of these courses are expected to use their computer equipment to provide online communication with the students. They need to contact students and respond to students‟ queries using email and/ or Discussion Board and Chat Room. 2 Contacts by tutors will vary greatly from, for example, checking that a student will hand in an assignment on time or trying to explain a piece of theory. The amount of contact will vary from student to student and a tutor will need to establish with his/her group exactly how and when contact is made. Certainly a tutor must expect such contact to be an important element in his/her day-to-day relationship with students. c. Assignment Grading The major part of a tutor‟s work will be grading assignments, the marks for which form a substantial percentage of the final grade for the course. However, it must be appreciated by the tutor that the assignments are also to be used as an important teaching tool. Any criticism of a student‟s work must be carefully phrased to avoid destroying the student‟s confidence and enthusiasm for his/her studies. Tutors will need to familiarise themselves fully with all of the components of the course in order to provide total guidance through their written comments which try to help students overcome any problems or misunderstandings they face with the course content. While comprehensive marking schemes are provided to tutors, the provision of written comments is something that a tutor must consider carefully as it will be specific to each student. Making useful teaching comments on a script will be the most difficult part of a tutor‟s work. For courses that are delivered using the online environment, tutors are expected to mark and give comments on the assignments via Internet. Each tutor‟s work especially on assignments will be monitored by the course coordinator and the external examiner to ensure that both the assessment and the written comments are of the required standard. Tutors will be given feedback on various aspects of their teaching. d. Other Duties In addition to the teaching of course content there are other important contributions to be made by the tutor. Independent learners can often feel isolated from an institution which communicates via print or electronic materials. Therefore, an OUHK tutor provides the 'human face' of the institution to its students, and reassures them about problems in areas not directly related to course content, e.g. study methods. In this and the other types of work, the tutor will be able to call on the University‟s full-time staff to assist with or, where necessary, take over a student's problem. A further role of the tutor is in helping with the development of the course. For example, where courses are imported, there is always a danger that the content is culturally inappropriate. In such cases, the OUHK reviews courses with this in mind and provides additional material as necessary, and the tutor should feel free to contribute to this process on the basis of his/her local experience. More generally, tutors are seen as a major source of advice on how course content and presentation can be improved. Tutors are expected to work with the course coordinator to identify any problems with the course and to find solutions. It is hoped that tutors will feel part of the academic team and as such contribute to the short and long-term planning of programmes. While most of the OUHK courses are offered in the distance learning mode, some courses are offered in the face-to-face taught mode. Normally, a tutor will conduct face-to-face teaching with a group of students for 2-3 hours on a weekly basis. The total teaching hours are usually around 45 hours per semester. In addition, the tutor will be required to mark assignments and provide guidance and support to students through the telephone, Internet or other communication channels. 3 A tutor may be assigned to take up special duties, e.g. teaching practice supervision. In some courses offered by the School of Education and Languages, a tutor may be appointed to take up the role of a „Teaching Practice Supervisor‟ who will be required to carry out “practicum visits” to assess students‟ teaching performance through classroom observation, and to provide guidance on their teaching. The teaching practice supervisor will also be required to conduct day schools on the relevant courses. 4. Academic Calendar One-semester courses run from October 2009 until March 2010, while two-semester courses run from October 2009 to September 2010. Because of the spread of assignments and tutorials over the presentation, tutors are therefore expected to be available during all of this period. 5. Hours of Work A tutor‟s weekly loading varies according to the length, level and characteristics of each course, the assignment schedule and, in particular, the number of students and tutorial groups assigned to him/her. A tutor‟s personal factors would have impact on his/ her weekly workload as well. In general, a tutor‟s weekly loading will not exceed 17 hours throughout a course presentation. 6. Remuneration An attractive remuneration package will be offered. 7. Tutor Training & Development It is the University‟s policy to provide necessary training opportunities to tutors for effective performance of their jobs. A Tutor Orientation and Training Course has been developed for new tutors. It comprises self-study course materials and about five face-to-face sessions. The first session is tentatively scheduled on 19 September 2009. Full attendance at tutor training sessions is mandatory and a Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon successful completion of a Computer Marked Assignment. In addition, all new tutors are also required to attend an online course on Online Training for Tutors to be held from 12 October 2009 to 11 November 2009 to equip them with the necessary online delivery skills. Other training opportunities, e.g. Professional Development Seminars, will also be arranged for tutors to enhance their knowledge and skills in open and distance education. 4 (B) SUB-DEGREE, DEGREE AND POST-GRADUATE DEGREE COURSES OFFERED BY SCHOOLS Summary list of courses to be offered in October 2009 Presentation School of Arts and Social Sciences A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills A101 University English Writing Skills A122 Presentation Skills A200 Analysing English Grammar A335 Culture and Translation AC163C 中國人文學科基礎課程 (二): 思想與信仰 AC171C 應用文 AC172C 語文通論 AC200C 普通話 II AC240C 中文傳意:理論與實踐 AC251C 翻譯導論 AC254C 傳譯基礎 AC264C 歷代散文 AC270C 中國文學與文化導論 AC273C 詩詞選 AC291C 邏輯與方法論 AC293C 中國古代哲學思想 AC352C 實用翻譯 2 (公共行政及傳播媒介) AC360C 新聞、編輯及廣告 AC381C 史學方法 AC383C 中國近代史 (1840-1949) AC392C 明末以來中國思想史 AW213C 香港歷史 (1842-1997) CS202C 當代中國文化 CS301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China CS304C 中國當代史 D315 Crime, Order and Social Control DD303 Cognitive Psychology DSE212 Exploring Psychology EC203 Hong Kong Economy EC231C 微觀經濟學導論 EC232 Introduction to Macroeconomics EC312 Intermediate Macroeconomics EC313 Introductory Econometrics EC315 International Trade ED209 Child Development PA301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong PS203 Psychology for Law Enforcement 5 PS204 Security Practice and Management PS303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese Societies PS304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and Security Studies SS101 Social Sciences: A Foundation Course SS112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學與政治學 SS201C 政治學導論 SS202 Hong Kong Society SS211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong SS313C 社會研究原理 SS317C 社會心理學 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration B103 Business Communication I B121 Business Computing with Internet Applications B123C 中文微型電腦應用 B171 Business Statistics B171C 商業統計學 B191C 商業關係與溝通 (一) B211 Introduction to Accounting I B211C 會計學導論 (一) B240 Principles and Practices of Management B240C 管理原理與實務 B250 Introduction to Marketing B250C 市場學導論 B262C 商業法 (一) B263 Business Law II B264C 中國商業法 (一) B280 Introduction to Financial Management B290 Organizational Behaviour B290C 組織行為學 B313 Management and Cost Accounting B318C 資訊系統管理 B319 Advanced Business Computing B321 Advances in Information Technology: Systems Administration B331 Company Accounting I B334 Company Law II B342 Training and Development B342C 培訓及發展 B351C 中國金融專題 B352C 中國市場學 B354C 中國企業策略 B355C 華人企業專題 6 B366 Marketing Communications B368 Business Issues and Ethics B371 Logistics B371C 物流管理 B378C 中國會計 B381 Commercial Banking B386 Financial Decision Making B386C 財務決策 B387 International Financial Management B390 International Business Management B390C 國際商業管理學 B399 Management Policy and Strategy B399C 管理政策與策略 B407 Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I B410 Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice B415 Taxation II B417 Auditing II B421 Information Systems Audits, Security and Control B440 Strategic Human Resource Management B469 International Marketing and Strategy B480 Management of Financial Institutions B813W Business Concepts and Practices for Legal Professionals I B814CW 商業概念與實務在法律專業的應用 (二) B819 Concepts and Practices of Contemporary Business Administration B819C 當代工商管理概念與實務 B820 Strategy B823C 經濟理論與實務 B824 Managing Human Resources B831C 策略管理 B833C 企業財務 B834C 人力資源管理 B834CW 人力資源管理 B837 Human Resource Management in China B841C 市場管理實務 B842C 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 B843CW 中國民法原理與實踐 B843W Principles and Practices of Chinese Civil Law B845CW 中國企業法 B845W Chinese Laws on Enterprises B848CW 國際商業法與中國 B848W International Business Law and China B849CW 中國憲法原理與實踐 B849W Principles and Practices of Chinese Constitutional Law 7 B850 Investment and Portfolio Management B853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 B855CW 商業法比較研究 (一) B855W Comparative Study of Business Law I B861 Accounting for Corporations B862 Finance for Corporations B863 Financial Reporting Environment B866 Audit Theory and Practice B867 Managerial Control Systems B868 Corporate Law B870 Electronic Commerce for Managers B871 Internet Technology B874 Advanced Electronic Commerce Applications B890 International Management Strategy B891 International Marketing Strategy B892 Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy B893C 亞太區管理策略研究 B897 Corporate Administration and Secretaryship B898 Issues in Corporate Governance B950 Business Research B950C 商業研究 B980 Directed Studies in Business B980C 商業專題研究 L802C 中國民法 L803C 中國商法 L811C 國際經濟及貿易法 L814C 法理學 L815C 中國知識產權法 School of Education and Languages E160C 兒童研究 E162C 幼兒教育:家長的參與 E210C 課程理論、設計與評估 E220C 教育與社會 E261C 幼兒教育課程規劃 E263C 兒童的個別差異 E264C 幼兒的早期學習經驗 E311C 教育行政 E332 Primary School Teaching: English E339C 小學教學:普通話 E341CF 普通話為中文科的教學語言:理論與實踐 E801 Educational Research in Action 8 E805C 教育領導與管理 E810 English Studies for Language Teaching E811C 教學中文學科研究 E813C 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 E817 Learning, Curriculum and Assessment E854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 E872C 教學專業課題研究 E880 Learning and Teaching Liberal Studies EIT150 Microcomputing for Learning EL071W Basic Chinese 1 EL072W Basic Chinese 2 EL100 English for Effective Communication I EL130C 中國語文運用 (一) EL150C 普通話基礎課程 EL210 English for Effective Communication II: Listening and Speaking EL230C 中國語文運用(二) EL320 English Grammar in Context EP841C 專業技巧:小學教學 EPP841 Skills in Teaching Primary School English ES362C 中學教學:中文 ES363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools ES862C 專業技巧:中國語文教學 ES863 Professional Skills: Teaching English School of Science and Technology CT211 Fundamentals of Communications Technology CT311 Wireless Communications EN251 Organic and Physical Chemistry EN320 Environmental Impact Assessment EN335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling EN341 Environmental Legislation and Management M121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics M280 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis M336 Groups and Geometry M359 Relational Databases: Theory & Practice MDST242 Statistics in Society MT258 Computer Programming and Problem Solving MT260 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems MT263 Discrete Structures MT311 Java Application Development and Programming Languages MT356 Software Engineering and Project Management MT365 Graphs, Networks and Design 9 MT368 Networks and Distributed Systems MT411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital Multimedia & Java Mobile Games MT450 Applied Computing Project MT811 Java Programming for Web Applications, Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices MT888 Multimedia Technology NU104C 精神健康 NU202C 行為科學(護士科目) NU213C 專科護理學 NU214C 治療性精神護理學 (二) NU310 Professional Nursing Practice S122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth Science S205 The Core of Life S271 Discovering Physics S301 Conservation and Biodiversity T213 Materials: Engineering and Science T225 Analogue Circuits T323 Information Theory and Digital Communications T334 Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology T396 Artificial Intelligence for Technology U101 Introduction to Information and Communications Technology U216 Environment: Change, Contest and Responses U234 Web Site Design U238 Quality and Reliability 10